Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 41 Big Green Snake

Lu Li stopped only after turning all four people into mummies. His principle is to either not take action or to do things thoroughly without leaving any hidden dangers for himself.

If he lets one of these four go, it will not be a good thing for him. He cannot bear the crime of killing his fellow disciples.

He opened the four storage bags and took a look. A total of 5,000 contribution cards and 15 first-level spiritual medicines were collected, five of which were bamboo grass.

In addition, there were three low-level entry-level spells.

There was not even a talisman.

Come to think of it, a mid-level one would cost hundreds of contributions, and these people were reluctant to give it up.

However, in Lu Li's view, although cultivation is important, the trump card is more important. Cultivation is always something on the surface, and the trump card can be unexpected.

Walking back to Liu Xinyu, Lu Li asked, "How are you, are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine." Liu Xinyu's face was a little pale, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you hadn't helped me find the green bamboo grass, you wouldn't have been in danger."

"By the way, green bamboo grass." Liu Xinyu said as he took out two green bamboo grasses from the storage bag and handed them to Lu Li, "I found two."

Looking at the green bamboo grass in Liu Xinyu's hand and the soil on her white and tender hands, Lu Li's heart trembled slightly, and he took it carefully, "Thank you."

Liu Xinyu smiled when he heard it, "No, you're welcome."

In this way, Lu Li has thirteen green bamboo grasses. If all the acupuncture pills are successfully refined, at least thirteen can be refined. As for the other ten spiritual medicines collected from Luan Xin'an and the other four, Lu Li can't use them now, and he is going to use them to complete the task.

"Let's go, let's go find Senior Brother Chu." Lu Li has completed his own task, and there are obviously no spiritual beasts in this bamboo forest, so it seems that he has to look somewhere else.

After walking a few steps, Lu Li found that Liu Xinyu seemed to be injured. She covered her chest with one hand and looked difficult. She frowned, "Do you want to take a rest?"

"I, I'm fine. Let's go find Senior Brother Chu first. Time is running out. We need to complete the task quickly..."


Liu Xinyu was injured by Luan Xin'an's true qi just now. She walked very slowly. Lu Li wanted to go up to help her several times but finally held back. Liu Xinyu rolled her eyes and finally fell towards Lu Li.

Lu Li was startled and quickly supported her, "Junior sister, I think you should take a rest."

He then helped her to sit aside.

Liu Xinyu pouted, looking dissatisfied, and then began to circulate her true qi to recuperate.

After half an hour, Liu Xinyu looked much better, and then he stood up, "Brother Lu, let's go."

The two continued to move forward. After walking for a while, Chu Qingfeng's anxious shout suddenly came from the bamboo forest on the right of the two. Lu Li responded quickly, and a moment later he saw Chu Qingfeng rushing out of the bamboo forest.

"Junior brother, junior sister, where did you go?"

"No, I just walked a little further over there and just came back." Lu Li said.

"Oh." Chu Qingfeng took out three green bamboo grasses and handed them to Lu Li, "Junior brother, I found three, do you think you need to look for more?"

Lu Li took it, "I have enough, now I will help you find a spirit beast."

Three more, so he had sixteen green bamboo grasses.

"Junior brother, I saw a big snake over there just now, and I don't know if it is a spirit beast, because I am naturally afraid of snakes, so I didn't dare to get too close..." Chu Qingfeng pointed to the direction behind him.

"Big snake?"

"Yes, it's green all over, at least as thick as a bucket, and two or three feet long."

"So big!"

It was the first time Lu Li heard of such a big snake, and he was worried for a while, "Let's go and have a look. If it doesn't work, let's find a smaller one."

In Lu Li's opinion, the bigger the guy, the harder it is to deal with.

So the two of them, led by Chu Qingfeng, went directly to the north of the secret realm.

After walking for about half an hour.

There was a faint sound of flowing water in front of him. After a hundred steps, Lu Li suddenly saw a hillside on the right, with many protruding stones and some small trees on the hillside.

The flowing water came from the stream at the junction of the bamboo forest and the hillside, flowing along the hillside to the valley below.

And in front of them was a downward hillside, covered with green bamboo.

As for the left hand side, it was also a stone mountain like the hillside on the right, with clusters of trees on it, not very dense. Standing here and looking forward through the green bamboo, there was a cliff opposite.

There is a stone staircase on the cliff leading up the mountain. The stone staircase is very wide, about ten feet long, but very steep. There seems to be a cave at the end.

There seems to be words on the cave, but Lu Li can't see what is written on it because it is too far away.

"Brother, where is the big snake you mentioned?" Lu Li asked.

Chu Qingfeng scratched his head and pointed to the slope in front of the few people, "It was just below here, how come it disappeared?"

"Below here?"

Lu Li glanced at the bamboo forest below. The slope here is not very steep. He thought for a while, "Let's go down and take a look. There seems to be a cave on the opposite side. Could it be Qingyang Mansion?"

"Qingyang Mansion?"

Chu Qingfeng and Liu Xinyu's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they followed Lu Li and walked slowly down the valley.

The cave is right opposite, and going into the valley below should be the best choice.


When he got halfway down the mountain, Lu Li suddenly heard a rustling sound from his left hand, as if a snake was crawling, and he quickly stretched out his hand to stop the two people behind him.

He turned his head and took a look.


Suddenly, a huge green snake suddenly jumped out from the rotten leaves ten feet away on his left hand side. It raised its green head, opened its bloody mouth, and two sharp fangs flashed coldly, biting towards Lu Li.

Lu Li screamed and retreated madly.

At the same time, he reached into his arms and threw it forward without caring about what talisman he touched.


There was a loud explosion.

Lu Li didn't care about the result and retreated again. At the same time, he took out a few more talismans, found a speeding talisman and stuffed it into his boots, and then stared at the black smoke-filled place vigilantly.

Fortunately, the explosive talisman thrown out just now was a speeding talisman. If it was a speeding talisman, this joke would be a big joke.

Chu Qingfeng and Liu Xinyu had retreated to the flat area above. Liu Xinyu shouted to Lu Li, "Brother Lu, come up quickly, don't worry about it."

Lu Li was about to agree, but the head in the black smoke bit him again.

If you look closely, you will find that the green head is already covered in blood, but the eyes are scarlet, and it is obvious that Lu Li has aroused its ferocity.

Seeing this, Lu Li's face turned fierce, and he threw out another explosive talisman.


This time, Lu Li threw it accurately, and actually threw the talisman into the mouth of the big green snake. Lu Li clearly saw that the jaw of the big snake was blown through.

With a snap, the big snake's head hit the ground heavily, but it did not die, but began to twist wildly, and the huge tail swung back and forth, and the green bamboos around it were smashed into a mess by him.

It was like a board.

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