Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1988 Black Water Golden Snake

The fat man in silver armor scratched his bald head and said with a smile: "Boss, my name is Long Shihu."

Dragon, lion and tiger?

Hearing this name, Lu Li couldn't help but be startled, thinking that the name was chosen to suit the occasion. Isn't this guy's body a monster with a dragon head, a lion body, and tiger claws?

Wu De grinned when he heard this: "Okay, three different things."

The dragon, the lion, and the tiger twitched: "Boss, my name is the dragon, the lion, and the tiger. I am a dragon from the dragon clan, a lion from..."

Wu De: "I know, three different things."

Dragon, lion and tiger:......

Lu Li almost couldn't help but burst into laughter, thinking that this old man was really a loser.

But this smile angered Longshihu, and his face darkened: "Boy! Why are you laughing?"

Wu De glared when he heard this: "Who are you talking about?"

Dragon, Lion and Tiger were startled, "I, I..."

Wu De snorted coldly: "I'm telling you, this is my brother. When you see him in the future, you have to call the second master, you know! If you act like a brat again, I will skin you!"

When Lu Li heard this, he couldn't help but feel grateful.

Long Shihu also immediately understood Lu Li's status and apologized repeatedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, Second Master..."

Lu Li waved his hand: "It's okay. Those who don't know are not guilty."

Then he looked at Wu De: "Old Wu, let's go when it's almost done?"


Wu De responded, and then sacrificed the black magic stick again, took Lu Li and the two of them up into the sky, and continued to fly towards the west of the Muliu Immortal Domain.

On the black magic stick, the dragon, lion and tiger sat aside without saying a word.

Lu Li chatted with Wu De for a while and then devoted himself to practicing.

Lu Li wanted Wu De to kill the dragon, lion and tiger before, but now that the other party has surrendered to Wu De, he will naturally not mention it again.

The entire journey was speechless.

More than half a year has passed quickly.

On this day, they finally arrived at the western part of the Muliu Immortal Territory. According to Wu De, this place was not far from their destination, and it was estimated that they would arrive in two or three days.

The dragon, lion and tiger finally couldn't help but said: "Boss, where are we going?"

Wu De glanced at Long Shihu indifferently: "Don't worry about where you are going, as long as you know that this is a great opportunity for you. Also, be more respectful to Mr. Lu in the future, because if it weren't for him, this would be No chance will fall on your head."

What a great opportunity?

Hearing this, the dragon, lion and tiger couldn't help but their eyes lit up and they said yes again and again.

So, another two days passed.

Finally, at noon that day, the three of them came to the edge of an endless swamp. Above the swamp, there were wisps of black air floating, and there was also a strong fishy smell.

"In here?" Lu Li frowned.

"That's right, but this swamp is not that easy to break into. There is a fairy beast in it called Taiyin Blackfish. It is not very high, but it is extremely difficult to deal with. Moreover, this is not the most dangerous thing."

"Not the most dangerous? Then what is the most dangerous?"

"It's a hidden restriction. I don't know how many ancient restrictions were placed here in the Lingxiao Palace back then. Although most of them have lost their effect over time, there are still many remaining. This kind of restriction is not trivial. If you are not careful, you will be injured. Muscles and bones..."

"So that's it."

When he heard that it was a hidden restriction, Lu Li was relieved, and after thinking for a while he said, "It would be okay if it was just a hidden restriction. My pupil skills are enough to see through the illusion."

"Eye Technique?"

Wu De shook his head, "Are you talking about peeking into the sky? Let me tell you, Xiaocheng's peeking into the sky is not enough..."

Lu Li smiled, took out an ancient book and threw it at Wu De: "I forgot it before, take it."

Wu De was slightly startled, but when he saw the two big characters on the cover, his eyes instantly lit up. He quickly read through the ancient book, and finally couldn't place it: "Boy, where did you come from? Got it?”

Lu Li said: "By chance, a friend gave it to me, but it takes a lot of time to practice. You don't need to practice for the time being. Just go in and follow my instructions!"

Wu De grinned: "No problem!"

Immediately, he put away the ancient books and flew into the swamp with the Black Magic Stick.

During the journey, the three of them had a clear division of labor. Lu Li was responsible for exploring the hidden restrictions, Wu De was responsible for defense and rushing, and Long Shihu was responsible for dealing with Taiyin Blackfish's attack.

According to Wu De, the hidden restrictions here are not fixed. They will change positions every once in a while, so Lu Li does not dare to relax at all.

And in fact it is so.

Lu Li saw with his own eyes that the hidden barriers in some places were slowly moving.

But fortunately, his pupil technique can identify it in advance and eliminate such danger early.

On the other hand, the dragon, lion and tiger were busy all the way.

There are so many Taiyin black fish here. Every time they appear, a large group appears. After flying up from the black mud, they immediately cover the sky and the sun, lying on the barrier, making Wu De unable to see the road.

Therefore, it is necessary for the dragon, lion and tiger to constantly clean up the snakehead fish ahead.

Fortunately, although there are many black fish, their individual strength is not high. They are only at the Earth Immortal level. As soon as the dragon, lion, and tiger's death aura comes out, a large piece will fall in an instant.

After traveling continuously like this for more than half a month, Long Shihu couldn't bear it any longer, and he cried out with hollow eyes: "When will this end? My death energy can hardly be replenished."

Wu De glared at the dragon, lion and tiger, "Why are you howling! Isn't it just in front of you?"


Longshihu was immediately refreshed, looked ahead, and asked in surprise: "Boss, are you talking about that small hill?"

The three people's sight ended.

A small hill with continuous undulations appeared. If it was there, it was not far away.

"Yes, Lingxiao Palace is in that small hill, but there are many snakes on those hills, and there is a forbidden air formation. You two should be careful not to get bitten." Wu De nodded and said.

"Tsk! It's just a snake. It's not like I haven't seen it before. I'm still a dragon." Longshihu said disdainfully.

"Hmph! I advise you not to pretend. You will know how powerful it is when you get bitten." Wu De rolled his eyes.

While speaking, the black magic stick had carried the three people to the edge of a small hill. Wu De jumped down first: "Come down, you can't fly here, let's walk over."

The formation is different from the prohibition. If it is not activated, even the pupil technique cannot see the clues.

Therefore, even with his pupil technique, Lu Li could not tell that there was a no-fly formation here, but when he flew down from the black magic stick, he immediately felt it.

The gravity of the earth in this hill range is obviously stronger than outside. Even walking normally feels like pulling your feet, let alone flying in the air.

There are no trees on the hill.

But there are knee-high weeds, which makes it more difficult for people to walk.

The dragon, lion and tiger are leading the way.

Lu Li and Wu De followed behind, walking side by side, and the dragon, lion and tiger in front of them are in a state of mutual support.

"Old Wu, what kind of snake are you talking about?" Lu Li asked Wu De as he walked.

Even Wu De felt that the snake was unusual, so it must not be a simple character, so he naturally had to be more cautious.

Wu De replied: "Oh, it's the legendary..."

"Black Water Golden Wire Snake! Ah my god...hiss!"

At this time, the sound of dragon, lion and tiger screaming suddenly came from the front. At the same time, he bent down and grabbed a thumb-thick, two-foot-long golden snake and lifted it up.

Wu De's mouth twitched: "You see, it's the Black Water Golden Wire Snake."

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