Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1909: One after another

Lu Li stood on a large rock.

Behind them are steep cliffs covered with miscellaneous trees, and in front of them is a large river forty to fifty feet wide.

The river surface is calm and the water is green.

Lu Li stared at the calm river for a while, then looked back and said to Fang Man, "Are you sure this is where it is?"

"This should be marked on the map."

Fang Man said and handed the map in his hand to Lu Li. While Lu Li was checking the map, he pointed at a strange and uneven rock not far away and said:

"Senior, look over there. That strange rock that looks like a lion should be the lion-shaped stone mentioned above..."

Lu Li looked at the strange rocks, which indeed looked a bit like stone lions.

So I walked over and looked back and forth.

This so-called treasure map only said that there were ruins here, but did not say where the entrance was. This made both Lu Li and Lu Li confused at the moment.

However, after Lu Li looked carefully for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up. He found a stone slab lying flat on the ground at the tail of the stone lion.

The stone slab looked like it had been specially polished, and the upper end was semicircular, a bit like a stone door covering the ground.

What made Lu Li a little speechless was that there were a few words engraved in the center of the stone slab.

"This is the entrance!"

Fang Man looked at the big characters and his eyes widened.

That's right, the words "This is the entrance" are engraved on the stone door.

It gives people a sense of ridicule, as if they are afraid that others will not know that there is an entrance under this stone slab.

"It's not a scam, right?"

Fang Man was excited at first, but quickly calmed down.

This is too unreasonable. Who would make a treasure place that was finally found known to the world?

Lu Li said nothing, still frowning and looking at the stone tablet.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed: "Someone is coming!"

As he said that, he grabbed Fang Man's arm, then jumped up and landed behind the trees halfway up the cliff, saying in a deep voice: "Contain your breath!"

When Fang Man heard this, he immediately held his breath and said nothing.

Lu Li pressed the magic formula, and the surrounding space squirmed, and a transparent space barrier emerged, covering the two of them.

The space barrier has the effect of blocking Yuan Shen's exploration. As long as the other party's cultivation level does not exceed yours by too much, even if you use Yuan Shen to detect carefully, it is impossible to sense the fluctuations in their lives.

And Lu Li had just finished all this.

A flash of light flew upstream from the river and along the canyon.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a middle-aged man in cloud robes with a sword at his feet. He looked very imposing.

The middle-aged man in Yunpao had just appeared when another stream of light chased him behind him. It was a woman in her thirties or forties with a jade gourd hanging from her waist.


The middle-aged man in cloud robe stood in the middle of the river and looked around, then pointed in the direction of the stone lion and flew over.

The woman followed closely behind.

The two of them looked back and forth around the stone lion just like Lu Li did before, and finally walked around behind the stone lion, looking at the stone door on the ground full of black lines.

The jade gourd woman said: "Senior Brother Yun, this is too childish. We won't be fooled, right?"

Yun Yao shook his head: "It's hard to tell. You step back first. I'll open it and take a look. We'll know after a closer look."


The jade gourd woman turned around and retreated to the middle of the river, looking at Yun Yao from a distance.

Yun Yao rose into the air, stepped back slightly, then bluffed his fingers, condensed a huge force of immortal energy in his palm, transformed into an earth-attribute palm print, and smashed it hard towards the stone door.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The violent aftermath rolled around, shaking the surrounding stones, and even the stone lion was blown into the river.

But what is surprising is that even with such a fierce blow, the stone door was not damaged at all.


Looking at the intact stone gate, Yun Yao couldn't help but be secretly surprised. Even though he didn't use all his strength in the late stage of Xuanxian, this blow was quite strong, wasn't it?

But this stone gate didn't move at all!

The jade gourd woman flew over and couldn't help being surprised when she saw this scene. She said happily: "It seems that this stone gate really has a doorway. Maybe there are ancient sect ruins behind it!"

"It seems like this is really the case?"

Yun Yao couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, "I'll try again."


Just when Yun Yao was getting ready to attack again, the Yuhu woman suddenly interrupted Yun Yao's movements: "Someone is coming."

"Is there anyone?"

Yun Yao frowned and looked at the towering stone wall in front of him: "Go and hide up there."

As he said that, the two of them flew up the cliff in a flash, but the landing place was not the bush where Lu Li was, but behind another bush with the same lush foliage.

Fang Man looked at Lu Li with strange eyes.

The corner of Lu Li's mouth twitched, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart: "Didn't you say that this treasure map is unique? Why are you all running here now?"

Fang Man lowered his voice and said, "I didn't say anything?"

Lu Li was stunned: "You mean, there is more than one copy of this treasure map?"

Fang Man shook his head.

Lu Li asked: "What do you mean?"

Fang Man said: "I can't figure it out either. When I went to the cave on the island, the cave was closed. There was a corpse inside and a treasure map. The origin of the treasure map was written on a piece of paper next to it."

"I think no one should have been to that cave before. Otherwise, the treasure map would have been taken away long ago, and there is no way it would be left there waiting for me to pick it up."

"So, how these people learned about this place, I don't understand."

What Fang Man said is reasonable.

But how did these people know that there were ruins here? He found it so accurately, it was obvious that he didn't come here by chance.

call out--!

Just when Lu Li was puzzled, suddenly there was a flash of light on the river, and an old man with white hair and a ruddy complexion appeared in the middle of the river. He had a big belly, like a woman who was eight months pregnant.

He glanced left and right, suddenly frowned, and flew over the stone gate.

When he saw the brand-new soil around the stone monument, the red-faced old man’s brows deepened, “Has anyone been here?”

Thinking of this, his spiritual power surged, and he began to explore the surroundings. Soon, he sneered, looked at the jungle where Yun Yao and the two were, and shouted:

"Two fellow Taoists! Since you've been here a long time ago, why don't you come out and see us!"

The peak of Xuanxian!

Yun Yao smiled bitterly, knowing that he could no longer hide it. If his cultivation level was lower than his own, he could still hide it, but there was no point in hiding it anymore at this time.

Unexpectedly, just when the two of them were about to fly off the cliff, the red-faced old man suddenly jumped and landed next to Yun Yao and the other two: "Don't worry! Someone is coming again."

Hearing this, Yun Yao and the two couldn't help but look stunned, and then sat back with twitching faces.

Sure enough, just as the three of them sat down, several more piercing sounds came from the valley mouth in the north. This time, more people came, five in total.

But they all look young.

Cultivation levels are also uneven. Those who are high are in the middle stage of Xuanxian, while those who are low are only at the peak of Earth Immortal.

Several people wear the same sect badge on their chests. They are undoubtedly sect disciples. The pattern of the badge is a green cloud and a medicinal herb, which is said to be the symbol of Cuiyun Sect.

A young man in the middle stage of Xuanxian flew at the front, with a thin face and red lips, fluttering clothes and quite elegant appearance.

What few outsiders know is.

This person is Nie Feifan, the grandson of Nie Tang, the current leader of Cuiyun Sect.

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