Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 288 Exchange of Wind Boots

The next day.

Lu Li got up early in the morning, tidied up, and looked in the mirror. After making sure that no one would recognize him as the man in black who went to Linggu, Lu Li wanted to walk towards the corridor outside. go.

But at this moment, the little boy who had been lying motionless in the corner suddenly raised his head, then jumped lightly and landed on Lu Li's shoulder.

Lu Li was stunned and glanced at the little one. He was about to make a joke, but suddenly his eyes widened. He grabbed it, held it in his hand and said with surprise on his face, "You have really become a spiritual beast." ?”

The little one has grown a little bigger than before, and his body length is already close to a foot, but his dark hair is shorter than before. If he was a poodle before, he is now a fluffy little native dog.

However, judging from the larger head and somewhat weird tail, it seems to be somewhat different from ordinary puppies.

Moreover, the aura of the little guy now is very different from before. From the aura he inadvertently revealed, you can sense that this guy is at least a mid-level first-order spirit beast, and Ruyuan's pupils are full of faint power. Pressure, it seems that one more glance will make people fall deeply into it.

The little one was held in Lu Li's hand and seemed a little uncomfortable, struggling and twisting around.

Lu Li saw this and put it back on his shoulder. He thought that this guy was really weird. He suddenly jumped to the middle level of the first level. The essence and blood of the triangle python was indeed amazing, but it wasn't that strong. ?

After thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't figure it out. He shook his head and came to the edge of the corridor outside the room. After a few ups and downs, he landed gracefully on the stone bridge below. After looking around, he prepared to go to Wanbao Pavilion.

At this moment, a gray figure also flew down from Peak 3, "Boy, wait for me."

Lu Li turned his head and saw who it was if it wasn't Wu De.

After Wu De fell, he suddenly showed a hint of surprise, "Boy, why did you suddenly change your clothes?"

"What, doesn't it look good?" Lu Li raised his arm and looked at himself. He thought it looked good?

"That's not true, I just feel a little weird."

"Weird?" Lu Li couldn't figure out what was so weird about this.

"Yes, it's just weird." Wu De frowned. He felt weird, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. It made him feel like he had planned to say something, but suddenly forgot what to say. , I was really depressed.

"I think you are just jealous of my beauty." Lu Li said quietly when he saw this, shook his head and walked outside.

"I'm jealous of you?"

Wu De chased after him with contempt on his face, "I don't know how many times I was prettier than you when I was young. Do you know how many young girls fell at my feet?"

"You? How shameless!"

Lu Li glanced at Wu De and quickened his pace again. This time, Wu De finally realized what was wrong. He grinned and chased after him: "I finally know what's wrong!"


"Tell me, you are wearing a white suit with a pair of black boots. Is there something wrong with your head?"

"Huh?" Lu Li lowered his head and glanced down, then realized that there was something wrong. After thinking about it, "What you said makes sense. I'll go buy it later..."

Halfway through, Lu Li suddenly stepped forward and stopped Wu De, "Old man, I remember you got a pair of magical boots at Chuyang Peak last time. Lend me a pair of boots to wear first."

"Wind-walking boots?"

Wu De immediately took two steps back and looked at Lu Li warily, "Don't even think about it!"

The wind-walking boots are a mid-level magic weapon, and they are auxiliary. They only need to inject a very small amount of true energy to be able to compare with the full speed of ordinary Xuan-level mid-level movements.

"No need to discuss?" Lu Li didn't want to give up.

"Discuss?" Wu De raised his eyelids, "How to discuss?"

Lu Li thought for a moment and took out the rope dart he got in the Spirit Valley last time, "I'll exchange it for this."

"Boy, you don't think I'm a three-year-old child! You have a low-grade offensive magic weapon, and you want to exchange me for a mid-grade auxiliary magic weapon?"

"Hey, let's add this to the list!" Lu Li took out another piece of purple jade, which was the Hidden God Talisman he got from Lian Yun.

"You've already used this hidden talisman once, and it's not enough!" Judging from Wu De's expression, it was not that there was no room for negotiation. He just felt that the value of what Lu Li gave him was too low.

Also, he has the Qingfeng Banner. Although these boots are good, they are not indispensable.

Lu Li rubbed his forehead when he heard this, gritted his teeth, and took out the soul-piercing sword, "If this is not enough, then there is nothing I can do."

Although the soul-piercing sword has some pressure on the consciousness, the pressure is not very strong. As long as you are not a fighting novice, you can almost avoid it. Just like when Lu Li used the soul-piercing sword to sneak attack Qiu Yun and Lianyun, it didn't work even once.

Wu De felt the aura above, frowned and thought for a moment, "Okay, I'll give you an advantage!"

After saying that, he took off a pair of silver-gray boots from his feet and handed them to Lu Li, "Here!"

Lu Li was stunned and quickly took it. A strange fragrance suddenly hit his nostrils. He held it up with a look of disgust on his face, "Hey - you haven't cleaned your feet in a few days. This smell, this feeling... vomiting." !”

"Hehe, I was too busy during this period and didn't pay attention to taking care of it." Wu De smiled and said, "Stop talking nonsense. If you want it, just give it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes!" Lu Li quickly handed over a coil of rope, a used hidden talisman and the soul-piercing sword in his left hand.

After the transaction was completed, Lu Li hurriedly used his true energy to clean the wind-stepping boots again and again until there was no smell. Then he dripped blood to recognize the owner again and put them on.

These wind-stepping boots are indeed a mid-grade magic weapon. The soles are soft and comfortable, making him feel like stepping on cotton. The only flaw is that they seem a little tight, which may be because Wu De's size is too small.

This is easy to solve. Lu Li just thought about it, and the wind-stepping boots began to automatically adjust the size. In a breath, the squeezing feeling disappeared.

After taking a look at the silver-gray upper, Lu Li's eyes flashed. After injecting true energy, the wind-stepping boots turned into snow-white, and there was no feeling of mismatch.

At the same time, Lu Li felt light under his feet, and he couldn't help but tap lightly. Suddenly, the sound of wind rose in his ears, and he came to thirty feet away in a breath. The speed was quite good, and it didn't waste true energy.

Seeing this, Wu De shook his head while holding several magic weapons, "Oh, my damn sympathy." He put away the things in his hands and took out a pair of ordinary gray boots and put them on.

Today's Wanbao Pavilion is different from usual. For today's auction, the trading floor on the first floor has also been suspended. Two rows of powerful guards stand at the gate like wooden sculptures.

Wan Jingshan sits behind a long bar table, smiling and greeting people who come to the auction. He is also responsible for the "capital verification" work.

When Lu Li and the others arrived at the street in front of Wanbao Pavilion, people had already begun to enter the venue. The two walked towards Wan Jingshan slowly...

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