Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2095: Entrance to the Demon Realm

"What is this?" Yue Wuxing asked doubtfully as he took the key.

"This is the key to the Lingxiao Palace's Heavenly Formation. You must not lose it, otherwise this kid will be heartbroken." Wu De took the words and said.

"Lingxiao Palace!" Hearing this, Yue Wuxing couldn't help but look shocked.

Although he didn't know about Lingxiao Palace's Tongtian Formation, he still knew the word "Lingxiao Palace". He was the overlord in ancient times!

When Lu Li saw this, he told Yue Wujiang about the Lingxiao Palace Tongtian Formation, and even told Yue Wujiang about the teleportation formula.

Because only in this way can Yue Wujiang bring Yu Wenwen and the others up.

Later, Wu De gave Yue Wujiang some guidance on the path to the lower realm of Jiuzhongtian Lingxiao Palace.

It is said that Wu De drew a simple map at the specific location under a mountain in the Qingling Fairy Domain, and asked Yue Wu trace to read it and then burn it.

After Yue Wuxing listened, she realized how Wu De returned from the lower realm.

Yue Wujiang was also very curious about what was going on in the lower realm, so he happily accepted this arduous task, assuming that he was going to the lower realm to relax.

But when a Three Tribulations Pseudo-Emperor like Yue Wuxing took action, Lu Li's heart finally dropped.

He instructed: "Senior, you must be careful this time and try not to get into disputes with others, so as not to fall into any trap. The seven major sects are very powerful. If you follow the clues and find Supreme Heaven, it may bring big trouble to the sect. Remember!"

Yue Wuxing clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Headmaster, I understand. But how will they settle down after they are picked up? Are they brought to our elves?"

Lu Li nodded: "Just bring them here to settle down. In addition, we are planning to go to the Demon Realm. I don't know when we will come back. Then I will trouble you, senior, to take care of them. Those are my brothers in need. Please take care of them." Don’t let them suffer.”

Yue Wuxing said: "Okay, I've written it down."

Lu Li thought for a while, then packed up some high-grade Taoist treasures that had not been exchanged before, as well as some other resources, and handed them to Yue Wujiang: "Senior, please help me give these resources to Yuwen Wen when the time comes. Maybe they will be useful to them." helped.”

Seeing this, Wu De also took out a storage ring: "I also have some middle and low-grade Taoist treasures here. They were given to me by Mr. Lu before. I haven't had time to sell them yet. You should also keep them together. Half of them will be given to you elves." clan, the other half is left to his brothers, you can distribute it as you see fit..."

Seeing this, Yue Wujian did not refuse and carefully put away the two resources.

Afterwards, they drank and chatted for a while, and then Lu Li and the other three stood up to say goodbye and left the elves.

In the early morning of the next day, Yue Wujiang found his son Yuetang, gave some serious instructions, packed lightly, left the Green Bamboo Realm alone, and went straight to the Qingling Fairy Realm.

Green Bamboo Realm, North.

After leaving the Green Bamboo Realm and heading north for about three months, Lu Li and the others saw a large rushing river in the vast wilderness.

The river twists and turns with no end in sight.

I heard from Wu De that this river is called Yeku River.

Yekuhe is very strange.

During the day, the water in the river is fast and the waves are rolling, but in the evening, the water here will gradually subside. At night, the river is even dry to the bottom, like a dry river, and you can walk in it.

At first, Lu Li didn't believe it, but after walking along the river for a few days and seeing the rise and fall of the Yeku River, his eyes were completely opened.

After walking like this for more than half a month, they still had not reached the end of the river.

However, that afternoon, Wu De suddenly stopped the black magic stick.

This is a huge river bend area.

Although the Yeku River had twists and turns before, it was still heading north on the whole.

But when they got here, they suddenly turned around and headed east.

"Boss, why don't you leave?" Long Shihu looked around and asked.

"Here we are, the entrance to the demon world is right here." Wu De pointed to the river bend in front of him.


"Yes, when the river water subsides, a passage will be revealed below. We can see the entrance to the demon world inside at night."

"Oh... So that's it. Can't we go down now? Our cultivation is still afraid of water?" Long Shihu asked doubtfully.

"It's not a question of whether you're afraid of water, but it's useless to go down now, because the demon world passage will only appear at midnight." Wu De controlled the black magic stick and slowly landed on the grass.

"So magical?" Dragon, Lion and Tiger asked in surprise.

"There are so many magical things. It's just that you haven't seen it yourself." Wu De said scornfully.

"Ahem..." Longshihu smiled awkwardly, scratched his face, and walked towards the river.

"Old Wu, isn't it true that only demons can pass through the entrance to the demon world? Look at me..." Lu Li frowned and looked at Wu De.

"Don't worry, since I brought you here, I will naturally find a way."

Wu De said, put his hands in front of his abdomen and gently lifted it up, then opened his mouth and spit out a crystal drop of blood.

He sent the blood beads in front of Lu Li: "This is my hard work. If you suck it into your Dantian, the demon world passage will not reject you. And when you go to the demon world, as long as you don't declare your identity, those demon clans will not I will treat you as a human being..."

Lu Li was secretly happy, and then he grabbed it from the air, and the blood beads melted into his palm, and then turned into blood and entered the Dantian.

"Thank you, Old Wu." Lu Li looked inside and found that the blood beads had re-formed in his dantian, and he couldn't help but said gratefully.

"You're welcome. I don't know if the Bodhi tree is still there. If it is, I must dig it up this time."

"Bodhi tree? You said there is a Bodhi tree in the demon world!" Lu Li said in shock.

"Hey! That was many years ago. At that time, the Qilin tribe was still the king of the land. I once saw a Bodhi tree sapling in their territory. I don't know if it is still alive now or if it has fallen into the hands of others. Here..." Wu De said fondly.

According to Wu De, the seedling is within the territory of the Qilin tribe.

When he was still young, he went to the Qilin tribe once and saw the seedling.

But so many years have passed.

And with the defeat of the Qilin clan, he was not sure whether the Bodhi tree was still there.

Although Lu Li was looking forward to it, after hearing Wu Dezhi's words, he felt that this possibility was not high.

Wu De looked up at the sky. It was already approaching dusk. He sat down on the black magic stick and murmured: "Actually, there is also a Bodhi tree in another place..."

Lu Li sat down next to Wu De: "Where?"

Wu De smiled: "Wuliang Mountain, Wuliang Mountain also has a Bodhi tree, and it grows very well. It's a pity that it takes five hundred thousand years to bear a fruit. Not to mention outsiders, even most of their own disciples can only take a look. That’s all…”

Lu Li smiled dumbly and suddenly thought of something: "Actually, if I were bolder, I could make a deal with them."

"What deal?"

"My medicine garden is ripened 600 times, which is equivalent to producing one Bodhi Fruition in eight or nine hundred years. Even if I give them one hundred Bodhi Fruitions in 500,000 years, I will still make a lot of money... …”

"Haha, your idea is good, but do you dare to do this?" Wu De smiled and then stared at Lu Li with a smile.

"Hey! I just don't dare. If I did this, the people from Wuliang Mountain wouldn't arrest me and torture me..." Lu Li said helplessly.


"Second Master!"

"Come and take a look, the water in the river has almost receded!"

As night fell, the dragon, lion and tiger sitting by the river suddenly turned around and shouted to the two of them.

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