Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 291 Low-grade Huiyuan Pill

"Hey, this is good medicine, it looks so beautiful!"

"Yes, this is really white and looks very elastic!"

" have to touch this medicine to know its properties!"


The auctioneer named Shui Lian held the elixir in his hands and walked slowly around the edge of the auction table while introducing it. Every time he went in one direction, he would attract a lot of attention without exception.

But Lu Li was speechless. Isn't this the 300-year-old purple bamboo grass he sold to Wanbao Pavilion? It's purple all over? What does it have to do with Bai!

It’s almost time to see everyone watching.

Shui Lian returned to the one-legged table in the center of the auction platform and stood there, looked at everyone and shouted with a smile: "I think everyone knows about the elixir, so let's start the bidding.

The third-level purple bamboo grass was auctioned together, and the starting price was one thousand low-grade spiritual stones! Each time the price is increased, it must not be less than one hundred low-grade spiritual stones! Seniors, please bid! "

Three plants only cost a thousand?

Lu Li couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, but then he laughed at himself. He had forgotten that this was an auction and this was just the starting price.

as expected.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man numbered 303 in the third row raised his hand and shouted, "I'm offering a thousand and one!"

"Only one thousand and one?"

Number '756' raised his hand disdainfully, "I bid three thousand!" The price was increased to one thousand nineteen. This person seemed determined to get this elixir.

"Six thousand!" But at this moment, the middle-aged man in gray clothes with the number '315' in the third row behind Lu Li raised his hand and doubled the price without politeness.

This time, everyone immediately looked up.

Lu Li had never participated in an auction before, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he felt that the price was far from the price of the elixir itself, so he should bid it this way.

The 'Qiu Wu Liu' who had previously bid three thousand obviously knew the value of the three hundred years of purple bamboo grass itself. He just hesitated for a moment and continued to raise his hand and shouted, "Nine thousand!"

The price of nine thousand was the price Lu Li paid for the purple bamboo grass. Lu Li was also curious as to what price this thing could fetch.

Sanyiwu frowned: "Nine thousand and five!"

This time, he didn't double again, and it looked like the price was starting to get closer to his bottom line.

Qiwuliu shouted again: "Ten thousand!"

Sanyiwu didn't let go, "Ten thousand and one hundred!"

Seeing this, Qiwuliu couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule, and decisively shouted out a price: "Twelve thousand!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone couldn't help but secretly guess that if there were no accidents, 315 would not increase the price, because he only increased the price by 100 before.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Sanyiwu leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, seemingly giving up.

The scene fell into a brief silence. Seeing this, Shui Lian shouted: "Three purple bamboo grasses, the current price is 12,000, is there anyone else who bids!"

When no one responded, Shui Lian slowly raised the gavel, "Twelve thousand, once!"

"Twelve thousand, twice!"

"Twelve thousand, three times!"


"Congratulations, senior No. 756, for using 12,000 low-grade spiritual stones to acquire three purple bamboo grasses!" The mallet fell, like a gong, making a deep sound, and Shui Lian immediately announced got the result.

At the exit of the back passage, one of the guards immediately walked to the center, took the jade box from Shui Lian, and walked towards No. 756.

"Now, our second auction item will be revealed..."

After the guards left, Shui Lian took out a long jade box from the storage bag on the one-legged table. Still following the old rules, he opened the jade box and took out the elixir and stood it up in front of the half-covered tall tower, surrounding it. Introduction while walking around the edge of the auction table.

There were not many alchemists in the field, but there were quite a few making noises.

Lu Li felt extremely bored, so he simply lay back and gently caressed the little one while closing his eyes to rest.

The little one seemed to be enjoying it very much. He yawned lazily, arched his head in Lu Li's arms, and slowly closed his eyelids.

In fact, there are many people like Lu Li. The purpose of their coming here is firstly to see what the mysterious treasure is, and secondly to see if there are any other things that can improve their strength or save their lives.

As for elixirs, they were not considering it.

Just when Lu Li was drowsy, two people walked out side by side from the circular corridor above the auction house. One was a white-haired old man in green, and it was Cao Yingsheng who had come from the Wanbao Pavilion headquarters.

Next to Cao Yingsheng is a man in yellow robe wearing a black cloak. The cloak is naturally not an ordinary cloak, and ordinary people cannot penetrate it regardless of their consciousness or eyes.

Both of them calmed down and looked no different from ordinary mortals.

"How about it? The auction is coming to an end. Can you give that thing to me now?" Cao Yingsheng looked back from below and looked at the cloaked man next to him.


The man in black spread his palm, and a jade seal with only half left in it appeared in his hand. The base of the jade seal was made of extremely fine white jade, with half a cyan bird carved on it.

After staring at the half piece of jade seal, the man in black handed it to Cao Yingsheng without any worry or reluctance.

When Cao Yingsheng saw this, he couldn't help but look at the man in black in surprise, stretched out his hand to take it, and said meaningfully, "Aren't you afraid that I will run away with it?"


The man in black smiled softly, "I still trust the reputation of Wanbao Pavilion."

After hearing what the other party said, Cao Yingsheng stopped talking and quietly watched the progress of the auction. As for what the other party said about believing in Wanbao Pavilion, he did not believe a word.

"Next, the auction will be one of the finale items of this auction, the low-grade Huiyuan Pill!"

After several rounds of spiritual medicine and some low-level magic tools, this auction finally ushered in the moment of everyone's attention. As soon as Shui Lian finished speaking, there was a burst of exclamations in the venue.

Obviously, many people know about Huiyuan Pill, a pill that converts spiritual energy into true energy in an instant. Who wouldn't be jealous? Even if it is of low quality, the effect of one pill is enough to last for a quarter of an hour.

If you have the blessing of Huiyuan Pill in battle, you can use secret methods or drive magic tools continuously without scruples, and the chance of survival will definitely be greatly increased.

When Lu Li heard the three words Huiyuan Pill, he also opened his eyes in a flash, staring at the three small jade bottles on the one-legged table in front of Shui Lian.

Shui Lian did not show the jade bottle around this time. She briefly introduced the effects of Hui Yuan Dan and then shouted with a smile, "Three bottles of low-grade Hui Yuan Dan, ten pills in each bottle.

One bottle will be auctioned each time, starting price, 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, each bid must not be less than 1,000 low-grade spirit stones! Seniors, please bid..."

This price is not low, right?

The starting price of 10,000 spirit stones per bottle is equivalent to 1,000 spirit stones per pill. The people who were originally looking forward to a gamble immediately became a lot colder. However, there is obviously no shortage of rich people here.

After a short silence, the man in green in the fourth row, numbered '414', spoke first: "12,000!"

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