Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1894 Leaving Huangzhu

Lu Li said, "They don't know as much as you."

The woman was stunned and her cheeks turned redder: "How do you know?"

Lu Li took a sip and said, "Do you even need to ask? Even if they don't stop for a moment every day, they only come into contact with a few people. But you are different. The coming and going of customers here every day is more lively than the street... "

Only then did the woman understand what Lu Li was talking about, and she couldn't help but glared at Lu Li angrily: "So you came here to inquire about information."

Lu Li smiled and said, "Then what do you think I'm here to do?"

The woman rolled her eyes at Lu Li and said, "I thought you were here to do business with me. I'm short of money recently, not to mention a pretty girl like you."

Lu Li slowly took out a storage bag and placed it on the table: "Although it's not business, I won't let your trip go in vain."

The woman's eyes lit up and she grabbed the storage ring from the air. After checking it, she was even more delighted: "What do you want to ask?"

Lu Li said: "Has anything significant happened in the spiritual world in the past thousand years? Something that is refreshing or refreshing?"

The woman smiled and said, "If you ask me, you are asking the right person."

Lu Li suddenly became interested.

The woman continued: "Two major events have happened in the spiritual world recently."

"The first thing is that the Xuantian lineage suffered heavy losses, and the entire Xuantian sect in the third heaven has fallen apart."

"Except for the top power Tianxing Sect, which is guarded by strong men from the fourth heaven and is able to survive, the territories of other affiliated sects have been carved up by other factions."

Lu Li was surprised and said: "It's so miserable! Did the other five factions join forces?"

The woman shook her head: "No, it is said that he was attacked by a strong man from the evil way. According to the survivors of the Tianxing Immortal Realm, that man was already incredibly strong. He killed dozens of Golden Immortal elders from the Tianxing Sect with just one move. ”

"Destroyed dozens of golden immortals with one move!"

If this person's expression hadn't been natural, Lu Li would have thought that this person was making up a story to scare him.

You must know that the highest level that the Third Heaven can accommodate is only the peak cultivation level of the Golden Immortal. Are all the Golden Immortals of the Tianxing Sect just paper tigers that are of no use?

This is obviously impossible.

Lu Li frowned: "Where did that person come from?"

The woman said: "I heard his name is Lu Li. The strong men from the Tianxing Sect who have come down from the fourth level are already fuming. They are looking for traces of this man everywhere. They say they will cut him into pieces if they find him."

Lu Li's eyes widened: "What did you say!"

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing."

"I would like to ask, how did they know that the evil cultivator's name was Lu Li? Did he admit it himself?" Lu Li had already guessed something at this time, and couldn't help but feel secretly annoyed.

"That's not true, but before he left, the man set up a monument at the inner gate of Tianxing Sect. It said..." As the woman ate, she casually explained the key points to Lu Li.

Lu Li was so angry after hearing this that he picked up the wine glass and took a deep sip.

Absolute sorrow!

It was definitely that bastard Jueshang. Apart from him, Lu Li really couldn't think of anyone in the world who would do such a thing.

Fortunately, I had inquired about the information in advance. Otherwise, if I had rashly revealed my identity, I would have fallen into a trap.

After he calmed down a bit, Lu Li suddenly frowned and said, "This is wrong. Who would destroy someone's sect and deliberately leave their name behind? Isn't this just asking for trouble?"

"Are the envoys of the Tianxing Sect so stupid that they can't see that this is a deliberate frame-up?"

The woman shook her head and said: "I don't know about this, but since the person left his name, I think that even if the person on the monument is not the real murderer, he must have an inseparable relationship with the murderer, maybe from the Tianxing Sect. Is it possible that people want to find the real murderer through it?”

Lu Li nodded in agreement: "That makes sense. However, it's probably not that simple to arrest someone in the Immortal Realm based on just one name, right?"

The woman said: "It is indeed impossible for ordinary people, but the sect of Tianxing Sect is also the top sect of the fourth heaven, and their methods are beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

Hearing this, Lu Li felt extremely heavy.

This is really troublesome.

If he was just an ordinary passerby, even if he was framed by Jueshang, he could still prove his innocence. But the key is not that he is, he is a key person on Xuantian Palace's wanted list.

If this was caught by Xuantian's lineage, those people would probably be more excited than catching Jueshang himself.

Perhaps Jueshang took advantage of this and wrote his name on it?

But why did he do this? Wasn't he afraid that he would really be killed by Xuantian Palace? Ye Xuantian would take control of the Three Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda again. What good would this do to him?

"Sir, you are distracted."

At this time, the woman suddenly picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Is the wine not good enough, or am I not attractive enough?"

Lu Li smiled softly and raised his glass to greet you: "Sorry, I always want to understand the key when encountering novel things. The wine is very good, and you, the shopkeeper, are also very attractive."

The woman giggled, and the two killer weapons on her chest seemed to jump out: "Young Master is really good at talking."

Lu Li said: "Didn't you just say that there are two major events? Is there another one?"

The woman smiled and said, "There's one more thing, it's about the Lost Land."

Lu Li looked puzzled.

The woman said: "You haven't even heard of the Lost Land, have you?"

Lu Li said: "To be honest, I am a person who doesn't know much about news. Unless I am going on a long trip or want to drink, I never ask for news."

The woman said: "Okay, then I will tell you, the so-called Lost Land is actually..."

The drinking lasted for half an hour.

The wine was very strong, and the woman looked a little drunk. She lay on the table, holding the storage bag tightly in her hand, as if she was afraid that Lu Li would snatch it away.

Luckily for Lu Li, he poured the last drop of the wine jug into his mouth, then stood up and walked downstairs slowly.

He was originally going to go north.

Now he is more determined in his mind, not for anything else, but because of the Lost Land.

From what the woman just said, the Lost Land is a place of opportunity that everyone yearns for, full of various ancient sites, various fairy beasts, fairy medicines...

However, it is also full of dangers. People with less than the True Immortal cultivation level who enter it basically cannot survive for more than three days.

He is now in the Xuanxian realm, so naturally he will not miss such an opportunity.

Because there are not many such opportunities, the Lost Land is normally shrouded in fog. In this case, even if a Golden Immortal enters, there is only one way to die.

But recently there has been a turn for the better. The fog in the Lost Land has begun to thin, and it has entered a new cycle. It is said that this opportunity only occurs once every five thousand years, and each time lasts for a maximum of one hundred years.

Under the lights of the night, Lu Li was walking on the road out of the city.

Tonight, Sifang City was not lively. All the True Immortal cultivators who had some ideals had left. They gave up their enjoyment and fought to the death for this Lost Land that only occurs once every five thousand years.

Although Lu Li was afraid of death, he would not give up the opportunity to become stronger quickly because of uncertain dangers. Otherwise, he would have stayed in the Supreme Heaven and not come out.

In the night, the Fantasy Moon Snow Lotus bloomed with dazzling light, dragging its long tail, and headed straight for the Northern Tianhe.

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