Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1945 Taiwei Ancient City

Qin Feng said: "I don't have any plans. As a casual cultivator, the world is my home. As long as I can improve my cultivation, it doesn't matter where I go."

"You are so free and easy."

Lu Li shook his head and said, then jumped up and landed on the top of the stone mountain.

Looking up, he saw a boundless sky river in the distance, but unlike the three heavens, there was no purple thunder above the sky river here, which means that there is no need to worry about the thunder attack all the time.

"Old Tu, do you have a fourth-level flying fairy weapon?" Lu Li flew down and asked Tu Xiazi.

"Yes, yes..."

Tu Xiazi looked hesitant, but in fact he was worried that Lu Li would not follow martial ethics.

"If you have it, take it out?"

"Hurry up, there is a sky river outside, and my flying machine is not even a fourth-level one. If I encounter extreme weather or sea beasts, I am afraid it will not be safe enough." Lu Li urged.


Hearing this, Tu Xiazi sacrificed a leaf-shaped fairy weapon, and then the spiritual light rose, turning into a size of more than ten feet, hovering in front of everyone.

"Good stuff."

Lu Li's eyes lit up, and he said something that made Tu Xiazi shudder, and then he flew to the front of the leaf.

Everyone saw this and jumped up.

What made Tu Xiazi secretly relieved was that Lu Li did not ask for his Liuli Jade Leaf, but urged him to hurry up and find a place with people to get information.

Under Tu Xiazi's control.

The Liuli Jade Leaf broke through the air and soon went out to the sea from the east of Lock Dragon Island.

Because he didn't know where he was now, Tu Xiazi could only pick a direction at random and bite the bullet to hurry on.

The Tianhe River in the fourth heaven is indeed much more dangerous than the third heaven.

They had only been gone for a few days when they encountered several attacks by sea beasts, each of which was at the level of the third-level Xuanxian. Even if they were four or five feet above the sea, those sea beasts would fly up and bite them.

And each of them could call the wind and rain, with amazing abilities.

Fortunately, the people on Lu Li's side were not vegetarians. Except for Lu Li himself, they were all good at Golden Immortals. They could easily kill them without Lu Li's help.

Bai Bai gave Lu Li his demon pill for nothing.

It was not an exaggeration to say that these sea beasts were the boy who sent money.

Of course, Lu Li would not leave any benefits to the three evil men.

He always only took demon pills, and only took the wind and thunder attributes that he could use. The rest of the attributes and demon beast materials were left to Tu Xiazi and the other three to distribute.


There was a problem on the way.

That is, they seemed to have gone in the wrong direction.

After flying on the sea for more than a year, everyone realized that something was wrong. Along the way, there were more and more sea beasts, and the sea beasts were getting stronger and stronger.

Later, even sea beasts in the late Golden Immortal stage were very common, and even a Golden Immortal peak powerhouse like Tu Xiazi began to feel a little tricky.

This was obviously abnormal.

Logically speaking, the closer to human activities, the rarer the sea beasts should be, and the weaker their strength should be. How come there are more and more sea beasts and they are getting stronger and stronger?

"Go north!"

That day, Lu Li withdrew from his practice. After hearing Qin Feng's reminder, he immediately decided to change the direction.

You know, this is the fourth heaven. If it is just a golden fairy-level sea beast, it will be fine. If they encounter a fairy king-level sea beast, they will be in big trouble.

Fortunately, they finally chose the right direction this time.

As they went further north, the number of times they encountered sea beasts also decreased rapidly, from several times a day at the beginning to once every few days, and in the last few months, they might not encounter a sea beast.

Although the harvest was less, fortunately, there was no need to worry anymore.

Finally, after continuing to rush north for two years, they finally came to a huge fairyland.

This fairyland was larger than any one Lu Li had seen before. Looking around, it was all endless mountains and fields, with birds and beasts running around in the mountains, and the ecology was excellent. It didn't seem like a place that was often visited by humans.

"Master, where are we going?"

Blind Tu controlled the Glazed Jade Leaf to hover on the top of the mountain and asked Lu Li.


"We came from the south, and this place should be the southern part of this fairyland. It's always right to go north." Lu Li looked around and said calmly.


Blind Tu responded neatly and drove the Glazed Jade Leaf to continue to gallop towards the north.

Qin Feng asked: "Boy, what do you think?"

Lu Li said: "First find a city to inquire about the news, and then I will find a place to practice in seclusion, you can do it yourself."

Blind Bao's expression changed when he heard this: "Master, are you going to let us go free?"

Blind Tu and Guangtou Wu heard this and immediately looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li looked at the three people strangely: "Do you think it's possible?"

The three were silent.

Lu Li said: "In fact, I don't have to tie you up by my side."

The three looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li said: "I can allow you to move freely."

"However, I have one request, that is, when I need your help, you must come back and listen to my orders, is that okay?"

"No problem!"

After hearing this, Bao Longzi agreed immediately.

Although they are still under Lu Li's control, at least they don't have to follow Lu Li's buttocks all day long as slaves, in a disguised way, they can be regarded as regaining their freedom.

Tu Xiazi also agreed.

Wu Guangtou chuckled: "Boy, aren't you afraid that we will run away and not come back?"

Blind Tu and Deaf Bao's faces suddenly darkened, and they had the urge to kick this guy down.

Fortunately, Lu Li did not mean to regret it. He smiled and said: "You can not come back, as long as you are not afraid of the backlash of the Blood Soul Scripture and promise not to meet me again in the future."

"Master, don't be angry. You know, this guy is not very smart..." Deaf Bao hurriedly tried to smooth things over.

"It's okay, I just said it casually." Lu Li smiled and waved his hand, and then closed his eyes again.

This kid is really getting more and more powerful.

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, and he felt that his vision was not bad.

Once upon a time, Lu Li was just a small Qi Refiner in Qingyang Sect. In the blink of an eye, he has come to the fairyland and is doing well.

He also did not expect that the person he tried his best to kill would become his son-in-law now. It was really fate.

"Grandma Wang, when you reach the fourth heaven, you should go your own way. You don't need to follow me anymore. If you find Yue'er first, then stay by her side and listen to her arrangements." Qin Feng said gently to Grandma Wang.

Since he came to the fairyland, he has been able to come to this point smoothly thanks to Grandma Wang's care. Otherwise, he would not know when he would have to wait to reach his current level of cultivation.

And Grandma Wang has never received any reward from him from beginning to end. According to Grandma Wang, she is just carrying out a mission.

"But." Grandma Wang hesitated to speak.

"No buts!"

"Your mission has been completed. My current level of cultivation is about to surpass yours. You should understand that it is not very useful for you to stay by my side now. Instead, it will tie my hands and feet."

Qin Feng seems ruthless, but in fact it is for Grandma Wang's good. In this way, the other party does not need to be nervous about following him anymore, and can do her own things with peace of mind.

Granny Wang naturally understood Qin Feng's intentions, and sighed softly: "Okay, I'll leave when I find the nearest city."

And this day didn't take too long.

After flying in the vast mountains for three months, they saw a huge human city. On the tall city wall, the four words "Taiwei Ancient City" were hung.

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