Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2087 Wu De meets an old friend

"Daoyou, don't be angry, don't be angry..."

"If Daoyou is really Beichen, then you don't need to report it."

"Why don't you come back with me to the clan first, and then I'll ask my father to come out of retreat to see you?"

Seeing Wu De angry, Yuetang not only didn't get angry, but was also very friendly.

Not because of anything else, but because his father had personally told him that in the future, whenever someone who claimed to be Beichen came, he had to be polite and respectful when he saw him.

As for the reason, his father didn't say it.

"That's more like it!"

Hearing Yuetang say this, Wu De felt a little more comfortable, "Lead the way!"

"Okay, everyone follow me." Yuetang didn't say anything more when he saw this, and walked towards the bamboo forest with Lu Li and others.

He didn't know the reasons for many things, so in order to avoid saying the wrong thing and offending people, it's better to say less.

There is indeed a large formation in the Green Bamboo Realm, but with Yuetang leading the way, they naturally had a smooth journey.

Soon, they came to the depths of the bamboo forest.

Yuetang offered a bamboo-leaf-like fairy weapon, which enlarged and began to fly in the air with a few people.

On the way, Lu Li saw many houses and buildings, as well as many elves.

But what surprised Lu Li was that most of the elves here did not have any cultivation.

It was not until he gradually approached the core that the elves with cultivation gradually increased.

It is worth mentioning that.

Although the elves have eight surnames, they do not actually distinguish between ethnic groups by surnames.

For them, no matter what their surnames are, they all belong to the big family of the elves.

And the elves have rules.

Once the children are able to support themselves, no matter what their cultivation is, except for the eldest son who can continue to stay in their parents' territory.

Other children have to leave their parents' territory and find their own place to live elsewhere.

Therefore, there will not be a huge family like the human race, with thousands of people.

Even the patriarch family like Yuetang is the same. There are only his father and his wife in his territory.

As for the children, because they are able to support themselves, they have already found another place to live.

Only when summoned or on a specific day of returning home can one return to the parents' territory.

Yuetang's territory is not very large, only a hundred miles in radius.

It is divided into two halves, east and west, by a wide road.

Yuetang and his wife live in the east, while his father Yue Wuzong lives alone in the west.

As the patriarch, Yuetang's territory is somewhat different from that of ordinary people.

It is always covered by a huge spherical barrier.

There is only one entrance in the south, which can be entered normally, and there are guards at the entrance.

Seeing Yuetang and Lu Li and the other two breaking through the air, the two powerful guards were surprised.

It was the first time they saw a real human.

"Greetings, patriarch!" The two young guards bowed.

"No need to be polite, these are important guests, you will notify the elders for me later, if you are free, invite them to come over for a few drinks later..." Yuetang smiled and nodded, and instructed the two guards.

"Yes!" The two bowed again.

Then, Yuetang led Lu Li and the other two into the arched stone gate.

The straight bluestone road went straight forward, with green bamboos on both sides of the road.

They flew forward for a while, and when they came to a circular square, Yuetang finally stopped.

He thought for a while, then turned around and took Lu Li and others to the west path.

At the end of the path, there was a small house standing quietly in the bamboo forest.

In front of the house, there were bamboo tables and chairs, flower beds, and a slowly turning waterwheel making a gurgling sound.

It looked very artistic.

A hundred feet away from the small house, Yuetang controlled the bamboo leaves to land on the ground.

"Fellow Taoists, please wait here for a while, I will go to see my father first..." Yuerang looked at Lu Li and others and said with a smile.

"Go." Wu De waved his hand.

Hearing this, Yuetang put away the bamboo leaf fairy weapon and walked quickly towards the bamboo house.

Arrived in front of the courtyard.

He carefully pushed open the bamboo door, which was less than three feet high, walked to the door of the hut, and shouted respectfully: "Father, are you free?"

"What's the matter!" An old voice came from the house.

"There are guests visiting, and they say their surname is Beichen. I dare not neglect them and brought them here. Father, please see..."


As soon as the voice fell, the two doors opened inward with a click.

Then, an old man in a black robe and with pointed ears appeared in front of Yuetang.

It was Yuetang's father, Yue Wuzong.

"Father." Yuetang bowed his head and saluted.

"Where are the people!" Yue Wuzong stared at Yuetang.

"Over there..." Yuetang turned around and pointed to the path outside the yard.

Yue Wuzong heard the words and disappeared without waiting for Yuetang to say anything more.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of Lu Li and others.

He fixed his eyes on Wu De and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Then he trembled and walked towards Wu De step by step, his expression was extremely excited: "Senior,'s really are really still alive..."


In the yard, Yue Tang felt that his mind was a little confused.

Wu De rolled his eyes at Yue Wuzong and said unhappily: "Why, do I not deserve to live? Haven't you heard of a thousand-year-old turtle and a ten-thousand-year-old tortoise?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant...I was too happy and spoke incoherently...Senior, please forgive me..."

Yue Wuzong's eyes turned red as he spoke. He grabbed Wu De's arm and choked up several times.

This scene not only stunned Yue Tang, but also Lu Li and the others.

What is going on.

And Longshihu secretly exclaimed: Boss is awesome! He even made an immortal cry.

Seeing this, Wu De patted Yue Wuzong's hand, "Okay, you are already millions of years old. Aren't you ashamed? You still remember me, I am very pleased. As for the rest, it's all in the past, don't mention it again."

"Yes, don't mention it, don't mention it... It's a great joy for the senior to survive the disaster, please follow me into the house..."

Yue Wuzong smiled and looked at Lu Li and the others: "My friends, please come in quickly."

Then, Lu Li and the others came to the courtyard under the leadership of Yue Wuzong.

Yue Wuzong invited everyone to sit down.

Then he took out the wine that he had treasured for a long time, and placed a full table with many secret snacks developed by the elves.

"What are you doing standing there like an idiot? Come and sit down and have a few drinks with the senior."

Seeing Yuetang standing there with a look of confusion, Yue Wuzong could not help but frown and shouted.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Hearing this, Yuetang hurried over and sat on a bench with Longshihu.

"Senior, this is my useless son. I hope you don't take it to heart if I offended you before." Yue Wuzong raised the wine glass and toasted Wu De.

"Senior, please forgive me. I have offended you before. I offer you a glass." Seeing this, Yuetang also hurriedly raised the wine glass.

As for the level of cultivation, it is not so important to Yuetang. Those who are respected by their father must be worthy of his respect.

"There is no offense. We are all family members. It doesn't exist. Come, drink!" Wu De smiled and raised the wine glass and drank it all.

Longshihu and Chanbao were very calm and had already started eating.

Seeing this, Lu Li felt that he could not get a word in, so he also picked up a crystal bamboo shoot and stuffed it into his mouth.


Well, you have to say, this bamboo shoot is really special.

It tastes crisp and sour, and when you bite it gently, there is a refreshing breath between your lips and teeth. It must be made of rare fairy bamboo!

Chanbao is not shy at all.

Seeing a plate of broad beans on the opposite side, the whole body of the fairy beans is fiery red, which looks very good.

So she stood up and grabbed it from the air.

She giggled, picked up one and stuffed it into Lu Li's mouth: "Master, try it for me, is this delicious?"

Lu Li was very upset.

Thinking to himself, if you want to eat it, just eat it, why do you involve me, it will make us look like we have never seen the world, okay?

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