Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 635 My brother is missing

The green-scaled monster lying on the ground was suddenly covered by a thick green mist, and then his body squirmed...

When the golden python fell to the ground, the monster had disappeared, leaving only a hateful voice resounding in the air: "Boy, this revenge is not over, over, over..."

"What kind of secret method is this!!!"

Looking at the rocks flying and nothing left, Lu Li couldn't help but frowned: What the hell is this guy, how could he be so powerful.

As the monster fled, the green net that was originally shining with spiritual light suddenly shrank to the size of a palm, and Lu Li stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

I found that the shrunken net was like a green handkerchief, and I couldn't help but feel a little happy. I didn't expect that I would get a treasure by accident this time.

He stared at the green handkerchief, put it into the space hall, and then turned and flew in another direction.

At the same time, in a jungle hundreds of miles away, the green-scaled monster suddenly flashed out and fell heavily to the ground with a snap.

He gasped with a languid look, his eyes showing a deep disbelief, and screamed: "How is it possible! My green ivy net, my green ivy net! How could there be no connection..."

It is worth mentioning that the life magic weapon recognizes the master through the essence and blood, and is stored in the dantian for warming and refining. As the refining time increases, the connection between the magic weapon and the master will become closer.

As long as the master is not dead, this connection will always exist. Within the sensing range, even the storage space cannot isolate this connection.

The main reason why the green scale monster was so shocked was that he had been refining this green ivy net for hundreds of years. Under normal circumstances, he could sense it within a thousand miles.

This was also his biggest reliance on leaving the green ivy net behind, but what he never expected was that this connection disappeared strangely.

This disappearance is definitely not the feeling of being forcibly erased or the magic weapon being destroyed, because whether the connection is forcibly erased or the magic weapon is destroyed, he will suffer a strong backlash.

And this backlash has not appeared now, so there is only one possibility, that the young man in white has the heaven-defying means to cut off the connection with his life treasure.

Thinking of this, a greedy light suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Hehe, wait, I will definitely come to you again!"

On the other side.

In the Xiao family's main hall, there were scattered limbs and arms all over the floor, and blood infected the entire hall. The stone door next to it was open, and many guards were lying crookedly on the stone steps down...

At the bottom of the stone steps, in the smelly passage, the crazy prisoners before also quieted down, lying in the cell one by one without moving.

Lu Li killed all the way from the beginning to the end, and now he has come to the two innermost cells.

"Please, don't kill us, we have just been captured not long ago, and we haven't taken the poison yet..."

"Yes, spare us, senior, we are all normal people..."


Seeing Lu Li's look, everyone in cell No. 2 suddenly felt scalp numb, and they all knelt down to beg for mercy.

Lu Li did not speak, but glanced at the No. 1 and No. 2 cells, and then said lightly: "Excuse me, are the third and fourth guardians of the Li family here?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a slight commotion in the No. 1 cell.

Then, two middle-aged men with messy hair squeezed out from the back of the crowd, and one of them shouted: "Senior, we are, I am the third guardian Luo Yuande, he is the fourth guardian..."

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The other person also nodded repeatedly.

Hearing this, Lu Li flicked his finger, and a small fireball hit the chain on the iron door with a bang, bursting the chain, and looked at the two people and said lightly: "Come out, let me see."

The two were secretly happy and hurried out.

Lu Li looked at the two carefully and found that their expressions and bodies were normal. They did not look like they had mutated. Then he said:

"Okay, you two help me check all of them. If there is no problem, let them go."

The implication is obvious. If there is a problem, they will definitely not be able to leave.

But after hearing Lu Li's words, the people in cages one and two were relieved. The longest time they have been here is no more than half a month, and they have not taken the poison yet. It seems that they have saved their lives this time.

Sure enough, after a check, these people are indeed fine.

Lu Li also kept his promise and took them away from Lingyun Mountain.

Outside Lingyun Mountain, thirty Qigong cultivators all looked like they had survived a disaster. They bowed to Lu Li and said, "Thank you for saving our lives, senior. We will never forget it!"

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "Let's go. The real monster in Lingyun Mountain is not dead. When you go back, you must warn everyone not to get close to this place. If the monster comes back, it will be bad."

Everyone's face changed drastically after hearing this. They all said yes, and then fled towards Xinyang City.

After everyone left, Lu Li restrained his expression, turned around and walked into the fog again. When he came to the Xiao Family Square again, Lu Li released his spiritual sense to sense it a little, and then flew towards a valley in the east.

In the valley, there is a bluestone path with many old tombstones on both sides of the path. Lu Li looked around and slowly came to a tombstone that looked relatively new.

The words "Xiao Ling" were engraved on it.

When he saw these two words, Lu Li's heart felt like it was pierced by a needle. He slowly squatted down and gently stroked the cold stone tablet.

Finally, he sat on the ground weakly, staring at the stone tablet in a daze, unable to speak.

After an unknown amount of time, when a wisp of cool wind suddenly blew across Lu Li's cheek, he came back to his senses and slowly took out a snow-colored sachet from his arms.

"This is the peace sachet that Ling'er personally embroidered in seven days. There are Ling'er's little secrets in it, but the master is not allowed to peek."

Looking at the sachet in his hand, Xiao Ling's playful voice sounded in Lu Li's mind again, as if it were yesterday.

"Hehe, if you don't let me see it, then don't look at it."

Lu Li carefully stroked the sachet, stared at the stone tablet and asked stupidly: "You said, can people really reincarnate after death? If so, do you still remember..."


Half an hour later

Lu Li looked at the burnt incense and sighed softly. He slowly put the sachet back into his arms, stood up and left the valley...

On the other side, the Li family in Xinyang City.


"Brother, where are you..."


In the Chengping courtyard, Xiaoqing was running around in a hurry, looking for Lu Li everywhere.

Hearing the shout, Li Chengping also ran out of the room in a hurry, "Miss Xiaoqing, what's wrong?"

Xiaoqing looked up at Li Chengping, "My brother is missing, we slept together last night..."

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