Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2355 The army sets out

Finally, after a discussion, several important decisions were made.

First, the three demon world exits of Liuyun Cave, Fengmo Valley, and Zhenmo Mountain were all left alone. All the practitioners and ordinary people in the three fairy domains of Ziyang, Wuliang, and Nanxuan were transferred out. Only the necessary secret sentries were left to monitor the demon world exits of the three fairy domains.

Second, all the academies began to recruit troops and form a demon-controlling army. All those who reached the level of Golden Immortal must participate in the war.

Those below the level of Golden Immortal can voluntarily participate in the war, or assist in the construction of fortifications, and serve as logistics to help transfer ordinary people.

Suddenly, the entire Nine Heavens began to get busy, and this rare peace was broken again.

But this time, the demon-killing sentiment in the fairy world was even higher than the last time.

The three fairy domains of Ziyang, Wuliang, and Nanxuan were the first to bear the brunt of the movement.

The teleportation array was almost non-stop, and the Supreme Heavenly Palace provided fairy stones for free regardless of the cost and gains and losses. All those low-level disciples and ordinary people were sent away from their homeland.

And starting from the exits of the three major demon worlds, they built towering walls and arranged magnificent formations. Just waiting for the storm to come.

At the end of these formations, several cross-border formations were used to transport the army at critical moments.

Thirty million demon-controlling troops have been assembled in just one month.

All gathered in the core of the Immortal Relics, ready to go at any time.

This is the advantage of the academy, and it fully reflects the appeal of the Supreme Heavenly Palace.

This is a battle about race, they can't lose, and they can't afford to lose.

On the other side.

The Zumo Continent is now also a large army, and countless hideous demons gather on a boundless field. Nearly eighty demon emperors stand in front of the army.

Jue Shang stood in the air, his cold eyes swept over the endless demons like ants.

Beside him, five black-robed men stood side by side, each with his arms folded, expressionless.

"This battle! I want the Immortal Realm, blood will flow like a river! All the people of the human race will be my slaves...!"

"If you win, you will all enjoy eternal glory! If you lose, you will all be sinners of the demon clan, and be cursed for eternity...!"

"Are you ready?" Jueshang's robes fluttered, and his voice was not loud, but it could be clearly heard by every powerful demon clan member.

Upon hearing this, the demons shouted in unison: "We swear to follow the ancestor demon master to death!"

Jueshang nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his robes, "Follow me to fight!"

Suddenly, thousands of drums shook the sky and horns sounded.

Dense figures rose from the ground, following Jueshang and other powerful demon emperors, and rushed towards the direction of Fengxian Valley, covering the sky and the sun. There were many familiar figures among them.

Countless demon clan armies entered the void, passed through the streamer tunnel, and reached the three transmission vortexes at the exit of the Immortal Realm.

"Master Zumo, there are three exits here. How should we act?" asked Blood Soul, the master of the Blood Demon Hall.

"No need to choose. All the troops will gather together and destroy Wuliang Mountain with the force of thunder. Those old bald donkeys, I will make sure they all die!" Jueshang's eyes flashed with cold light, and he pointed to the entrance of the vortex in the middle.

Fortunately, Lu Li did not have anyone guard this place, otherwise, with so many Demon Emperors coming together, I am afraid that no Immortal Emperor would be able to withstand it.

After Jueshang finished speaking, he flew in first, followed by Bai Yu and the other five, and then the four great envoys and more than seventy Demon Emperors followed in. Behind them, there were countless Demon Lords, Demon Kings, Golden Demons, Mysterious Demons, True Demons, Earth Demons... endless.

It seems that Jueshang really fought hard this time, and even summoned all the Earth Demon Realm. This army of over 100 million demons, not to mention their combat power, is enough to make people's scalps numb just by the number.

Soon, Jueshang and his party arrived in front of the first layer of the barrier array.

But such a barrier, in the hands of more than eighty powerful demon emperors, became vulnerable.

With a loud bang, the first layer of the barrier suddenly disappeared.

Next, with the successive attacks of the demon emperors, the layers of barriers behind were broken one after another.

Very easily, Jueshang and his party arrived in the Demon Sealing Valley. With a loud bang, the holy light array on the sky also shattered.

But when Jueshang led many demon emperors to soar into the sky, ready to strike Wuliang Mountain with thunder. Suddenly, he found that Wuliang Mountain had long been deserted, without even a single figure.

How could there be no one.

Did they get wind of it and escape in advance?

Seeing this, all the demons frowned, and even felt a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, since there is no one, just keep pushing out!" Jueshang glanced lightly, and then flashed out of Wuliang Mountain.

No matter what the reason, he will never retreat here.

In the Immortal Relics Land, Lu Li stood on a peak, looking at the square below with a frown.

On the square, there were densely packed human warriors standing or sitting, with the lowest level of Golden Immortal cultivation.

Wei Yue stood next to Lu Li, also looking worried.

“The reinforcements haven’t arrived yet. It would be better if the demons could come later.”

Lu Li shook his head: “I’m afraid it’s too late. I have a feeling that the war is not far away.”

After a moment, a white light suddenly flashed and landed in front of Lu Li, saying solemnly: "Boss, Wuliang Immortal Realm has reported that the demon army has arrived! They are pushing out from Wuliang Mountain, and many of our formations and defensive walls have been destroyed."

"So fast. How many of them are here? Do you have a rough estimate?" Lu Li frowned.

"It is impossible to estimate. It is said that they are so dense that you can't see the end. This battle may not be so easy." Yuwen Shu replied with a worried look.

"Got it. Gather the army and get ready to go! No matter what, we can't let them kill their way out of Wuliang Immortal Realm, otherwise things will really be out of control." Lu Li sighed secretly. He didn't know how many of the countless lives below could come back safely.

Yuwen Shu hesitated for a moment, then pointed at the sky, and suddenly a stream of energy rushed up to the sky and exploded in the sky.

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded through the sky: "The army is assembled! Prepare to go to war."

Suddenly, the crowd on the square surged, and they quickly began to form an array.

In a moment, neat square arrays appeared on the square.

At the same time, one after another, the immortal emperors flew from all directions and landed behind Lu Li.

When Lu Li took many immortal emperors into the air, tens of millions of people on the square below suddenly shouted in unison: "The Emperor's Divine Power!"

Lu Li looked at the crowd with a complicated expression.

In front of the array, Qin Feng, Chen Zhong, Tang Fei, An An, Ning Wuzhou, Zhao Ji, Jian Pi, Ming Yue, Chan Bao... and other old friends were all in the line.

This time, for the sake of the human race and the immortal world, he could be said to have no favoritism at all.

"No need to be polite." Lu Li sighed secretly and waved his hand gently.

Then he collected his thoughts and raised his arms and shouted: "The evil demons are still alive and are attacking us with a large army. They want to cut off the inheritance of our human race and enslave our descendants. This crime is unforgivable...!"

"We are born as human beings, and we should fight to the death with the demons to protect our human race and our descendants...!"

"In this battle, the demons will not be eliminated, and we will fight to the death!"

"The demons will not be eliminated, and we will not retreat!!!"

"The demons will not be eliminated, and we will fight to the death!!!"

"The demons will not be eliminated, and we will fight to the death!!!"

As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, millions of troops raised their arms and shouted loudly.

The rolling sound waves rushed into the sky, and countless people's blood surged. They could no longer hold back and wished they were at the front line at this moment, rushing up to kill the demons on the spot.

"Follow me to fight! " Seeing this, Lu Li shouted in a deep voice, took the lead and broke through the air, flying into the teleportation array on the edge of the square.

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