Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1956 Goodbye Wu De

"You! You..."

Chu Kongming suddenly stood up from his seat and pointed at everyone in disbelief, "You! You... didn't tell me earlier! It's really not fun... Hahahaha!"


Then the whole crowd burst into laughter.

They looked like a bunch of guys who were trying to harm their ancestors. I wonder if their ancestor Chu Quan would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

However, even if the blame was passed successfully, the thief still had to take it. Otherwise, they would not be able to explain to Chu Quan in the future.

So after everyone planned for a while, Zhongbao City began to impose martial law.

The guards in the city lord's palace were divided into two groups: light and dark. They may investigate at the city gate, or they may transform into passers-by and wander the streets, trying to find traces of the thief.

These are just minions. Of course, they are not expected to catch the thief with their own hands. They are just trying to find out their whereabouts and provide clues to the people above.

However, after half a month of open and covert investigations, the Chu family did not gain any useful clues. Although they were a little angry in the end, after guessing the origin of the person, the top brass of the Chu family were not as disappointed as they imagined.

Because, they hate to understand that even if they, the powerful Mystic and Golden Immortals, see that person with their own eyes, they may not dare to take action against him.

Sunset and dusk.

Outside the south gate of Zhongbao City, there are many people who have gone out for training and are rushing towards the city gate. Some are dejected, some are scarred, and some are smiling. The various expressions mean that these people have different gains, joys and sorrows. Nor are they consistent.

Zhongbao City does not collect city fees, and there are many city gates, so even though there are many people entering the city at this time, there will be no congestion.

"Hey, I really had a narrow escape from death this time. I really need to reward myself this time when I go back to make sense." A sturdy young man said as he walked.

"Hey, reward? Are you going to Baihua Tower, or..." the person next to him said with his eyes lit up.

"Why are you going to Baihualou! That kind of place is really cheap. This time I plan to go to Baiyunju. That's the place where a high-end person like me should go!" said the tough man with disdain.

"Baiyunju? Isn't it just a restaurant? What's there to do? Are you ready to drink some wine to kill yourself?"

"You know nothing! For poor people, Baiyunju is just an ordinary restaurant, but for rich people, that place is really fun." The tough man said, lowering his voice:

"Let me tell you, Baiyunju actually has special services, but most people don't know it. The girls there are all top-quality, green and juicy, and they are not comparable to the black fungus in Baihualou."

"Seriously!" the young man next to him said in surprise.

"Why are you lying to me? Last month, I saw with my own eyes a wretched old man inviting a pretty girl into the room. After a long time, the girl limped out. Do you understand? "The tough man winked.

"How obscene?"

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from behind the two of them, which startled them both.

"Wo Ri, who are you! You are talking suddenly from behind, trying to scare someone to death." The tough man's face turned pale, and he turned around and said angrily.

"Hey, I'm sorry." The plain-looking young man in green clothes grinned and cupped his fists slightly. This person was Lu Li, who had spent several years of effort to come here from the Tainan Immortal Territory.

As luck would have it, when he followed the team into the city, he happened to hear the two people muttering all the way. Out of curiosity, he followed behind, but unexpectedly he suddenly heard the words "wretched old man".

These words seemed to have a natural attraction for Lu Li, because he had often called Wu De a wretched old man in the past, so he instinctively approached him and asked.

Unexpectedly, it almost scared the two of them out of their wits.


The tough young man glared at Lu Li, turned around and left.

The people next to him were also speechless and followed him without saying a word.

"Are you so timid?"

Lu Li glanced at the two of them strangely, but did not continue to pester them. He just asked this question out of the blue, and did not really think that the person was Wu De.

Because it was uncertain whether Wu De had ascended at this time, and even if he had ascended, he would probably have gone to the demon world and would not be in the fourth heaven of the fairy world at all.

As evening approaches, sparse lights have been lit on both sides of the wide street, accompanied by the sound of chatter and laughter along the way, giving people a warm and safe feeling.

It really deserves to be the first city in Qianyuan.

It was really lively.

Lu Li looked at the pedestrians on the long street and couldn't help but sigh to himself. After stopping for a moment, he continued walking forward. After a while, he finally stopped at the door of an antique restaurant.


"Is it such a coincidence?"

Lu Li looked up at the sign upstairs and walked in slowly.

Baiyunju's business looks really good.

The spacious first floor is full of seats, with noises and glasses clinking one after another.

There is no trace of the ethereal elegance of a cultivator, but more like a secular restaurant.

"Master, welcome." The petite and lovely maid stepped forward and bowed slightly to Lu Li, greeting her warmly.

"I'm looking for a place to drink, and I'm going to get a room on the way. Is there any room left?" Lu Li looked around and said casually.

"Yes, there is a place on the second floor, and it is cleaner than here. Master, please come with me." The little maid said with a smile, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Lu Li followed behind and soon reached the second floor. The upper floor was indeed much cleaner than the first floor. If the lower floor was a restaurant in Jianghu, then the upper floor was the study room of literati and elegant guests.

Looking around, each dining area is separated by a partition. There are landscape flowers and plants on the partition. Everyone is drinking, talking and laughing, and no sound is heard.

It can be seen that these separate dining areas are all soundproofed.

"Master, there is an empty seat over there, what do you think?" The maid pointed to the second recessed dining area on the right in front of the passage.

However, Lu Li did not respond.

The little maid looked at Lu Li and realized that Lu Li was staring intently at an area at the end of the passage. You can vaguely see a little old man in gray sitting there, eating and drinking.

The old man has a thin face, a small nose, squinted eyes, a slightly pointed chin, a mustache on the top and a goatee on the bottom. From a distance away, Lu Li felt an aura of wretchedness coming toward his face.


The maid reminded Lu Li again.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

Lu Li finally came to his senses and rubbed his eyes at the same time, "Did you see the little old man sitting in the back?"

"You see, he has lived with us for a long time, and he comes here to drink every night. What, sir, do you know him?" the little maid asked curiously.

"It turns out it wasn't me who was dazzled."

Lu Li was overjoyed when he heard this. He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Give me a table of the best food and wine you have here and send it to that little old man."


The little maid didn't think so much, and turned and left happily.

After Lu Li paused slightly, he also walked towards the end of the passage. This passage was more than ten feet long, but Lu Li did not walk for long. In fact, he ran across it.

As soon as he got closer, Lu Li tilted his hips, sat opposite the little old man, and grinned, "Hey! Old man."

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