Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1964 Heading to Baimang Mountain

The colorful little dragon is not just a beautiful vase. In Chan Bao's hands, it has the power to tear the sky apart and crack mountains and earth.

Wherever he passed, even the space was cut into a blank area.

The sound of wind and thunder shakes people's eardrums.

It can be seen that this blow is really powerful!

But such a swift and unparalleled blow suddenly lost its power when it came into contact with the seemingly thin colorful mist. When it flew a foot in, it became even more overwhelmed, and with a click, it was torn into countless pieces.

"Wow! Master, you are so awesome!" Chan Bao stood outside, looking at this scene in shock, with little stars in his eyes.

"Hehe, it's not that I'm great, it's just that this is the power of the law field. It's one level higher than the rule magic power you used, so naturally you can't break through it."

Lu Li was secretly proud. It was rumored that there was an unbridgeable gap between Xuanxian and Jinxian. Now that he experienced it himself, he realized that the rumors were true.

As he spoke, with a thought in his mind, the five-color magic ring behind him suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding law fields also converged.

"So that's it. That's because you are so good, Master. Otherwise, why wouldn't I be able to use the Law Domain?" Chan Bao grinned with admiration on his face.

"No flattery!" Lu Li glared at Chan Bao.

"Oh..." Chan Bao stuck out his tongue.

"Where's the White Jade Spirit Ginseng? Why didn't you see it?" Lu Li looked around and asked.

"In the yard?"

"In the yard?" Lu Li frowned and hurriedly walked back to the yard.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It turned out that the white jade ginseng had buried its entire body in the corner of the yard at this moment, like a deeply buried radish, leaving only a few crystal clear leaves exposed.

What surprised Lu Li even more was that this guy was able to perfectly control his aura. Even with his golden immortal cultivation, if he hadn't seen it with the naked eye, he wouldn't have been able to sense that there was a peerless elixir hidden here.

"Has Old Man Wu come out of seclusion?" Lu Li looked away and walked towards the tea table in the courtyard, asking as he walked.

"No, I've only been there once, and the door to his cave was closed." Chan Bao followed behind.

"Oh." Lu Li sat down, took out the jasper tea, mixed it with mountain spring water, and poured a pot of tea without haste. He first poured a cup for Chan Bao, then poured it for himself, and drank it carefully.

"Master, the old man is here. Do you think Shagou, Xiaoqing and the others will come up too?" Chan Bao blinked and looked at Lu Li expectantly.

"I asked Wu De, but he didn't know either, but according to the rules, even if they come up, they are still in the demon world and cannot come here easily." Lu Li whispered softly.

"Oh, I miss them so much..." Chan Bao supported his head with one hand and gently moved the lid of the cup with the other.

"Wait, Wu De said. When I reach the Immortal King Realm, I can go to the Demon Realm through an unstable passage. Then I will take you to find them."

"Really!" Chan Bao suddenly became happy.

"Yes, it's true. But you also have to improve yourself, otherwise you may be looked down upon by them when we meet again!" Lu Li said with a smile.

"Okay! I will definitely work hard."


The two of them chatted one after another.

Soon, after finishing the pot of fairy tea, Lu Li felt much refreshed. He walked to the big tree next to him and lay down on the swing woven by Chan Bao and swayed gently.

"Master, let me help you!"

Chan Bao grinned when he saw this, ran up behind Lu Li and pushed hard, sending Lu Li flying into the sky. Lu Li was thinking about something, but he didn't take precautions and fell directly outside the yard.


There was a muffled sound outside.

"Oh my god, I'm done."

Chan Bao's eyes darted from side to side, and he disappeared without a trace.

"What the hell!"

Lu Li got up from the ground, his head covered with black lines.

"Chan Bao!!!"

he walked back into the yard and yelled.

Only then did Chan Bao timidly walk out of the house, burying his head and clasping his fingers, "Yes, I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean it, I just..."

"Why are you running away! I didn't say I wanted to blame you." Lu Li rolled his eyes at Chan Bao and sat down at the table.

"Really!" Chan Bao beamed instantly and trotted to Lu Li's side, "How about you sit down again, I will shake it gently this time."

"I'm not going to sit down anymore. I have something to tell you." The corner of Lu Li's mouth twitched.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to Baimang Mountain. Do you want to go with me, or stay here and wait for me." Lu Li planned to go to Baimang Mountain to see if Tu Xiazi and the others were still there.

"Are you coming back?"

"Come back, isn't Old Wu still here? That old guy has such a high level of cultivation, I still want him to take me to explore and explore."

"When are you coming back?"

"It's hard to tell. It could be a few months, it could be a year or two, it depends on the situation," Lu Li said.

"I won't go there in a year or two. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and it's quite fun." Chan Bao said thoughtfully.

This place is indeed much better than the medicine garden. It is safe with Wu De here, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, full of fairy spirit, creeks and rivers, and wild beasts and fairy beasts for her to play with.

"Okay, then you stay here and help me deliver the message. If Old Wu comes out of confinement, you tell him that I went to Baimang Mountain and ask him to wait for me."

"No problem!" Chan Bao agreed happily.

Seeing this, Lu Li didn't say anything more and immediately stood up and left the hut.

He first went to Wu De's cave to take a look. Seeing that Wu De had not come out of retreat, he flew up into the air and headed straight for the direction of Baimang Mountain in the west.

I heard from those people before that Baimang Mountain should be similar to Lingyu Mountain Range.

It is a gathering place for some powerful independent cultivators.

In this dangerous world, many independent cultivators like to live together. Not only can they exchange cultivation experiences with each other, but they can also share what they have and what they need, so as not to be exploited by the sect or Tianbao Pavilion everywhere.



One day after Lu Li had been traveling for more than half a month, he had just passed through several peaks when suddenly a shout came from the peaks not far away.

Lu Li frowned and stopped controlling Huanyue Snow Lotus.

He tilted his head and saw a thin middle-aged man with a long sword on his feet, flying towards him from the top of the mountain.

"Daoyou, is there something wrong?" The imperceptible golden light in Lu Li's eyes flashed and disappeared, and he saw the man's cultivation thoroughly, which was only the middle stage of Xuanxian realm.

Under normal circumstances, to detect other people's cultivation, one must use the power of the soul. If one encounters someone with a lower cultivation level than oneself, it is fine. If one encounters someone with the same or higher cultivation level than oneself, it is easy to cause discomfort.

But Lu Li, who possesses the pupil technique of "seeing the sky", has no such concerns. He can see through a person's cultivation level without anyone noticing. Even if he can't see through, he won't be discovered that he is spying, which is quite convenient and practical.

"Daoyou, are you going to participate in the Hundred Pythons Conference? It happens that I also want to go. How about passing through?" The thin middle-aged smiled and bowed to show friendship.

"I am indeed going to the Hundred Pythons Mountain, but... what is the Hundred Pythons Conference?" Lu Li said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Daoyou, don't you know the Hundred Pythons Conference?"

"I don't know. I just came here not long ago. I heard that the Hundred Pythons Mountain is a gathering place for casual cultivators, so I was going to take a look. I just walked here and met you, Daoyou." Lu Li said with a smile.

"Oh! So that's the case. That's perfect. I'm also going to the Hundred Pythons Mountain. Why don't we talk while walking?" The thin middle-aged said enthusiastically.

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