Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2320 Three Sects Return to Their Origin

"It's very simple. After you join the Supreme Heaven, you can still maintain the original inheritance system. In fact, our disciples of the Supreme Heaven can also join your sect based on their own free will." Weiyue seemed to have already thought of it. When Xiao Qian asked a question, he spoke out his thoughts without thinking.

"Still maintaining the original inheritance system? Does Palace Master Qin mean Huagu Mountain or Huagu Mountain, Wuliang Mountain or Wuliang Mountain?" Xiao Qian's old face showed an unexpected expression.

"Yes, that's what it means. But from now on, all three of you factions must be controlled by the Supreme God."

"That is to say, you three factions must regard yourself as the Supreme Heaven Branch."

"As the main hall, Supreme Heaven can provide you with scarce resources, but your resources must also be shared with Supreme Heaven."

Weiyue's meaning, to put it bluntly, is to turn the three sects into the new hall of the Supreme Heaven. Like the previous Tianji Hall, Duobao Hall, and Zhentian Hall, each has its own purpose, but does not interfere with each other.

In this way, the inheritance of the three sects is preserved and the Supreme Heaven can be strengthened.

The three of them naturally understood what Weiyue meant, and all of them looked thoughtful.

Now that the sect foundations of the three sects have been destroyed, if they want to fight against Ye Xuantian and regain the country, they may have to rely on supreme genius.

And let’s look at it now.

The ambition of Supreme Heaven is also not small, and I am afraid that there will be another existence like Xuantian Palace in the future.

The three factions may once again face a dilemma.

But it would be too embarrassing to have so many Immortal Emperors dragging their families with them to accept the control of the Supreme Heaven. Because now there are only three Immortal Emperors in Supreme Heaven at best, and each of their three sects has five Immortal Emperors.

"Amitabha, that's all! Since Palace Master Qin says so, then let's follow your wishes. We at Wuliang Mountain are willing to join the Supreme Heaven."

At this time, Patriarch Ji Fan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly expressed his stance. Xiao Qian and Bai Feihong were shocked.

Weiyue's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, "Senior Jifan is really wise and discerning. I believe you will not regret today's decision."

"Master Jifan, what do you mean? You just agreed without thinking about it?" Bai Feihong was secretly annoyed, thinking that after you agreed, wouldn't you just put us on the fire rack to roast? Yet.

When Patriarch Ji Fan heard this, he just smiled and shook his head, without explaining why he agreed so readily.

"Ha! Since Master Jifan is so cheerful, what do I have to say? Speaking of which, our Xiao family still has a peerless evildoer in the supreme heaven. Anyway, we are not at a loss." When Xiao Qian saw this, he was surprised. Then he agreed.

"Two lunatics!" When Bai Feihong heard this, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Palace Master Qin, is what you said before true? If the Palace of Time is merged with Supreme Heaven, you really won't secretly make trouble and look for opportunities to disband us?" Bai Feihong asked, staring at Weiyue.

"Senior Bai, don't worry, I can assure you about this matter. Although the three of you are controlled by the Supreme Heaven, you will never interfere too much with your internal inheritance. You just need to obey the orders of the Supreme Heaven when acting externally. In other words, When the world is at peace, you only need to set the main hall in the Supreme Heaven, and the sect can still return to its original place!" Weiyue's expression was serious, and she didn't mean to be joking at all.

The sect returned to its place of origin.

Hearing these words, Ji Fan and Xiao Qian both nodded secretly.

This is what they want most.

"Well, in this case, I have nothing more to say. We, the Time Palace, are willing to merge into the Supreme Heaven." Bai Feihong sighed secretly, and finally agreed.

Weiyue was secretly happy when she heard this, but she still maintained enough composure on the surface: "Okay, then I would like to thank the seniors for their appreciation. From now on, I will invite several seniors to jointly assume the position of the supreme guardian ancestors, and jointly control the world. Go to heaven! Oh, by the way, there are several other emperor-level seniors under your sect who can also take on the role of guardian ancestors. I would like to trouble you to lead the people under your sect to the ancestral hall to receive the supreme heaven identity token. …”

Afterwards, several people discussed for a while, and then the three Jifan trio said goodbye and left the Supreme Heavenly Palace.

Weiyue has promised that from now on, the disciples of the three sects can also participate in the selection of the refining team. As long as they stand out, they can get the Bodhi Path Fruit, the Soul Stone, and the free use of the power of faith just like the normal Supreme Heaven disciples.

After the three ancestors came out, they felt empty in their hearts and felt like they had been cheated.

"Master Jifan, what do you mean? With your character, how could you make such a decision so easily!" Bai Feihong was still confused.

Ancestor Ji Fan is a well-known stubborn person. In the past, Ye Xuantian and others had extended an olive branch to Wuliang Mountain, trying to draw Wuliang Mountain into their own camp, but in the end they were ruthlessly rejected by the other party. But now, it is really puzzling to make such a hasty decision.

"Hey, you still underestimated the Supreme Heaven. Although they only have three Immortal Emperors now, have you ever thought carefully that before the Immortal Legacy turmoil, the Supreme Heaven didn't even have an Immortal Emperor?" Ji Fan looked around. He glanced at the two of them and said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Bai Feihong and Xiao Qian were both stunned, and felt that Ji Fan's words did make some sense.

I wonder if there is any special method hidden in the Supreme Heaven that can produce Immortal Emperors in batches?

Moreover, that Yu Wenwen and the Qin Palace Master were also a bit strange. They broke through when they said they would break through, without any signs.

"But, this is not a reason!"

"No matter how mysterious they are, they are only three immortal emperors, and the strongest one is only in the middle stage of cultivation. As for our three sects..." The three of them flew side by side, Bai Feihong questioned again.

"Okay, if you really want to know, I'll tell you the truth, just follow me."

Seeing Bai Feihong pestering him, Ji Fan accelerated back to the door of his cave.

Seeing this, Xiao Qian and the others hurriedly followed.

After returning to the cave and closing the stone door, Ji Fan said with a serious expression:

"Don't tell anyone else about today except the three of us!"

"Is it so serious?" Bai Feihong said in astonishment.

"Agree or not?"

"Agree, agree, just tell me quickly." Xiao Qian and the others nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I'll tell you, that Yu Wenshu is actually..." Ji Fan was mysterious and lowered his voice.


"Old Man Tianji!" Xiao Qian and the others stared at each other and screamed loudly.

"Hush--shut up, shut up!" Ji Fan's face twitched, and he looked like he was impressed by you.

Bai Feihong and the others laughed dryly, and then started asking questions seriously.


"Three evildoers who are more powerful than Ye Xuantian!" After a moment, the two screamed again.

"Speak softly, speak softly. You are already old, why are you shouting so loudly?" Ji Fan was furious again.

"No, you are too outrageous. You were fooled by Yu Wenshu, right?" Xiao Qian said with his eyes wide open.

"Speaking of this, I really want to stand on the side of Master Ji Fan." Bai Feihong heard this, but suddenly changed his attitude and stopped questioning the old ancestor Ji Fan.

"What do you mean?"

"Weren't you the one who questioned the most before? Why are you turning against me now?" Xiao Qian asked suspiciously.

"Hey! Brother Xiao Qian, you don't know, when Master Jifan and I went to Piaomiao Fairyland to kill Yuwen Xuanji..." Speaking of the weird scene when Yuwen Xuanji took away the Tianji Fan, Bai Feihong's expression gradually became solemn.

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