Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1898 The Angry Blind Man

Blind Tu turned his head to look at Lu Li and said hoarsely: "Little guy, you seem to be afraid of me?"

Lu Li looked calm on the surface, but in reality he was secretly wary: "Senior has such a good reputation, it's hard for this junior not to be afraid."

Tu Blind smiled sinisterly and looked at the dark cave: "It seems that you still have some knowledge. That's good, it will save me the trouble of talking. Let's go in?"

It seemed that Lu Li was actually being used as a pathfinder.

Lu Li couldn't help but frown: "Senior..."

Tu Xiazi interrupted in a deep voice: "I never speak a second time. You, a little Xuanxian in the early stage, don't challenge my patience."


Lu Li secretly thought that he was unlucky, but he didn't think he could escape from a late-stage Golden Immortal strongman in this situation, so he could only drift towards the cave obediently.

Blind Tu remained motionless in the air, looking at Lu Li from a distance.

Lu Li came to the entrance of the cave. After a slight hesitation, he got in. When he took a closer look, he saw that it looked like a cave hall where practitioners had lived. There were also stone beds, tables and chairs inside.

However, apart from these household utensils, there are no other unnecessary things inside. Not to mention treasures, there is not even a single insect.


While Lu Li was looking around, Blind Tu suddenly appeared next to Lu Li like a ghost.

Is this old guy really blind or pretending to be blind?

Lu Li turned his head and looked at Tu Xiazi and said, "It's empty inside. There is nothing except some tables, chairs and beds. However, there is a cave in the front right, and I don't know where it leads."

Hearing this, Blind Tu couldn't help but look forward to the right, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth: "It seems that you, little guy, are quite honest and did not deceive me."

Lu Li was stunned: "Senior, can you see this?"

Blind Tu snorted coldly: "What does it have to do with you? Lead the way!"

are you crazy!

Lu Li was secretly annoyed, and then used his pupil technique to take a look inside. Although the pupil technique at this time was already difficult to see through the same level of restrictions, it was still possible to increase the visual distance.

But looking at it this time, I only saw a stone wall at the end. I don't know if it turned suddenly or if it was just this long in total.

Then he put away his eye skills and slowly walked into the dark cave.

While walking, Lu Li suddenly felt a ray of light coming from beside him. When he looked back, he found that there was an extra moonstone in Tu Xinzhi's hand, which made him feel a little strange.

What does this old guy mean?

If he could see it, he wouldn't need the moonstone at all given his cultivation level. But if he couldn't see it, what's the point of using the moonstone?

This cave is not short.

Lu Li and the two were worried about touching the hidden restrictions, so they didn't walk fast. It took a full quarter of an hour before Lu Li finally reached the stone wall he saw before.

He looked around, turned around and said, "Senior, it seems there is no way out."

Blind Tu held up the luminous pearl and walked forward, shining east and west at the stone wall. From time to time he would tap the stone wall with his crutch, as if he was checking whether the stone wall was a mechanism passage.

Lu Li felt something in his heart and couldn't help but stare at the stone wall and study it carefully, but in the end he found nothing.

"its not right?"

"If the passage is really limited to this, then what was the purpose of digging this passage for the cave owner?" Just when Lu Li was about to give up, a question came to his mind.

has a problem.

Big problem.

The more Lu Li thought about it, the more something was wrong. A purple light flashed in his eyes and he continued to look around.

Don't tell me yet.

After his careful investigation, he discovered an unusual place.

He discovered that a very inconspicuous stone was embedded in a bowl-shaped depression at the top of the passage, which looked like it was attached to the bottom of the depression.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is actually a very small gap between the stone and the pit. If Lu Li hadn't used his pupil technique, he would have ignored it.

"Could it be that the mechanism is not working?"

Lu Li just glanced at him casually, then calmly looked back without saying anything.

Because in this case, even if the stone in the mouth of the bowl is really a trap, and there is a real opportunity to open the trap, I am afraid that this opportunity will not fall into my hands.

"Little guy, did you find anything?"

Blind Tu held the moonstone and banged it for a long time, but in the end he couldn't find any mechanism. He turned around and asked Lu Li.

Naturally, Lu Li would not tell Blind Tu the real situation.

Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything. Maybe the owner of the cave wanted to open another cave, but for some unknown reason, he stopped digging after digging here."


Tu Xiazi said angrily and walked towards the cave hall outside. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Follow me."

After Lu Li heard this, he slowly followed behind.

Arriving on the platform outside the cave hall, Tu Xiazi put away the moonstone and said in a neutral tone: "I need a guide. Your cultivation level is just right. You can follow me from now on. I won't treat you badly." of."

As he said that, he took out a medicine bottle, poured out a dark pill from it and handed it to Lu Li: "Take it, and you will be my man from now on. No one in this world can bully you."

The elixir stunk to the sky, as if it had been soaked in a latrine for decades, making people sick to smell it. It was not a good thing at first glance.

Lu Li felt like there was a volcano in his heart that was about to explode.

But in the end, he slowly took the elixir, looked at Blind Tu, and said anxiously: "Senior... what kind of elixir is this?"

Tu Xiazi's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "If I let you eat it, then..."

Snapped! ! !

Unexpectedly, before Blind Tu could finish his words, Lu Li flicked the black pill into his mouth. At the same time, the surrounding space distorted and disappeared directly.

A burst of laughter echoed in the mountains: "Hahaha! Old man, you should keep such a good thing for yourself and enjoy it. I will not accompany your grandfather!"

vomit! ! !

Blind Man Tu dug at the roof of his mouth with his fingers, and at the same time contracted his abdomen to force out the black pill.

But he didn't dare to be careless.

He hurriedly took out another green pill and stuffed it into his mouth. After adjusting his breath for a while, he finally stood up and gritted his teeth and said, "Very good! I haven't seen such a smart little guy for a long time."

After saying that, his body became blurry and disappeared.

But what surprised Tu Xiazi was that after he carefully searched millions of miles around, there were many practitioners around him, but he could not sense Lu Li's aura.

"You run pretty fast, but do you think you can escape from me like this?" Tu blind man said with a sneer, and then continued to gallop towards the north in a flash.

But after a while, he flew back again.

Standing in mid-air not far from the cliff cave, he looked around for something. When Lu Li's breath was still gone, he teleported out in another direction again.

Not long after, Blind Tu came back again, this time his brows furrowed deeper, and he muttered in disbelief: "Did this little bastard really run away?"

After saying that, he teleported towards the east in a flash.

After going back and forth like this four or five times, he finally got angry and roared loudly: "Little thing, you'd better not let me catch you!"

The rolling sound waves shook the jungle for dozens of miles around, which showed how angry the blind man was in his heart at this time. After venting for a long time, the blind man left angrily and never came back.

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