Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 242 Another Solution

"What's wrong with this little guy?"

Wu De asked in surprise when he saw Xiao Hei digging at the soil under the tree trunk.

Lu Li frowned slightly, walked quickly behind Xiao Hei, grabbed Xiao Hei's neck and lifted him up, and asked tentatively, "Do you have a baby?"

Xiao Hei blinked his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

Lu Li was overjoyed and put Xiao Hei aside. Then he used his true energy and slapped the tree trunk away for more than ten feet. Then he took out a spiritual hoe and carefully dug at the hole dug by Xiao Hei.

Wu De glanced at Xiao Hei behind Lu Li strangely, and then looked at Lu Li who was constantly busy.

As Lu Li kept swinging the spiritual hoe, he soon dug out a hole in the ground that was seven feet in diameter and about five feet deep. But so far, not even a stone had been dug out, let alone treasures. This made him I can't help but doubt Xiao Hei's judgment.

Seeing this, Wu De was also a little uninterested, turned around and walked towards the direction of the stone monument.

The surface of the stele is not smooth, like an unpolished rock wall. Although it is more than ten feet wide, it is only less than four feet high after being slapped several times by the giant python.

Wu De frowned and came to the stone monument, stared at it for a while, suddenly raised his eyelids, walked towards the middle of the stone monument, wiped it with his hand on the stone monument, and blew a few puffs of breath. Suddenly a few shallow traces appeared.

Wu De took a closer look and saw that it was the word "Tomb". His eyes instantly lit up and he stood up as if he had seen a peerless treasure. He turned around and called Lu Li: "Boy, treasure land, treasure..." "

"Ah, shit!"

Before Lu Li could finish speaking the word '地', a strange cry suddenly came from the direction where Lu Li was digging the hole, and then Wu De heard a muffled thump, as if someone was diving from a high altitude.

"Boy Lu!" Wu De's expression changed, he picked up his clothes and ran towards the direction where Lu Li was digging the hole.

When he came to the pit and looked down, there was no trace of Lu Li anywhere. The original pit had turned into a bottomless dark hole. Wu De was not surprised but overjoyed and laughed loudly, "Treasure land, treasure land. !”

Saying that, he didn't care, jumped up, and jumped directly.

Below the pothole.

As soon as Lu Li emerged from a round pool, Wu De smashed him down with a splash, and instantly knocked him into the water again. After his mind became dizzy for a while, Lu Li flew out of the pool with a swish. It landed with a thud on the black floor next to it.

"Old man, what are you doing!" Lu Li stood by the pool and glared at Wu De in the pool.

Wu De stepped on his left foot and right foot and jumped up from the pool. He landed next to Lu Li and smiled, "Hey, I'm worried about you. Who knows, I just hit you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After saying that, a pair of small eyes stared around and turned around.

Lu Li didn't really care about it. Hearing this, he glanced at Wu De, squatted down, picked up Xiao Hei who swam to the edge of the pool, and stuffed him into his arms. Then he took a closer look at the surrounding environment.

It turned out that there was actually a circular space with a radius of a hundred feet below, and nine circular areas with a diameter of three feet were neatly distributed around the space.

In eight of the nine circular areas, there is a two-foot-tall elixir plant. On the top of the elixir is a fruit the size of a baby's fist. One is golden, one is red, and the other is as black as ink... ....Each of the eight fruits is different.

The pool that the two fell into just now is also one of the nine circular areas. Different from the other eight areas, although the pool at this time is sparkling, there is no trace of the elixir.

But just as Lu Li was looking around, a blue fruit with a dazzling aura in the middle of the pool slowly poked its head out. As the blue fruit continued to rise, the stems and leaves below it also surfaced. , turned out to be an elixir that was completely blue and had three lotus-shaped leaves the size of a basin.

Lu Li should have smashed it into the water when he fell just now. At this point, all the elixirs in the nine large circular areas on the edge of the space were missing.

Of course, it was not just the nine elixirs that attracted the two of them. At this time, both of them looked at the center of the space.

Looking over, the first thing that caught his eye was a sarcophagus without a lid. It was too far away and Lu Li couldn't see if there was anyone inside, but he thought there should be someone inside.

Behind the sarcophagus is a strip-shaped stone table. On the stone table are a pile of jade bottles, a cyan dragon-shaped storage ring, and an ancient book.

"Boy, go up and take a look?" Wu De stared at the jade bottle on the table and couldn't move his eyes away.

"Why don't you go up?"

Lu Li did have the intention to step forward, but he soon realized that something was wrong. Not to mention that the treasure was right in front of him, this old man was impatient even after hearing some rumors. How could he be like this now? Although he acted eager, he stood still. The ground was motionless.

"I'm not kind-hearted, so I let you take advantage." Wu De chuckled.

"You said this, do you believe it yourself?" Lu Li glanced at Wu De lightly, feeling that this old man's nature is really hard to change. The two of them have experienced so many things together, and this guy still wants to trick him.

"Hi, okay." Seeing that Lu Li was not fooled, Wu De could only say truthfully, "I have been to many big tombs before. Anyone with some status will have restrictions inside. I just don't know what this guy's ability is. Does he have any?" Set a trap or something.”

So that's it.

Lu Li stared at the sarcophagus, thought for a while and said, "You'll know if you try it?"

"Try? How to try? If it's a mechanism, you can still try it, but if it's a formation, unless you use living creatures..." At this point, his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Lu Li's belly, "Hey, I want to Get up, how about... lend me your dog thing?"

Lu Li was stunned and immediately refused, "Come on, I think this guy is quite funny, but I can't kill him for you."

"Then what should we do? Just stare at each other like this?"

Lu Li thought for a while, "How about we go out and catch a few first-level spiritual beasts to try?"

"It really doesn't work, this is the only way."

Neither Wu De nor Lu Li wanted to risk their lives, so they finally decided to go out and catch a few low-level spiritual beasts to explore the way. Since they were both afraid that the other would steal the nine elixirs nearby, they had no choice but to leave the underground space together. .

After covering the entrance of the cave a little, the two of them flew towards a branch ten miles to the east.

At the same time, in a depression deep in the jungle of the branch they were aiming for, four women were struggling with a strange-looking monster.

Why is it called strange? Because although the monster beast looks like a big buffalo, its feet are not hooves, but sharp claws like an eagle, and there are four fangs in its mouth, and its body is covered with Wearing khaki leather armor, he looks quite fierce.

It is an extremely rare first-level mutant monster, the eagle-footed monster cow.

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