Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 309 Silver-faced Cold Knife

As soon as the words fell, the three columns of gang members on the left immediately surrounded the noisy crowd.

"Stop it."

But at this moment, Lu Li, who had been silent, spoke, and his faint voice directly drowned out the commotion below.

Liu Ergou and others thought that Lu Li was timid, so they all looked at him with sneers, wanting to hear what Lu Li had to say.

Seeing this, Lu Li looked at the two newcomers on the right with an unchanging expression, "Those who want to re-elect the gang leader should stay where they are. Those who think there is no need to re-elect, please stand behind the three columns of brothers on the left."

"Hmph! Just trying to make a lie, Boss Liu's eldest brother is a great master of foundation building. Even if he really killed Chen He, he can still defeat the great master of foundation building!"

"Ah? Brother Liu actually has such a background, why haven't I heard of it?"

"That's because you are ignorant. I have heard a long time ago that Boss Liu's eldest brother is Liu Tiezhu, the famous silver-faced cold sword in Wushuang City."

"Liu Tiezhu! Oh my God, there is such a relationship. No wonder Liu Er, uh, not Boss Liu is so confident..."


As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, there was a commotion below. There were more than 60 people in the two teams on the right, but only a dozen or so people joined the team on the left. Some people who were originally interested did not feel that they had stopped when they heard everyone's comments. .

The strong man Liu Ergou couldn't help but smile proudly when he saw this. He didn't take Lu Li seriously at all and said with a proud face:

"Boy, you must have heard it. I won't hide it from you. My eldest brother is Silver-faced Cold Sword Liu Tiezhu! If you are sensible, you can take the initiative to abdicate and be my dog. By the way, let me play with the girl next to you. Last month, old...ah no...!”

Before Liu Ergou could finish his words, there was a loud scream, and his whole body instantly dwarfed by half.

When everyone took a closer look, it turned out that Liu Ergou's legs had been completely broken off, and now only half of his bloody body was lying on the ground, beating the ground crazily and wailing uncontrollably.

Sand sculpture!

Seeing this situation, all the old gang members in the three rows on the left took pleasure in their misfortune.

The more than 40 people on the right who were still staying in place changed their expressions, swallowed their saliva one after another, and took two steps back involuntarily.

However, before they could steady their steps, seven tokens suddenly flew out of Lu Li's hand. In the blink of an eye, an aqua blue light shield fell down, trapping all the remaining people inside.

"What's going on? What is this!"

"This, this is a magic weapon! It's over, it's over!"

"No, I don't want to die. Gang leader, please spare my life. I am too blind to see Taishan. Please spare my life..."


In an instant, the people surrounded by the sword order cried out again and again.


The long black sword plunged straight down, blasting a large crater two feet wide on the floor of the square. With one strike of the sword, more than ten people were directly blasted to pieces.

"Run, run!"

The area covered by the sword order was too large, like a large circular iron fish pond. Someone looked up and saw that the area above was empty, and immediately thought of escaping from above.

However, just as they flew out of the hole, they saw several light blades that were more than ten feet long flying over in a flash, and puff puff... sounds sounded one after another.

The corpses turned into two pieces and fell down like dumplings.

At this time, not only those who had not had time to fly, but also the old gang members outside the Sword Order could not help but feel frightened: Their gang leader was not only powerful, but also extremely cruel!

Seeing this, the dozen newcomers who chose to join the queue on the left were secretly glad that they had not made the wrong choice.

Several more booming explosions were heard.

The screams and pleas for mercy within the sword order's barrier finally calmed down.

The broken green bricks of the square and the deep pits of blood-stained soil make people feel uncomfortable and frightened.

Outside the barrier, Liu Ergou, who was only half of his body, was screaming without hesitation. When he saw Lu Li walking towards him, his already bloodless face turned pale again: "You, You can't kill me, you can't..."

Liu Ergou was able to survive to this day, naturally because of Lu Li's intention. When he threw out the sword command, he threw Liu Ergou aside, just for now.

He leaned down and stared directly at Liu Ergou, "I heard that you have a big brother?"

"Yes, I, my eldest brother Liu Tiezhu, nicknamed Silver Faced Cold Sword, is also a great foundation builder. You, you can't kill me..."

"Silver-faced cold knife?"

Lu Li raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little interested, "Brother, what's your cultivation level?"

Hearing this, Liu Ergou immediately seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, "Mid-term, mid-term Dacheng, it's pretty awesome, let go..."

"Mid-term completion?"

Lu Li lowered his eyes slightly, then smiled lightly and said, "Take me to see your elder brother. If what you say is true, maybe I can consider sparing your life, otherwise..."

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there, I'll take you there." Liu Ergou nodded hurriedly without thinking.

Lu Li nodded, walked back and gave Xiao Ling a few instructions. Then he looked at Chang Yuan and said calmly, "Don't repair the square. Build a fence to surround the big hole. Don't take care of the corpses either. Do you understand?" !”

"Yes, Gang Leader!"

Chang Yuan bowed and saluted. He knew that Lu Li was killing him as a warning to others who would come after him. And he believed that after this time, no matter how arrogant the newcomer was, he would have to be more low-key when seeing those half-cut corpses.

A hundred miles north of Wushuang City, there is an inconspicuous short peak.

Because it is too inconspicuous, even the most detailed map cannot find the name and mark of the short peak.

However, it is such an inconspicuous short peak, and there lives a famous person, the silver-faced cold knife, Liu Tiezhu!

It is said that Liu Tiezhu got his name because he always wore a silver mask and played with a knife.

Of course, what makes people remember Liu Tiezhu is not only his silver mask, but more importantly, his vicious deeds: it is said that Liu Tiezhu goes out every month to hunt beautiful and lonely women for his own pleasure.

These women include mortals and practitioners, but the final ending is the same. They are either tortured to death by the other party, or killed by them because they are tired of playing. In short, they will not have a good ending.

However, Liu Tiezhu is very cautious in his actions. He never provokes people he cannot see through. As long as he thinks there is a possibility, he will stop immediately.

Therefore, even though he had committed many evil deeds, he lived a carefree life. Even if someone came to seek revenge occasionally, they were far less powerful than him, and he easily solved them.


Liu Tiezhu, as usual, opened his clothes and lay comfortably on the big stone slab in the cave.

While eating grapes, he comfortably enjoyed Miao'er's squirming.

She was a rich lady who looked only in her twenties, with a blurred look and a red face. She looked wrong at first glance...

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