Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1942 Underground Palace

Long Shuang stared at the sand dune for a few seconds, then suddenly jumped into the air, gently waved his bare hand forward, and suddenly the wind howled and swept towards the sand dune.

Dust and sand block out the sun.

Wrapped in the howling wind, it was swept towards the northern jungle.

It didn't take long for the dozens of miles of sand dunes to completely disappear, leaving only a hole lying flat on the ground. It could be faintly seen that the hole was covered with a layer of gray barrier.

Everyone ran away in a flash and started discussing around the entrance of the cave.

Some people think that there must be great opportunities down here, while others are worried about whether there will be any danger down there.

Long Shuang's eyes flickered slightly and he looked at Xiao Ke: "Headmaster Xiao, this barrier does not seem to be dangerous, but the situation below is not clear. Is there any way you can test it?"

Xiao Ke looked around: "There is a way, but what benefit can I get?"

No one spoke.

Long Shuang said: "Well, if Fellow Daoist Xiao is willing to explore the way for everyone, how about you choose one of the treasures inside?"

After speaking, she looked at the crowd and said, "Do you have any opinions on this proposal?"

Everyone shook their heads and expressed no opinion.

Long Shuang looked at Xiao Ke again.

Xiao Ke thought for a while: "Okay, then I will reluctantly do it and be a pioneer for everyone, but the ugly words will come first. This is what you agreed to. If you regret it then, don't worry about Xiao's falling out. "

"Headmaster Xiao is willing to take action, but I will be the first to refuse to agree to anyone who wants to go back on his word." Nie Tang looked at Xiao Ke with a smile.

"Haha, I hope so."

Xiao Ke said lightly, and then released his black monkey. Seeing this thing, everyone who followed could not help but express surprise. They could see at a glance that this monkey was not simple.

Xiao Ke ignored everyone, communicated with the black monkey for a few words, and then let it fly into the cave.

After a while, Xiao Ke also walked towards the entrance of the cave. As he walked, he said: "Everyone, there is no danger inside. If you are not afraid of death, just follow me."

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed behind.

It turned out that under the barrier of the cave entrance was a wide stone staircase. The stone steps slowly descended for more than a hundred steps, and then they came to the entrance of a wide avenue.

The stone walls on both sides of the broad road are carved with many mysterious patterns, including cows, ghosts, snakes, gods, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns.

Every once in a while, there is a lampstand on the stone wall. Inside the lampstand is placed a moonstone for lighting, but it is of no use at the moment and the light is very dim.

The black monkey walked at the front, looking left and right with his head and squeaking from time to time.

This passage seemed very long, and everyone walked for about a stick of incense without reaching the end. This made some people become annoyed and wished they could just dodge and fly over.

But at this time, the black monkey suddenly stopped, jumped back at the same time, landed on Xiao Ke's shoulder, pointed forward and shouted.

Long Shuang asked: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ke said: "There are hidden restrictions ahead."

Hearing this, everyone's originally bored expressions immediately turned into vigilance. Nie Tang asked: "What kind of restriction?"

Xiao Ke said: "It's impossible to tell."

"I'll try."

An elder from the Purple Light Sect came out after hearing the words. He held out a round mirror and looked in front of him. Suddenly a pillar of fiery red light shot out from the mirror.

Bang! ! !

The next moment, the beam of light hit the void fifty feet in front, making a dull loud noise, and then a layer of blue barrier like water waves emerged.

"It's just an ordinary identification restriction."

Long Shuang said lightly when he saw this, and then flicked his finger, and a snow-white flying knife hit the barrier with a snap, and then the barrier trembled for a while before exploding.

Identification bans are often used within sects, mainly to identify sect tokens. When people without tokens pass the ban, they will be excluded and are basically non-aggressive.

From this we can see that this place is most likely a sect ruins.

The barrier was broken, and everyone continued to move forward. The rest of the journey went very smoothly, and they never encountered any hidden restrictions.

But after walking for a while.

However, one or two forked roads suddenly appeared in front of everyone, one going straight to the left and the other going straight to the right.

This left everyone undecided.

"Headmaster Xiao, which way are you going?" Long Shuang looked at Xiao Ke. It seemed that she didn't really want to go with Xiao Ke, and the others also had their own thoughts.

"Me? It doesn't matter, either way is fine."

Xiao Ke naturally understood what these people were thinking. He had not encountered any hidden restrictions after walking for so long, which made everyone think that it was safe here.

If they act together again, when they encounter treasures in the future, they have to let him pick one first, but if they act separately, whoever finds the treasures will belong to him.

Long Shuang thought for a moment after hearing this, then suddenly patted the leather bag on his waist, and a strange purple-green bird flew out from it, pointed to the right and said: "Lead the way!"

The wind is in the wild!

Seeing the strange bird, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly lamented for Feng Zaiye. This guy was so unlucky. He fell into Long Shuang's hands and received no respect at all. He was treated like a slave.

Feng Zaiye had already smoothed his horns at this time, and was no longer the unruly wind thunderbird he once was. He listened to the instructions and did not resist at all, so he waved his wings gently and flew towards the right branch.

Whether it was intentional or not, the moment he set off, he turned back and glanced at Lu Li. It was this look that made Lu Li feel the loneliness and unwillingness in the other person's eyes.

Lu Li clenched his fists lightly, but still didn't say anything.

Long Shuang led Nie Tang and another old man to follow the Wind Thunder Bird, and then two other Golden Immortals from other sects followed after a moment of hesitation.

"Master Xiao, we are leaving too."

The elder of the Purple Light Sect saw this, his expression slightly changed, he bowed to Xiao Ke, and then flashed to the front and rushed out.

The other four latecomers saw this, and also said goodbye and followed the elder of the Purple Light Sect.


"A bunch of ungrateful people, they are quite good at choosing places, not taking the forked road, but shamelessly taking the main road!" The third elder of the Taiyin Sect saw this and said angrily.

Xiao Ke smiled and said, "It's okay. No one can predict the fate of a person. Maybe the main road is more dangerous."

"Besides, since there is a fork road here, there is no guarantee that there is no fork road elsewhere. So which one is the main road and which one is the fork road? No one can make a conclusion until the end."

"Xiao Daoyou, what you said makes sense." Tu Xiazi agreed.

"Oh! Stop talking nonsense. Let's go quickly. No matter whether it is the main road or the fork road, if you leave too late, you may not be able to pick up a hair!" Wu Guangtou touched his head and said impatiently.


"Hehe, Wu Daoyou's words are rough but the truth is not rough. Let's go too." Xiao Ke said with a smile, and then drove the black monkey into the fork road on the left.

Lu Li and his group followed slowly behind. This fork road is very long, and as expected, not long after walking, another fork road appeared in front of them.

But this time, everyone did not separate again, but continued to hold together and walked straight forward.

In this way, two days passed quickly.

Lu Li and his party were completely numb. Not only was the road extremely long, but there were countless forks in the road, making the entire underground world look like a giant maze.

That day, Lu Chengxian couldn't help complaining:

"What a hell of a place. I didn't see it by chance. It's full of forks. I'm afraid I'll get lost if I go any further!"

"This should be an abandoned underground sect. Maybe we're going in the wrong direction and haven't found the real core of this sect. Otherwise, let's take another fork?" Qin Feng suggested.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is right..."

"Wait, look over there!"

Just then, Granny Wang, who was walking on the far left, suddenly pointed to the fork on the left: "There seems to be a palace over there?"


When Lu Li heard this, he was instantly refreshed and stopped to look to the left.

Sure enough, there seemed to be a square at the end of the passage. At the deepest part of the square, some palace eaves appeared, but it was difficult to see the whole picture, and he didn't know if it was what he was looking for.

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