Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2203 The killer is following

Although the speaker was drunk, the power of the soul mixed in his voice was not simple at first sight.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the previous waiter's begging and apology rang out in the room. However, that person was unwilling to give up and kept cursing and scolding the waiter.

Lu Li frowned, stood up and walked towards the stone house.

There are quite a few such roadside wine shops in the Demon Realm. Usually, there are a few tables outside and a few tables inside. Those who like purity stay inside the house, and those who like liveliness stay outside.

When Lu Li came in, he happened to see the waiter holding a dark wine jar, crying and apologizing to a strong man sitting next to the aisle.

"Hmph! Put the wine on the table and get out of here!" The strong man was wearing armor, and his identity was unusual. He glared at the waiter fiercely, then sat upright and continued eating.

"Sir, someone has already asked for this wine. How about I exchange it for you? The Luoyunxiang we have here..."

"You dare to make noise!" The armored man was furious and slapped the waiter with his backhand.

Before he hit the waiter, the strong wind of the palm blew the waiter's face in all directions, which shows how much damage this slap will cause if it is real.

However, this blow did not land on the waiter's face, because Lu Li suddenly took action, and he did not see any movement. The waiter flew to his side uncontrollably and was held by him with one hand.

The waiter still had a look of horror on his face, but then he secretly rejoiced, holding the wine jar in one hand, bowed and said, "Thank you, sir."

"Hmph! What a courageous bitch! You are the bastard he was talking about...Senior, please spare your life!" The armored man missed the blow and felt humiliated. He was about to get angry, but mid-sentence, he realized that Lu Li was not He was so offended that he was startled immediately and hurriedly stood up and saluted and begged for mercy.

This scene immediately caused some of the drinking people around to look at Lu Li. One of the men, sitting in a dark corner and wearing black clothes, glanced at Lu Li and immediately showed an expression of surprise and uncertainty.

Lu Li looked at the armored man indifferently. Although his eyes were calm, it made the armored man's whole body feel more uncomfortable than needle pricks.

After two breaths, the armored man could no longer bear it. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "Senior, please have mercy..."

Apart from the big man's begging for mercy, the whole room was also deathly silent.

It wasn't until Lu Li took the wine jar from Xiao Er's arms and turned around to walk outside that everyone relaxed and started breathing heavily.

The reason why the Blue Flame Blade is called the Blue Flame Blade is because the wine is red and blue in color, and when it falls into the bowl, you can faintly see the two-color flames floating on the surface, which is particularly unusual.

Lu Li was sitting outside drinking, his mind already wandering to an unknown place.

After a moment, the armored man walked out of the room cautiously, nodded and bowed to Lu Li's back, then turned around and ran away.

Although Lu Li sensed it, he didn't bother that person.

After a while, several more people came out of the room one after another. They all saluted Lu Li and then left quickly.

Lu Li drank alone for a quarter or two before calling the waiter from before and said, "I want to ask you something."

The waiter said hurriedly: "Sir, please tell me."

"Does this Black Rock City have a teleportation array or something?" Lu Li turned his head and glanced at the waiter.

"Yes, there is a teleportation area in the north of the city, and there is a teleportation array there, but it can only go to Changji City, not other places, and I heard that the cost is ridiculously high, and it can only be used a few times in many years..." Hearing Lu Li asked. The waiter couldn't wait to reveal his old story.

After hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly feel happy. He didn't expect that he could reach Changji City directly from here. Although he was not slow and it might not take much time to travel, it was still too uncomfortable to travel at full speed. If he could take the teleportation array, he would rather take it.

After getting the news, Lu Li asked some questions casually, and then said: "Give me all the blue flame blades you have here, and I will buy them."

This wine was very suitable, so Lu Li planned to buy some and take it with him.

But the waiter was embarrassed after hearing this: "Sir, it's not that I don't sell it, but this blue flame blade is very rare, and we only have this altar left here. The previous commander of the City Lord's Mansion, it was because of this The last blue flame blade was deliberately used to embarrass me..."

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded and did not embarrass the waiter.

He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "You said that person just now was from the City Lord's Mansion?"

The waiter nodded: "Yes, he is from the City Lord's Mansion, and what a coincidence, he is also the guard on duty at the teleportation tower. It must be a holiday today, so he has no time to come here..."

"It's interesting." Lu Li smiled dumbly, but he didn't expect to offend a teleportation zone guard by accident.

However, he didn't take it too seriously. With his current cultivation level, as long as the False Emperor and Immortal Emperor do not appear, self-protection is not a problem.

Afterwards, Lu Li paid the bill and walked in the direction the waiter said.

Soon after, he came to a gate surrounded by high walls in the north of the city.

There is a stone plaque hanging above the gate with the word "transfer" written on it.

But just as Lu Li was about to walk in, a guard stopped him politely: "Sir, you can't enter here."

"Why is this?" Lu Li frowned slightly.

"Sir, the teleportation array is in maintenance and cannot be used. If you need it, you can stay in the city for a while and come back after the maintenance is completed." The guard said with a smile on his face and an apologetic tone.

"Maintenance period?" Lu Li thought it was too coincidental. He instinctively thought that this guy was deliberately making things difficult for him, but looking at his expression, it seemed to be true, so he couldn't help asking.

"How long will it take to complete the maintenance?"

"It's hard to say. We have to wait for our array master to come from the Wing Demon Palace. It may take two or three months at the shortest, or three to five years at the longest." The guard replied.

"Three to five years?" Lu Li glanced at the square inside, shook his head and turned away.

With this time, he would be able to reach Changji City even if he hurried on his own.

After leaving the teleportation area, Lu Li did not stay in Black Stone City, but went directly to the north of the city.

As soon as he left, the guard's face showed a sneer.

He took out a jade talisman and activated it and said, "The target has left."

It seems that he was deliberately targeting Lu Li.

The journey to Changji is long.

Lu Li didn't want to travel in person anymore, so he sacrificed the Fantasy Moon Snow Lotus after leaving Black Stone City.

After so many years of evolution, the Fantasy Moon Pearl has digested all the materials he provided and reached the level of a sixth-level immortal weapon. If there are enough immortal stones to support it, the speed of the Fantasy Moon Snow Lotus is not much slower than his own full-strength travel.

"Hmm?" During the flight, Lu Li suddenly frowned and rushed down to the forest below, while restraining his breath and making himself calm.

After Lu Li hid in the forest for a few breaths, a few small black dots suddenly appeared in the sky in the south. The black dots were extremely fast and had already arrived above the forest where Lu Li was in a breath.

A closer look showed that they were six people in black. These people were men and women, old and young.

"Where are the people?" One of the old women looked around and showed a puzzled expression.

"This person is so fast, I'm afraid he has already achieved the Demon Lord?" The middle-aged man on the far left frowned.

"So what if he's a demon lord? Isn't the boss also a demon lord? Why should we be afraid of him?" Another middle-aged woman looked at the pockmarked old man in the lead. He was the strongest killer in their Black Stone City.

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