Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2046 The source of the disaster

Really, these words look very ordinary.

But in fact, they are very meaningful.

The seven major sects in the current fairy world are each in power and jointly in charge of the fairy world.

But in fact, the strength of each party is very different.

Among them, Xuantian Palace is the most powerful, with seven fairy emperors, and most of them are in the middle and late stages.

Even Ye Xuantian is already the peak of the fairy emperor, enough to suppress the heroes with his own strength.

It is said that the emperor realm is the end of the fairy road, but only they know that there is actually a higher realm above the emperor realm.

Otherwise, with the fairy emperor's life span of tens of millions of years, it is not really immortal.

And that realm is the realm of the fairy ancestor who can be transformed into the Great Dao in the legend.

Only when they reach the stage of transformation can they get real immortality, no longer limited by life span.

Therefore, even if they have become fairy emperors, they still live cautiously, try not to fight with others, and just want to comprehend the Great Dao in peace and stability.

But Xuantian Palace is extremely ambitious and is always thinking about annexing the other six major sects and trying to dominate the fairy world.

For a long time.

The seven major sects have actually been divided into three camps.

The first party is the radical faction headed by Xuantian Palace.

They are trying their best to promote the unification of the world and try to change the pattern of the separation of the seven sects.

The reason is that only in this way can the power of the human race be united and not threatened by the demon world and the devil world.

This faction currently has three members, namely Xuantian Palace, Jiulian Mountain and Jiewang Palace.

The second party is the conservative faction that does not care about Xuantian Palace.

They think that Xuantian Palace just wants to destroy the bridge after crossing the river and learn from the Lingxiao Palace to dominate the world.

This faction has only two forces, namely Huagu Mountain and Suiyue Palace.

And the last party is the neutral faction that neither advances nor retreats and tries to remain neutral.

This faction is under the banner of "I will not offend others if they do not offend me", and neither helps each other.

Neither agrees with the proposal of Xuantian Palace nor opposes it.

The forces of this faction are the Tianji Palace and Wuliang Mountain.

Although Ye Xuantian wants to unify the fairy world, he doesn't want to fight openly and cause criticism.

Therefore, he has been secretly planning for these years, trying to win over the strong men from all sides.

And the strong men from all sides are also tacit. Whenever they encounter such things, they either avoid it or make vague excuses.

Today, Yuwen Xuanji is in the crosshairs, and Ye Xuantian has to drag him to express his attitude.

Yuwen Xuanji was silent for a long time after hearing this, and suddenly laughed dryly, "The emperor misunderstood my meaning. What I mean is that there is no reward without merit, and I have something to ask the emperor for help, so I can't accept this thing. If the emperor is willing to help me with this..."

"Help? Fellow Daoist Xuanji, it's not another excuse to delay, right?" Ye Xuantian said with a fake smile.

"This time, it's serious." Yuwen Xuanji put away his smile and said seriously.

"Oh? Tell me, if I can help, I will not refuse." Ye Xuantian raised his eyelids slightly.

"It's like this... I feel that a crisis is coming, so I want to ask the emperor to lend me a hand."


"Yes, I have been restless recently. After thinking about it, only one thing is the most likely."

"What is it?"

"The emperor should know that the founder of my sect is the old man Tianji, right?"

"Old man Tianji? The crisis you are talking about is related to him?" Ye Xuantian said in surprise.

Since the battle to destroy the demons, when the seven sects were formed, Yuwen Shu suddenly disappeared and never appeared again.

Some people rumored that the old man Tianji had passed away, but the Tianji Hall said that the old man Tianji was just wandering.

As for the specific situation, except for a few people, no one knew where Yuwen Shu had gone.

This matter was actually a thorn in Ye Xuantian's heart.

If there was anyone else in this fairy world that made him feel uneasy, it was only the missing old man Tianji.

Yuwen Xuanji nodded, "That's right. To be honest with you, the founder of my sect has already passed away..."

"Dead!" Ye Xuantian was secretly happy.

"Yes, dead. However, he left a back-up plan, which is very likely to overturn the current Tianji Palace and even affect the situation of the Nine Heavens. If the emperor is willing to help me get rid of him..."

"What back-up plan?" Ye Xuantian frowned.

"Several reincarnations."


As the two people communicated more deeply, Yuwen Xuanji's intentions gradually became clear.

To put it simply, he wanted to use the power of Xuantian Palace to destroy the reincarnation of the old man Tianji in the lower world.

As for why he wanted to use the power of Xuantian Palace instead of Tianji Palace itself.

There are two main considerations.

First, Tianji Palace is in the fairyland below the Nine Heavens, and there is no strong sect structure.

Second, his own identity is very special, so it is inconvenient for him to participate in it. Moreover, he could not deduce the whereabouts of those reincarnations.

Ye Xuantian said: "You don't even know who the target is, how can I help you?"

Yuwen Xuanji said: "Although I don't know who the target is now, I have something that can identify the target as long as I get close to it. I need to borrow the people of Xuantian Palace in the lower world to help me complete this task. You just need to capture the target and send him to the Tianji Palace of Jiuchong Heaven..."

Ye Xuantian stared at Yuwen Xuanji with scrutiny: "If you complete this task, can your Tianji Palace join our camp..."

Yuwen Xuanji said: "I will never regret it."

Ye Xuantian laughed loudly: "Okay! I'll leave this to me. I'll let the disciples of Xuantian and Jiulian to help you catch the target."

Yuwen Xuanji was delighted when he heard this: "Thank you very much."

Ye Xuantian waved his hand: "No need to thank me, just don't regret it after the matter is done, otherwise..."

Yuwen Xuanji smiled and said: "Of course not, it doesn't matter who is in charge of this world to me, I just want to live and pursue the great way..."

Ye Xuantian was very satisfied: "Daoyou Xuanji is indeed an open-minded person, much better than those old stubborn people..."

Yuwen Xuanji smiled and didn't answer.

Suddenly thinking of something, he said seriously: "After chatting for so long, I forgot the main business."

Ye Xuantian expectedly: "Is it about the land of reincarnation?"

Yuwen Xuanji nodded: "Yes, I used the sacrifice to the god Ruyi to calculate some time ago, and I have found the source."

"Where is it from?" Ye Xuantian asked.

"Demon Realm! I saw with my own eyes that Jueshang has escaped. If things go as expected, the Immortal Realm will definitely encounter the disaster of the demon clan again!"

"What!" Ye Xuantian's expression suddenly became solemn.

"This matter is of great importance. The Emperor must be prepared." Yuwen Xuanji said.

"I know."

Ye Xuantian picked up the teacup and drank a sip. Suddenly he smiled and said, "It's interesting. That guy actually escaped. But unfortunately, I am no longer the Ye Xuantian of the past. This time, I will let you die forever..."

Yuwen Xuanji nodded, "The Emperor's Road to Death has reached its peak. This time, Jueshang may really die..."

Ye Xuantian fell into deep thought at this time. After a moment, he frowned slightly and said to himself:

"Since Jueshang has escaped, has the part suppressed in the lower world also..."

"And those guys, are they going to return too? They won't be dissatisfied with me, right?"

Yuwen Xuanji said, "Who is the Emperor talking about?"

Ye Xuantian put away his thoughts and sighed softly, "You may not know that I sacrificed some friends to suppress Jueshang's limbs..."

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