Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 65: The Sun-Eating Pit

In the dark valley, as Lu Li moved around, there were constant banging and popping sounds, as well as the howling of wolves.

At the beginning, Lu Li wanted to leave the battlefield, but as time passed, Lu Li lost his temper. Even if his robes were in tatters and his body was scarred in many places, he would not take a step back.

Because he found that as he continued to dodge and fight back, he became more and more able to control his body strength, and each punch was just right, without using any more or less force.

Each punch could knock a young wolf to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Only about 20 of the more than 100 wolves were still surrounding him, and Lu Li began to stagger. He still had some energy in his body, but his body felt extremely heavy.

The wolf king in the distance who had been staring at Lu Li quietly seemed to have found the opportunity. Suddenly he bowed and shot towards Lu Li like an arrow.

"You're the one I've been waiting for!"

Lu Li's swaying body suddenly straightened up. Just when the Wolf King was about a foot closer to his body, two Explosion Talismans were thrown towards him.

There were two loud bangs.

The Wolf King fell from mid-air, but it was not serious. He shook his body and was about to rush towards Lu Li, but at this moment, another talisman fell at his feet.

In an instant, the soil dented and its entire body sank rapidly.

The Wolf King screamed in surprise, and slapped his tail on the ground to take advantage of the situation and get up.

How could Lu Li do what it wanted? The moment the opponent sank, he shot forward and sat on the Wolf King's back. A black ax suddenly appeared in his hand and slashed at the Wolf King's head. And down.


With a muffled sound, the ax struck five inches into the Wolf King's head.


The Wolf King was in pain, and with a sudden force, he jumped up from the mud pit.

"So strong!"

Lu Li's pupils shrank, he grabbed the long hair on the Wolf King's neck, swung the ax and slashed wildly.


The wolf king was wailing and jumping up and down.


After another blow with the ax, the Wolf King finally fell to the ground.

Lu Li also lost all his strength. He lay on the back of the Wolf King and gasped for air. At the same time, he stared at the two dozen young wolves in the distance with vigilance. He was really exhausted now.

Seeing that the wolf king was dead, the young wolves in the distance wandered for a while and then dispersed.

Seeing this, Lu Li's nerves relaxed and he fainted.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Lu Li felt warmth on his face, and someone was patting his face. When he woke up, he saw a man in gray with a cloak squatting in front of him. He was furious: "You are such a wicked thing. You have the nerve to come back!”

Wu De smiled coquettishly: "Ahem, don't be so angry. I'm back now. If I hadn't stayed with you all might have been eaten by some monster."

"Hmph! After a night of guarding? Are you afraid that no one will help you lure away the master of the sixth level of Qi training?"

"How could it be possible? Mr. Qin, you think too bad of me. To be honest, I didn't leave last night. I was watching you from above. If I didn't want you to practice, I would have helped you a long time ago. "Wu De said without blushing or out of breath.

"Haha, so I have to thank you." Lu Li sat up and patted the weeds on his body. Only then did he realize that his clothes were in tatters.

Using his spiritual power, the clothes instantly returned to their original shape.

This is Moxia Baoyi. No matter how damaged it is, it can be restored to its original state.

"Thank you..." Wu De didn't finish his words, his eyes suddenly widened, "Boy, your clothes are nice, can you...!"


"Okay." Wu De curled his lips, but kept staring at Lu Li, as if he was still thinking about Lu Li's treasured clothes.

Lu Li didn't bother to pay attention to Wu De. He had seen through this person. He was a typical 'dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist' who was extremely greedy and wanted to take possession of any treasure he saw.

But just when he was about to clean up the wolf corpses, he discovered that all the wolf corpses here had no fur, leaving only the red and bloody corpse, and the fur seemed to have been peeled off.

Lu Li's face suddenly darkened, he turned to look at Wu De, stretched out his hand and said in a deep voice, "Bring it here!"


"Stop pretending, who else is it if you don't own the wolf skin here?"

"Ahem, you're so stingy." Wu De smiled. Seeing that Lu Li seemed to be really angry, he didn't say anything back. He took out a storage bag and threw it to Lu Li, "I've been busy all night for you."

Lu Li snorted coldly and looked into the storage bag with his consciousness. He found that there were more than eighty wolf skins inside, and then he put the storage bag away.

"Eh? My storage bag!"

"This is compensation for betraying me last night!" Lu Li had no intention of returning anything. This person had already made him lose his favor, and he believed that as long as he wanted to run away, even if he was at the fifth level of Qi training, there would be nothing he could do against him.

"Okay!" Wu De glanced at Lu Li faintly, "Let's go?"

Lu Li raised his head and glanced at the blue ridge above, "Let's go."

He didn't say anything like "Don't cheat me again" because he knew that even if the other party agreed, it would be a lie. And...he also plans to give this old man a hard time.

Because it was already dawn, the two walked extra carefully for fear of being discovered.

Two hours later, the scorching sun was in the sky.

The two finally came to the main line of the Thunder Fire Mountain Range again. Once here, the two were even more careful. Wu De used his spiritual consciousness to sense in advance all the way, for fear of being ambushed by Bairi Village.

Until the sun was setting, the two finally came out of the dense blue jungle and saw a vast grassland.

The grassland was also blue. Lu Li thought it was a field of thunder orchids at first glance, but it was all weeds when he looked closely. The grassland was probably at least thirty miles in radius. The open and pleasant scenery made him feel less depressed. He looked at Wu De and asked:

"How far is the Sun-Eating Pit?"

"It's probably in the center of this grassland. You need to get closer to see it." Wu De pointed to the front and walked forward first.

Lu Li followed him slowly, looking at Wu De's back with his eyes slightly turning, wondering what he was thinking.

In less than two quarters of an hour, the two stopped at the edge of a circular tiankeng.

The diameter of the tiankeng was no less than a hundred feet, and it was also a hundred feet deep. At a glance, you can vaguely see a lot of round rocks at the bottom of the valley, as well as clumps of green plants. After looking at the blue field for a long time, Lu Li suddenly saw a few clumps of green plants, which made him feel a little familiar.

It was like a person who had been walking in the desert for months suddenly saw a green mountain.

The tiankeng was surrounded by a flat cliff, but there was a steep path in front of the two of them, which should be able to go down. Lu Li asked, "Go down from here?"

Wu De nodded, pointed to the largest gray boulder at the bottom of the valley and said, "I will hide behind the boulder after I go down."

He pointed to an inconspicuous dark hole in front of the boulder, "Go in there and you can reach the stone pool. There is a guy practicing under the stone col next to the stone pool. You have to look carefully to find it. Don't get too close. Just curse his mother from a distance and lead him out, and then use your body skills to trick him out of the tiankeng..."

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