Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2168 Do you dare to do it?

"Blood Realm Chaos Temple?" Hearing these words, Lu Li couldn't help but frown secretly. It seemed that this woman's identity was really extraordinary.

In addition, Satsuma Qingqing himself was already at the peak of the Immortal King, and he estimated that the master of the Chaos Temple was most likely an emperor-level expert.

Sure enough, after a period of deliberate provocation and testing, Satsuma Qingqing directly revealed the secrets of Luan Temple in order to frighten Lu Li.

It was clearly an emperor-level force, with four powerful Demon Emperor-level people in it, dozens of Demon Lords, and even thousands of Demon King-level ones.

This time, Satsuma Qingqing originally went in with several followers, but unfortunately a few died inside, and then a few were separated. When they finally came out, they were just like other people, who were unlucky enough to be teleported to this chaotic area. Jiji continent.

Although Lu Li was shocked in his heart by Satsuma Qingqing's background, he still had a disapproving expression on the surface: "So what if the Temple of Chaos is out of reach, not to mention that your Blood Domain is beyond your reach. It's a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from here. Even my background doesn't matter at all. I'm not afraid of what you said about "chaosing the temple." If you want to threaten me with "chaosing the temple," I'm sorry, but you made the wrong decision. "

Hearing this, Satsuma Qingqing couldn't help but be stunned. She raised her head and looked at Lu Li in confusion: "You, who are you?"

Lu Li sneered and said, "Don't worry about who I am. If I ask you a question now, just answer it honestly. If you dare to lie to me, huh! Then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Satsuma Qingqing was stunned for a moment by Lu Li, and she pretended to be weak and said: "I didn't say that I wouldn't answer you honestly. Why are you so cruel?"

However, this old woman's face combined with such words had no harmful effect on Lu Li. Instead, it gave him a chill.

Lu Li didn't want to talk nonsense, so he pondered for a moment and asked, "Have you ever heard of a guy named Jueshang?"

Absolute sorrow?

Hearing these two words, Satsuma Qingqing couldn't help but have a strange expression: "Why do you ask such a question?"

Lu Li's face darkened: "Just answer whatever I ask, and don't ask any unnecessary questions!"

Satsuma Qingqing was very angry: "I've heard of it."

Lu Li looked at Satsuma Qingqing.

Satsuma Qingqing also looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li's eyes widened: "Continue?"

Satsuma Qingqing said quietly: "You asked me to ask questions and answer questions. If you asked me if I had heard it, I could only answer that I had."

Lu Li's head was full of black lines: "Okay, can you please be more detailed next time you answer a question?"

Satsuma Qingqing snorted: "Jueshang was called Demon Ancestor in the Demon World, but that was many years ago."

Lu Li frowned: "How long ago?"

Satsuma Qingqing said: "Millions of years ago, I didn't even know where it was at that time. I just read about it in some ancient books."

"Millions of years ago? How about recently? Haven't you heard anything about him recently?"

"Recently? No. I heard that he has died in the fairy world. It is a pity that we, the powerful demon clan, suffered numerous casualties back then, and we could not even bring back his bones..." Satsuma Qingqing said with some regret.

How come there is no news?

Could it be that Jueshang didn't return to the demon world, or did he shrink back because of his lack of strength?

Hearing Satsuma Qingqing's words, Lu Li couldn't help but frown secretly.

After a moment of silence, Lu Li asked again: "Do you know where to go to the fairy world?"

After hearing this, Satsuma Qingqing opened her mouth to ask again, but Lu Li glared back and snorted: "Of course it is the ancestral domain. There are several passages in the ancestral domain, which are said to lead to the ninth heaven of the immortal world. But I heard that now They’ve all been sealed and there’s no way to get through.”

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but said strangely: "You don't want to secretly go to the fairy world, do you?"

Lu Li snorted coldly: "So what! There is a bastard in the immortal world who robbed my treasure. How can I be willing to accept it if I don't get it back!"

Hearing this, Satsuma Qingqing immediately understood something, and then sneered: "Then don't have any delusions. From what you say, you are not from the Ancestral Demon Palace. You can't enter the Ancestral Domain at all, and even if you do, it will be useless. The opposite sides of those passages are sealed by the immortal sects. Without the cooperation of dozens of demon emperors, it is impossible to open them..."

According to Satsuma Qingqing.

It was originally possible to communicate between the demon world and the fairy world, but since the last round of war, the exits have been sealed to each other, and now the two races cannot communicate at all.

in addition.

The entrances and exits between the demon world and the fairy world are not consistent.

The entrance from the demon world to the fairy world is located in the ancestral domain, but because the exit is sealed on the opposite side, there is no way to go through.

The exit from the fairy world to the demon world is not in the ancestral domain, but is located in the dark domain, martial domain, chaos domain and blood domain. It is guarded and sealed by four top demon sects, and people from the fairy world can't get through either.

Under such circumstances, unless one party decides to invade and forcibly break the seals opposite each other, the two realms of immortality and demons will never communicate with each other.

in other words.

Lu Li now wants to return to the fairy world.

There is no other way except to go to the ancestral domain and ask the powerful Demon Emperor to help break the seal of the opposite fairy world.

What a troublesome thing. Lu Li couldn't help but have a headache after hearing this.

Then he asked about the situation in the ancestral domain.

Satsuma Qingqing told Lu Li that the Ancestral Domain is the territory of the Ancestral Demon Palace, which is the core of the demon clan. In the past, Jueshang was the master of the Ancestral Demon Palace.

But after Jueshang's incident, the Ancestral Demon Palace was leaderless. It was jointly run by the four top sects of the four major demon realms, and no one obeyed anyone.

In this situation, it is equivalent to a state of division among heroes. No one would think of invading the fairy world, and naturally they would not unite to break the seal of the fairy world on the opposite side.

Is it possible that I will stay in the demon world for the rest of my life?

After receiving this news, Lu Li felt that he was not feeling well.

Well, that's not right!

The seal on the exit of the fairy world on the opposite side should be sealed by the demon race.

Can I, a human, go back directly without being sealed?

Lu Li suddenly thought of such a question.

Didn't Jue Shang also say that he wanted to return to the demon world from the fairy world? If the exit here is sealed, then with his cultivation at that time, how could he have the confidence to break through the seal and return to the demon world?

This can only explain one thing.

The exit seals between the demon world and the fairy world only seal the alien races, not the own race.

If this is true, then I just need to sneak into the passage, right?

Thinking of this, the fire of hope in Lu Li's heart suddenly rekindled.

"Do you have any more questions? If not, help me change back." Seeing Lu Li frowning and nodding, Samo Qingqing asked anxiously.

"The last question, do you have any way to let me enter the Ancestral Demon Palace?" Lu Li pinched his chin and stared at Samo Qingqing.

"Enter the Ancestral Demon Palace?"

"You really want to go to the fairyland, who do you think you are? The seal of the fairyland cannot be opened without thirty powerful demon emperors in the early stage. Do you think you are thick-skinned or something, so that so many powerful people can listen to your orders?" Samo Qingqing said sarcastically.

Then he sneered: "Let's take a step back, even if someone helps you open the seal on the opposite side, do you dare to go over? Not to mention you, a little demon king, even those demon lords and pseudo emperors, they dare not enter the fairyland alone..."

"Shut up!"

Seeing Samo Qingqing talking non-stop, he couldn't help but shout.

Then he said coldly: "I asked you to answer the question, not to criticize me! If you dare to attack me personally again, I will kill you."

"Kill me?" Samo Qingqing struggled to get up and approached Lu Li:

"Go ahead, come on, I'll see if you dare to do it..."

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