Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2328 There is a surprise

Seeing that Lu Li didn't want to leave alone, Yu Wenshu had no choice. Lu Li was right. At present, only Lu Li, who has mastered the road of reincarnation, can hope to fight Ye Xuantian. No matter how many others there are, they can't be Ye Xuantian's opponent. . If Lu Li left alone, then millions of Supreme Heaven disciples here would die.

He nodded, turned around and left without saying a word.

After Lu Li watched Yu Wenwen leave, he remained silent for a while and then went to the attic.

How is Weiyue's progress? After so many years, she still has no intention of leaving. Lu Li thought about it and finally opened the barrier and flew in.

In the attic room, Weiyue was sitting on the floor, with runic chains that flickered on and off around her body, swimming back and forth. She didn't know what kind of magic she was practicing, and it looked really mysterious.

Lu Li stood at the door, looking at Weiyue quietly.

Suddenly, Weiyue's breath tightened, and the chains were taken back into her body and disappeared.

She raised her eyes, stood up slowly, and said softly: "You are out of seclusion."

Lu Li nodded.

Weiyue said: "Are you worried?"

Lu Li sighed: "Ye Xuantian is here and is rushing to Liuyun Mountain. I'm not sure."

Weiyue understood immediately. She opened her mouth and said, "You want me to take some people away?"

Lu Li nodded: "If I can't defeat them, I hope you can take some people with you. Chen Zhong, Ah Fei, Chan Bao... they all still have a long way to go. There is no need to accompany me to death."

Weiyue's body trembled slightly, and she rushed over and hugged Lu Li tightly: "Why don't you leave? They are here for the three sects. This has nothing to do with you."

Lu Li shook his head: "In the past, the three sects really had nothing to do with me, but it is different now. The three sects are no longer the three sects. They are all people of the Supreme Heaven, as well as those foreign races in the Yuzhu Fairyland. They are all because of their belief in I am standing behind me, how can I abandon them at this time?"

"Moreover, I control the Void Tower and I am destined to be unable to coexist with Ye Xuantian. If he sees me, he might rather kill me first than kill the three powerful men."

"Yue'er. Promise me that if that moment comes, you will help me take Chan Bao and the others away."

Weiyue's eyes were red, speechless and choked.

Heavenly Palace.

One after another, figures came through the sky from a distance, and soon a dozen people sat on the cold stone platform.

They all smelled an unusual smell, and all of them had heavy expressions.

The sixteen guardian ancestors, including Yu Xianyang, were sitting on the left and right sides of the main hall.

Yuwen stood on the east side of the lotus platform in the depths without saying a word.

After a while, Wu De, Yangshuo, Qingxun, and Chi Ling also came together and took their seats at the end.

They are not considered supreme beings, so coming here would be a bit embarrassing to be honest. But Wu De insisted on coming, and the other three had no choice but to follow.

A moment later, two figures landed outside the hall at the same time, and Lu Li and Weiyue walked in side by side.

Lu Li walked to the lotus platform deep in the hall and sat down slowly, while Weiyue stood quietly on the west side of the lotus platform.

"Greetings to Your Majesty." Many of the Dharma Protector Ancestors lowered their heads in unison and said in a deep voice.

"You don't have to be polite." Lu Li waved his hand, "As you expected, this day has finally come. And I haven't grown to the level you expected yet. But fortunately, there are many of us, so even if I am defeated, I can still I will restrain you and let you take some people away..."

In the main hall, Lu Li's voice continued to echo. Many immortal emperors were moved by Lu Li's righteousness, because in their opinion, Ye Xuantian only came for them, and Lu Li could abandon them and leave alone.

Only Wu De, who was sitting at the end, looked particularly tangled and complicated.

He and Lu Li had also known each other for a long time. In this situation, he really didn't know how to choose.

Lu Li's idea was that they had many Immortal Emperors, and without Ye Xuantian, they should be able to easily cope with the other Immortal Emperors in Xuantian Palace. So he could lure Ye Xuantian away and give these people a chance to survive.

Everyone had different ideas, but no one spoke at this time.

At this moment, another black light suddenly flashed in and rushed straight into the center of the hall.

"Master! They are coming." Tang Fei said nervously as he bowed towards Lu Li and clasped his fists.

"Where are you?"

"In the direction of Zixiao City, we will probably arrive here soon."

"I understand. Don't act rashly while you stay in Liuyun Cave. Go out and meet them as master." Lu Li said as he flew out of the hall: "Everyone, come with me."

Seeing this, the others also stood up and followed closely behind.

"Sister-in-law, you won't stay?" Yu Wenwen turned his head and glanced at Weiyue.

"I have my own plan." Weiyue said lightly and quickly chased after him.

Wanli Liuyun Mountain is covered by clouds and fog, with only some mountain tops exposed above the clouds.

Lu Li and others flew out of the clouds at the top of one of the mountains, and without stopping, they headed east with imperial might.

Even if there is a fight, the battlefield cannot be placed in Liuyun Mountain, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

They did not face Ye Xuantian and others directly. It is estimated that after Ye Xuantian sensed their imperial power, he suddenly turned around and headed to the land of Tianhe in the north.

Sure enough, just as everyone stabilized their bodies, Ye Xuantian and others caught up from behind.

Lu Li suddenly turned around and led everyone to face Ye Xuantian and others in mid-air.

Ye Xuantian and others arrived in a flash, and they were more than ten miles away from Lu Li and others, looking at each other from a distance.

so many people!

When they saw Lu Li's group, Liu Qingran and the others were shocked.

And Ye Xuantian's face suddenly changed.

His originally indifferent expression became extremely complicated at this moment.

He first looked at Lu Li, with a burning light flashing in his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Boy, I never thought that you have grown to this point!"

Liu Qingran's pupils also shrank, and he looked at Lu Li as if he had seen a ghost. Of course he recognized Lu Li, the little guy who had gone to the Liu family to invite them to follow him, but he didn't expect that he was so strong now.

"There are many things you can't expect." When he saw Ye Xuantian again, Lu Li was no longer the little fairy king in the Netherworld Holy Land. Even though Ye Xuantian was famous, he no longer turned around and ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Haha. It's interesting. It seems that the pagoda has really helped you a lot. It makes you full of confidence and feel that you have the strength to fight with this emperor." Ye Xuantian looked at Lu Li with interest, and his mood suddenly improved. This trip will not only completely eliminate the three sects, but also return the Void Tower to his hands.

"I feel the breath of the clone." At this moment, Qin Bingyue beside him suddenly said in surprise.


"There is something wrong with that woman. She must be my spirit clone." Qin Bingyue looked at Wei Yue.

"Oh? That's really interesting." Ye Xuantian raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Li and said:

"Boy, it seems that you have been recognized by the three sects? It is also a rare opponent. This emperor will give you a chance to choose. Bring them to surrender to me, and I will let you live. How about it?"

"Please believe this yourself." Lu Li sneered.

"So, are you ready to resist to the end?" Ye Xuantian's eyes flashed with cold light, and a faint pressure began to gather.

"Let's not talk about whether to resist or not, I have a surprise for you." Lu Li said, and suddenly looked down at the Tianhe below.

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