Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 370 Xiaobai, follow me

The first floor of the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts.

After entering, Lu Li discovered that there was no space inside. At first glance, it was all gray. Except for the walls on the left and right extending outward, if he looked straight ahead, he couldn't see it at all. The end.

The twenty-two people who came in before have completely disappeared and no one knows where they went.

At this moment, there was a flash of light behind him, and a girl in yellow walked in. Then, the door closed with a bang, and the light behind him disappeared.

"Brother, it's so big in here."

Chu Xiang looked around curiously and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lu Li nodded, "According to what the senior said, as long as you walk straight to the end, you can reach the stairs to the second floor. Follow closely to avoid getting lost."

Since he has promised to take Chu Xiang to the third floor, he must do his best.

Chu Xiang rolled her eyes, nodded, and said with a smile, "Okay."

After saying that, he followed Lu Li and walked straight forward.

According to Xie Changan, due to the formation, the demon spirits on this level will not exceed the early stage of the second level. The demon spirits that exceed the early stage will automatically be pushed to the upper level.

Therefore, for Lu Li, the threat at this first level was not too great.

After walking a few steps, Lu Li suddenly asked, "Junior sister, where is your battle beast?"

"Oh, it's here."

Chu Xiang shook the jade bracelet on her hand, "This is a low-grade beast ring. Although it is not as good as the master's one, it is enough."

As he spoke, he struck a seal on the jade bracelet, and in an instant, a white rabbit half as tall as a man jumped out of it.

Lu Li was stunned, "You... raised a rabbit?"

This big white rabbit is fluffy and not much different from a hare except that it is larger. The two teeth are very sharp.

Chu Xiang chuckled, "This is no ordinary rabbit, this is Leap Rabbit. It is said that when it grows to the third level, it is possible to awaken a talent called 'kick'..."

"One, pedal?"

Lu Li felt like laughing inexplicably, but he still held it back, "Let's go, this place seems to have been raided. Let's go to the front and have a look."

Didn't go long.

Chu Xiang suddenly became happy, pointed forward and shouted, "Senior brother, demon spirit!"


Lu Li had actually seen it a long time ago. It was a fanged tiger. At first glance, it was almost the same as the monster beast in the mountain. But if you take a closer look, you will find that this fanged tiger is not actually an entity. It's like a spell formed by condensing true energy.

The tiger demon spirit and Lu Li were more than twenty feet apart. Originally, its back was facing the two of them, but as the two got closer, it suddenly turned around as if it sensed something.


The fanged tiger opened its mouth and roared. Then, with a kick of its hind legs, it flew towards the two of them.

The sound was so terrifying that the jumping rabbit next to Chu Xiang shrank in fright.

"Little tricks!"

Just when the tiger was two feet away from the two of them, Lu Li shouted in a deep voice and threw a big blue python with his backhand.


There was an explosion, and the fanged tiger, which had been unstoppable one breath ago, was blown away by Lu Li's move in the next moment, leaving only a blood drop the size of a marble, which rolled to the ground.

"Hiss! Senior brother, you...are too powerful!"

Chu Xiang looked at this scene with a face full of shock. Although this demon spirit was only in the early stage of the second level, it was still a demon spirit after all. How could it be killed by Lu Li with just one move?

Lu Li smiled slightly, "It's just strong on the outside but hard on the inside. You'll know after you try it."

After saying that, he walked forward and bent down to pick up the blood beads on the ground.

After sensing it carefully, Lu Li discovered that the blood beads indeed contained extremely domineering energy. This energy was a bit like blood essence, but it was somewhat different from blood essence. It seemed to be mixed with some real essence.

Seeing this, Jumping Rabbit next to Chu Xiang couldn't help but tentatively took two steps forward, staring at the blood beads in Xiang Lu Li's hand, full of longing.

Chu Xiang stepped forward and touched the head of the jumping rabbit, "Xiaobai, that's someone else's. If you want to eat it, I'll beat it for you later."

Hoppy Rabbit reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

Lu Li was going to feed the blood bead to the little one, but the little one was still sleeping soundly at this moment. After thinking about it, he handed the blood bead to Chu Xiang, "Give it to eat. There must be a lot of demon spirits in here. After a while, I will kill again."

Chu Xiang was stunned and said a little embarrassedly, "Senior brother, your war beast..."

"It's okay, I'll give it to you later."

"Then, okay, thank you, senior brother."

Chu Xiang's face lit up, she took the blood bead and glared at Hop Rabbit again, "Eat it, it's so delicious!"

Hopping Rabbit's eyes were full of innocence, but when it came to the delicious food, it couldn't resist the temptation. When it opened its mouth to suck, the blood droplets were swallowed into its mouth, and it took a few mouthfuls, showing a satisfied look.

"This guy is very intelligent."

Lu Li glanced at Hop Rabbit curiously and said in surprise.

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Well, when I went out for training, I met it in the mountains. It was still a little guy at the time. For some reason, it followed me all the way. I felt that it didn't look like an ordinary rabbit, so I took it with me. came back......"

The two of them were walking and talking. After a while, there was another demon blocking the way in front of them. It was a big bad wolf that was more than ten feet long.

Lu Li saw this and said, "Junior sister Chu, how about I leave this to you?"

Chu Xiang originally wanted to try her hand, but she nodded and agreed without hesitation. She touched the head of the jumping rabbit and said, "Xiaobai, come with me!"

As he spoke, he took a step and flew up into the air. In midair, Chu Xiang waved his hand, and the green vines surged out and swept towards the green wolf.

The big grey wolf was quite intelligent. Seeing the vines coming, he did not fight Chu Xiang head-on. He moved quickly and dodged to the right.

The vines were about to fall.

But at this moment, a round "snowball" suddenly came to the side of the grey wolf, and at the same time, its long pointed ears swung violently.


In a flash, a crisp sound came, and the big grey wolf, who had just stabilized his body, was whipped back by Xiaobai's ears, and happened to hit the vine net cast by Chu Xiang, and was tied up tightly.

Chu Xiang's face lit up when he saw this. When he landed, he quickly formed a few hand seals, and ice spikes shot towards the big grey wolf like locusts passing through.

The wolf's body shook violently, and the vines around it burst into pieces. However, with just one or two breaths of delay, the ice spikes had already pierced into his body, making a series of muffled sounds.

However, no blood flowed out.

The wolf struggled for a few times, but finally fell down unwillingly. After a few breaths, his body melted into the air, leaving only a scarlet blood bead.

Good cooperation, huh?

Lu Li couldn't help but look at Chu Xiang with admiration, thinking that this girl was really capable.

At this moment, Chu Xiang had picked up the blood bead and walked back, handing it to Lu Li with excitement, "Brother, here, I'll give it back to you..."

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