Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 576 Second Target

"Greetings, Uncle Ji."

The bearded man came forward and bowed respectfully to Lu Li, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

Lu Li bent his body, trying to make himself less abrupt, and coughed twice and said, "Brother Yan, haven't you come out yet?"

"Yes, Uncle Ji, Master has never come out since he went in."


Is this man actually Yan Pengfei's disciple?

Lu Li glanced at the bearded man calmly, "Where is your master in seclusion?"


"Why, can I harm him!"

Lu Li pretended to be unhappy, and at the same time exuded a faint pressure, "I just got the 'spiritual medicine' sent by Shen Ming. After taking it, the evil spirit on my body has disappeared. I came here to help Brother Yan eliminate the evil spirit. You are still making excuses. Do you want to kill your master!"

"Ah! So the master was attacked by the evil spirit?"

The middle-aged man with a beard didn't seem to know why his master was in seclusion. His face changed drastically after hearing this. After a little hesitation, he said respectfully: "Uncle Master, please forgive me. I have offended you just now. Uncle Master, please follow me. I will take you to the place where the master is in seclusion..."

"Well, let's go."

Lu Li's eyes were cold and he flicked his sleeves and followed the bearded man into the valley.

After entering the valley, the middle-aged man summoned a fan-shaped magic weapon and flew straight to the top of the main peak. Lu Li moved his body gently and followed him slowly.

"Uncle, please come this way."

When they reached the top of the peak, the middle-aged man with a beard gestured with his hand and walked towards the path on the right. The two walked for about half a quarter of an hour and finally stopped in a dense forest.

There was a stone lamppost in front of them.

Just when Lu Li was a little confused, the middle-aged man with a beard had already walked to the lamppost. He put one hand on the top of the lamppost, holding the stone ball on it, and turned it gently.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the ground covered with dead leaves in front, and then a thick stone slab slid open with a rumble, revealing a downward passage.

The passage was inlaid with white moonstones on both sides, and it didn't look dark.

The middle-aged man with a beard said respectfully, "Uncle Master, Master is in seclusion downstairs, but he has ordered that I am not allowed to disturb him without his permission, so, Uncle Master, please go down by yourself..."

"Haha, OK."

Lu Li nodded and tried to walk towards the passage, but just as Lu Li passed by the bearded man, he slapped the former on the back of his head with a lightning-fast slap.

The sturdy man's eyes rolled back instantly, and he fell straight to the ground with a thump.

Lu Li's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he soon calmed down, squatted down, took out two second-level Tianxiang pills and stuffed them into the sturdy man's mouth.

This pill will not take this person's life, but it will make him sleep for a day. If two pills are taken together, it will be no problem for fifteen or sixteen hours, not to mention two days.

Afterwards, Lu Li put it under his armpit and walked into the passage.

There is a raised mechanism on the right side of the entrance to the passage. After entering the passage, Lu Li threw the bearded man on the ground. After pressing the mechanism, the exit cover above closed.

Lu Li ignored the middle-aged man and walked down the stone steps.

The stone steps meandered down, and it took Lu Li about a quarter of an hour to reach the bottom.

This was a circular space of about ten feet, empty inside, but there was a closed stone door on the right.

Lu Li's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly he casually waved out thirty-six stones covered with patterns, arranged them in the circular space, and placed the center of the Xunfeng formation in an inconspicuous position.

Then, he pointed his finger at the center of the formation, and in an instant, the center disk and the thirty-six formation guides disappeared.

Lu Li turned left and right, took extremely strange steps, and returned to the front of the stone door again, raised his hand, and slowly pressed the mechanism on the door frame.

The stone door did not open.

However, a brilliant light suddenly flashed on the wall inside the stone room.

At this time, the thin old man in yellow was sitting cross-legged in the center of the stone room, with his hands in a strange seal in front of his chest. Half of his body was surrounded by fire clouds and the other half was surging with black air.

The two were deadlocked, as if they were competing.

For the brilliant blue light flashing on the wall, the old man just frowned and ignored it. As his anger surged, the old man's face gradually became pale.

But what made him slightly relieved was that under his unremitting efforts, the black air temporarily retreated.

At this moment, the brilliant light on the wall lit up again.

This made Yan Pengfei want to get angry, but when he thought that his unstable emotions might allow the evil spirit to take advantage of the opportunity, he took a deep breath and endured it.

He slowly got up, walked towards the stone door, and pressed the mechanism to open the door.

As the mechanism was pressed, the three-foot-thick stone door also rumbled up. When the stone door was lifted, Yan Pengfei realized that the person who came was not his apprentice.

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes and he said, "Brother Ji Kang, why is it you?"

Lu Li entered without being invited, and at the same time pressed the door-closing mechanism with his backhand, "Brother Yan, look, how do I look?"

His original intention was to see if he could use the method he used to deal with Ji Kang to deal with Yan Pengfei. After all, this guy is not weak. If a real fight breaks out, it may cause unnecessary trouble.


Yan Pengfei looked at Lu Li with some confusion, but in the next moment, Yan Pengfei's expression changed. He backed away more than ten feet and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you! Why are you pretending to be Elder Ji!"


Was it seen out?

Lu Li frowned and looked confused, "Brother Yan, what's wrong with you? Why are you pretending, I'm Ji Kang? Last time we surrounded and suppressed the devil in Jiulongping, and then we were infected with the devil together. gas..."

Hearing what Lu Li said, Yan Pengfei showed doubts again.

Regarding Jiulongping, except for the three of them, it has never been disclosed to outsiders?

Could it be...that he is really Ji Kang?

But this person's figure was obviously different from Ji Kang's, and he didn't look like he was contaminated with demonic energy at all, which made it hard for him to believe that the person in front of him was Ji Kang.

Seeing that the other party still didn't believe it, Lu Li already guessed what the other party was thinking. He smiled slightly and said, "Brother, you don't know yet. Yun Hefeng's statement came back from Beiyin City yesterday, and he came to report to me... .”

The general meaning of Lu Li's nonsense was that after he stated that he knew his situation, he immediately offered him the 'Demon Clearing Spiritual Liquid'. After drinking it himself, not only was the demonic energy eliminated, but his body bones also became stronger and straighter...

Although it was a lie, Lu Li told it so convincingly that he almost believed it.

And Yan Pengfei also showed a doubtful look...

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