Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 643 Another weirdo

"Have it?"

Seeing that Wu De didn't speak, Lu Li asked again.

"No, it's the one that was bitten just now. If it can be repaired, it might still be usable, or..."



Hearing this, Wu De glanced at Lu Li with contempt, then took out the bitten awning boat and handed it to Lu Li: "Boy Lu, although this thing is broken, it's still worth a lot of money. look..."


Lu Li was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "By the way, can you lend me some money?!"


Wu De's eyes widened, "No, you kid didn't hear what I said clearly. Just forget it if you don't give me money for this awning boat. You, you still ask me for money?"

"Old man, why do you mean I'm asking you for money? Borrow it. Did you hear what I said? Going to Beixuan is very dangerous. I still have a few spiritual stones to break through to the peak realm. I'll borrow some for use first. When I get to Beixuan Continent, I'll give it back to you..."

Lu Li is now in the late stage of perfection, and it is a long way to the Beixuan Continent. Sitting like this is not an issue. If possible, he would like to take this opportunity to improve his cultivation to the peak level.

Wu De heard this and asked with a scrutinizing look, "Are you really borrowing it?"

"Of course, I can still cheat you with a few spiritual stones. Are you looking down on others too much?"

"Okay then, how much do you want to borrow?"

"How much?" Lu Li frowned and thought for a moment, "Two hundred thousand, do you have it?"

He estimated that 200,000 mid-grade spiritual stones should be enough for him to break through to the peak level. Although he still had 40,000 spiritual stones, these spiritual stones were for emergencies, and he did not dare to use them for practice.

When he heard that it cost 200,000 yuan, Wu De immediately seemed extremely hesitant. It was not because he was worried that Lu Li would not pay back the money, but because he only had more than 300,000 spiritual stones in his body now.

"What's wrong, are you having trouble?"

"Hey, forget it, I'll give it to you."

Wu De took out some spiritual stones with a face full of reluctance, put them into a storage bag and threw them to Lu Li, "Remember to pay them back. I've paid for this hard work and it's hard-earned."

"Don't worry, when we get to Beixuan Continent, I will sell some things and return them to you."


After getting the spirit stone, Lu Li was ready to enter the Time Palace to practice. However, the Tianxuan Sea was full of crises and someone had to keep an eye on the surroundings. So the two decided after discussion that they would take turns to practice, once a month.

Wu De didn't have many spiritual stones that he could use to practice, so he let Lu Li practice first.

Lu Li was not polite. He got up and went to the other end of the cabin to sit down. In order to prevent Wu De from discovering the secret of the pagoda, he did not bring the spirit stone into the Time Palace this time.

Instead, he spread the spiritual stones directly around his body, and then entered the Temple of Time to absorb the spiritual energy from the external spiritual stones. In this case, it would seem that he was no different from normal cultivation.

After Lu Li entered the cultivation state, Wu De also devoted himself wholeheartedly to being on guard, fearing that his treasure ship would be chewed out of a big hole again.

As time passed, Wu De realized that something was wrong. He stared at the spiritual stones around Lu Li with a look of shock on his face.

He discovered that Lu Li absorbed the spirit stones too quickly.

You know, even he can only refine eight to nine hundred middle-grade spiritual stones in one day, but this kid can absorb two to three thousand in one day, which is really unbelievable to him.

After staring at Lu Li for a while, Wu Decai sighed, looked away, and continued to pay attention to the surrounding movements. It seemed that he had no intention of delving into the matter.

The boat continued to gallop north, and in a blink of an eye the one-month handover period came.

On this day, Lu Li also withdrew from the Time Palace as promised. In one month, he had refined more than 70,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, and he was one step closer to the peak.

During this period, they encountered three thunderstorms, but Wu De discovered them in advance and evaded them all. They also encountered an attack by a sea monster in the middle stage of the golden elixir, which was easily solved by Wu De.

It is worth mentioning that Wu De has now returned to the stage of Jindan's late stage cultivation, and coupled with the endless trump cards, he is not much weaker than Lu Li.

"Old man, thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me and you can go practice." Lu Li stretched out, walked back to Wu De and said with a smile.

"Okay, you have to be careful. If you encounter a thunderstorm, just stop and wait until it passes before moving forward. If you encounter a sea monster that you can't resist, don't hold on. It won't help to wake me up to help you. Shameful..."

"I know, let's go."

Lu Li waved his hand and said something before walking towards the stern of the ship.

The lone boat continued to gallop.

"Hey, when will I live forever?"

Lu Li stood independently at the stern of the boat, overlooking the boundless sea, letting the strong wind make his clothes rustle, and his thoughts were a little wandering.


In the vast sea that is unknown how many miles northeast of Yelan Grassland, there is an isolated island with a radius of thousands of miles, called Ten Thousand Demons Island.

Ten Thousand Demons Island is shrouded in black fog all year round, with few vegetation and the land is almost dark red sand, making it look a bit desolate.

But it is such a desolate island.

There are many houses built on it, and there are even two large squares, which look like villages or a small sect.


A magic weapon spirit boat suddenly came from the sea in the south and stopped at a pier on Ten Thousand Demons Island a moment later. Then, a strange-looking man flew out of the spirit boat and landed on the pier.

If Lu Li saw him, he would definitely recognize him at a glance. This person was the green-scaled monster who escaped from him.

"Meet the Ninth Protector!"

When two guards with pointed ears and a single horn saw the visitor, they quickly bowed and saluted.

The green-scaled weirdo said a faint 'hmm', then passed directly over the two of them and followed the bluestone path in front of him.

After a while.

He came to the square east of Ten Thousand Demons Island, stared at the wooden house with the 'True Spirit Sect' hanging in the north of the square, then took a deep breath and walked over.

at this time.

In the wooden house, there was a strange middle-aged man with a dark red body, bat wings, and a horned iron helmet who was practicing with his eyes closed. He seemed to sense that the green-skinned weirdo was coming this way, and he slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of strange dark red pupils were revealed, making people shudder.

"Meet Brother Moro."

The green-scaled monster walked in and saluted respectfully to the bat-winged monster.

Moroye looked at the green-skinned weirdo and frowned slightly, "Pipanqing, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like you're dying? Could it be that just in the Eastern Wasteland, you were injured?" "

The green-skinned weirdo lowered his head when he heard this and said in shame:

"Brother Mingjian, a master suddenly came to Donghuang. He has at least the third level of peak strength. I am really no match for that dog. Not only was I injured by him, but I also lost my magic weapon..."

"Oh? Another third-level master has appeared. Could it be that the people over there discovered the abnormality and sent someone over again..."

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