Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 262 Peace on Earth

Inside the hut on the west side is a layout that looks like a blacksmith shop, with hammers, tongs, ovens, etc. all available.

However, there was no bellows under the oven, because the oven was connected to the ground fire. There was a switch similar to that used in alchemy, which could directly control the heat, which surprised Lu Li for a while.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the weapon-refining room used by monks below the Golden Core level to refine weapons.

Because he had read in ancient books that after reaching the golden elixir, the monks would breed innate fire, that is, elixir fire. At that time, no matter whether they are refining elixirs or refining weapons, they would no longer need to borrow earthly fire.

However, there is another saying, that is, the quality of ordinary elixir fire is far inferior to that of earth fire, and the success rate of using it to make pills or refining weapons is not as high as that of earth fire.

After seeing it, Lu Li walked towards the east hut full of expectations. He hoped that this stone house was an alchemy room, because the Red Flame Fruit in the medicine garden was ripe, and he wanted to refine another round of acupuncture pills.

There are still more than three years until the Tomb of the Sword God appears, and Lu Li doesn't want to wait for another fifty years, so he can only spend these three years desperately improving his strength and trump cards so that he can have more opportunities after entering the Tomb of the Sword God. High chance of making it out alive.

Of course, the Acupuncture Pill can help him improve his strength and trump cards. He just wants Xiao Ling to be able to protect himself more after he leaves the Huya Gang.

Although he had spoken so ruthlessly just now, he still couldn't bear to see Xiao Ling being bullied.

There is a saying: I can spank my children, but I will never allow others to insult them!

When he opened the door with great expectation, Lu Li was overjoyed. This small house was actually an alchemy room. Lu Li tested the earth fire and found that the heat was really good. It was better than the earth fire in the East Wasteland before. high.

After a change of thought, Lu Li didn't go out. He closed the stone gate with his backhand and devoted himself to alchemy.

the other side.

When Xiao Ling saw Lu Li leaving, he secretly shouted "Come on" to himself and then flew towards a shorter peak to the left of the peak where Lu Li was.

Her cultivation level was not as high as Lu Li's, so she couldn't reach the top of the mountain in one go. She followed the white jade stone bridge several times to get to the bottom of the mountain. It turned out that there was a stone tablet erected at the connection between the stone bridge and the stone steps up the mountain at the foot of the mountain. There is a word '二' carved on it.


"Is it the mountain number?"

Xiao Ling gently moved her red lips with a jade finger, secretly guessing, and suddenly remembered something. She suddenly stuck out the tip of her tongue and licked her lower lip like Lu Li did before, and then flew towards the top of the mountain with a red face.

In fact, Xiao Ling's guess was correct. These nine peaks were numbered, from one to nine, from high to low. The peak Xiao Ling went to was Peak No. 2.

Among the nine peaks, only Peak No. 1 has a place for alchemy and weapon refining. The others are pavilions and lofts, and the scenery is quite good.

Xiao Ling kept going straight to the top of the mountain and reached the two-story attic at the top. There was a spacious hall at the entrance of the attic. There was a secret door leading to the back room next to the hall. After entering the secret door, there were stairs to go up to the second floor. .

The second floor was relatively spacious, with a corridor, bedrooms, and a retreat room. Xiao Ling came to the corridor outside the room, glanced at the attic at the top of Peak No. 1 where Lu Li was, and then turned around and entered the retreat room.

Time flies, and three days pass in a blink of an eye.


On this day, Lu Li had just finished refining alchemy when the little guy jumped out of his arms and looked pitifully at the jade bottle in Lu Li's hand.

Lu Li was stunned and put the jade bottle away, "Little guy, I can't give this to you."

After thinking for a while, he took out a jade bottle containing the essence and blood of the Triceratops Python, uncorked it and handed it to the little black dog: "You'd better eat this."

After this little guy ate a bottle of python essence and blood last time, Lu Li found that it seemed to have grown a little bigger, and its black fur had become shinier, and it also had some aura fluctuations, as if it had become a spiritual beast. signs.

This made Lu Li a little curious as to whether this guy could become a real spiritual beast. In terms of intelligence alone, this guy was undoubtedly comparable to a late-stage first-order spiritual beast, but he only had intelligence and no strength.

So he wanted to give it a try to see if he could cultivate it into a spiritual beast.

The little black dog whined when he saw the blood essence. It seemed that the blood essence was more tempting than the acupuncture pill just now. Lu Li smiled, pinched its neck and lifted it up, and slowly lifted the jade The blood essence in the bottle was poured into the little black dog's mouth.

After finishing the drink, the little black dog immediately licked his lips with satisfaction, and thanked Lu Li with his hands in his hands, which made Lu Li very happy: "Little guy, you are so smart, so smart, can I give you a name?"

The little black dog rolled his eyes when he heard this, seeming to be reluctant, but still nodded.

"Yeah." Lu Li nodded upon seeing this, and then began to think deeply, "What should I choose?"

"Xiao Hei? So uncharacteristic."


Hearing these two words, the little black dog immediately became furious and grinned at Lu Li. Lu Li was stunned: "Let's forget it. You are already ugly enough. If you choose this name, you will become uglier as you grow older."

Hearing this, the little black dog immediately breathed a sigh of relief, with a resentful expression of 'I thank you and your whole family'.

After thinking about it, Lu Li, who was a bad namer, really had a headache. He scratched his scalp and came up with two names with difficulty: "Little Clever and Little Little, you choose one!"

The little black dog seemed dissatisfied when he heard this and turned his head away from Lu Li.

This was not possible. Lu Li turned his head back and said, "Little smart guy, please stretch your left paw. Little one, please stretch your right paw. Otherwise, I will call you a clown!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei immediately rolled his eyes, and in desperation, he raised his right paw half-heartedly, meaning that if he had to choose, he thought the smaller one sounded better.

Lu Li also nodded with deep approval, "It seems that you are really smart. The name Xiao Congming doesn't suit you, so I'll call you Little Little."

After forcibly giving the little black dog a name, Lu Li stuffed it into his arms.

After leaving the alchemy room, Lu Li was not in a hurry to find Xiao Ling. He raised his head and glanced at the exquisite attic on the top of the mountain directly to the north. Lu Li walked up slowly.

The layout of the attic was similar to that of Xiao Ling on Peak No. 2, only slightly larger. Lu Li went up to the second floor from the dark room at the back, then walked around the corridor outside and found that the view here was really good, almost The entire Wushuang City can be seen.

"In the bustling city, in this pure place on earth, if you don't dream of becoming a fairy, you will have everything you want for the rest of your life..."

Lu Li sat on the railing and looked at the bustling Wushuang City from a distance. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he didn't have the intention to practice, it would be a good choice to spend the rest of his life here.

Suddenly, Lu Li turned his eyes and found that the door of Dingyunju was open. There seemed to be a few more guards at the door. Taking a closer look, it turned out that there were guard stations not only at the door, but also at the entrances of several other mountain peaks. With.

It seems that it was Chang Yuan and Chen Zhong's idea.

Lu Li shook his head, stood up, summoned the big black sword and stepped on it...

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