Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 750 Dark Swamp

"Is this the Eight Pillar Peak? It looks really magical."

Lu Li and Lu Li stood in the air between the two stone peaks in the south, looking far into the valley surrounded by eight peaks. Liu Yi said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

In the center of the huge valley, there was a simple green altar, engraved with various runes.

"Magical?" Lu Li looked away and looked at Liu Yi.

"Well, sir, you don't know yet. It is said that when the portal is activated, a large amount of spiritual energy is consumed, and these eight peaks are natural formation guides, which are used to provide spiritual energy for the portal." Liu Yi explained with a smile. road.

"That's it. No wonder these eight peaks are bare."

Lu Li said something suddenly, and was about to fly in and take a closer look at the teleportation altar, but Liu Yi suddenly stopped him, "Young Master, you can't enter!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's not time yet. There is an invisible barrier between the eight peaks. Although it won't kill people, it will bounce people away." Liu Yi explained, taking a photo of the ground from a distance, grabbing a big stone and pointing it forward. Throw it out.

Sure enough, the boulder flew back only half a mile before it bounced back like lightning!

Liu Yi was well prepared and dodged in a flash, but the boulder that flew back flew an unknown distance before falling into the jungle in the distance with a loud bang.

"Ah!!! I am your ancestor!"

In the jungle in the distance, a scream suddenly came. A black-faced man was directly hit by the flying boulder and flew more than ten feet away. He covered his chest and vomited blood.

"Third brother, are you okay?"

The two skinny high school seniors were shocked. One of them flew back and helped the black-faced man up, while the other flew up and looked in the direction of the boulder.

But he only saw two blurry groups of light, one white and one yellow, flying away into the distance. Angry, he immediately prepared to chase them, but he frowned and stopped, flying back to the forest.

"Boss, have you seen who it is?" The black-faced man said bitterly, covering his chest.

"The speed of the two of them was too fast, I didn't see clearly. It seems that their cultivation level is not low, but I don't know why they attacked us..." The boss looked thoughtful, very cautious and puzzled.

Hearing this, another skinny high school senior also showed doubts, "That shouldn't be the case. We have been very low-key since we came in and have never offended anyone..."

"Hmph! What an offense. I think they were just two fools. They thought we were easy to bully and tried to test us. When they saw that the cultivation of the three of us was unexpected, they turned around and ran away..."

The black-faced man was indignant and said viciously: "Don't catch two idiots for me, otherwise, I, Niu Dazhuang, will let them know that life is worse than death!"


The eldest and second among the three are very cautious, but the man named Niu Dazhuang has a hot temper.

However, Lu Li and Lu Li were already far away from the center of Shifeng Forest and landed in a jungle in the northern area of ​​Shifeng Forest. Liu Yi smiled and said: "Sir, the person who flew just now is not low in cultivation. Nothing will happen..."

Lu Li fed a beast-nurturing pill to the treasure-hunting rat and said as he walked, "I should be fine. It's not me who threw the stone anyway."


When Liu Yi heard this, his expression immediately turned bitter, and he scratched his head in frustration.

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly laugh. He thought that Liu Yi was really interesting. He was hundreds of years old and still had the mentality of a child. He didn't know what he was like when he was young.

He smiled slightly and then said, "Don't worry, you are one of my own after all. As long as I can fight against you, I will definitely protect you."

"Hey, thank you sir."

Liu Yi relaxed, smiled, and walked slowly deeper into the forest with Lu Li. After walking back and forth in the forest, the two of them soon found another purple nightshade.

So far, Lu Li has obtained fifty-five purple nightshades, and his total points have reached 240. Most of them were obtained from other monks.

The one he found the most was probably the Emperor's Ginseng, a total of ninety-nine ginseng roots, which is quite a lot...

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, it had been a month since Lu Li entered the Shifeng Forest area.

This day, early September.

Lu Li finally arrived at the northern edge of Shifeng Forest. Everything he saw was gray. There was no doubt that what was ahead was another forbidden area in the Ancient Immortal Realm, the dark swamp.

At this time, Lu Li and Liu Yi were not the only ones on the edge of Shifeng Forest. There were countless practitioners staying on the long edge.

These people all came here after visiting Shifeng Forest, but because they knew nothing about the Dark Swamp, no one dared to enter rashly.

Everyone is waiting for someone who is not afraid of death to take the lead, but no one wants to be cannon fodder for others, so they are stuck here.

Lu Li released his consciousness and sensed it for a while, and found that there were no less than thirty golden elixir masters within ten miles around, and he couldn't help but frowned secretly.

"Sir, it seems that no one from the four major sects has come yet. Why don't we find a place to rest?" Liu Yi glanced at the stone forest next to him and said suddenly.

Lu Li shook his head, "No wait, the arrival of people from the four major sects may not be a good thing."

With that said, he put the treasure hunter into the leather bag, took out a green medicine bottle from the Space Palace, poured out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

This is the anti-miasma pill, which is much higher than the anti-poison pill he took when he broke into Daze. It was collected by Lu Li from the people of Huanyue Palace and Huangji Immortal Sect.

According to Liu Yi, the miasma in this dark swamp is quite powerful. If too much is taken, it will cause great harm to the golden elixir in the body.

For this, the people from the four major sects were prepared before coming in, but as for the others, it was unknown.

Liu Yi scratched his head and said in confusion, "But if we just go in like this, isn't it equivalent to exploring the way for those who are waiting to take advantage?"

Lu Li smiled inexplicably, "You are right, but there must be a leader in everything. Why is everyone hiding in the dark? Isn't it because no one takes the lead? If I guessed it right, as long as As soon as we go out, a large number of people will immediately follow us. By then, it is not certain who will explore the way for whom..."

Liu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, "Hey, I understand, my master, it's better to use your head..."

"I don't know if my brain is smart, but your mouth is really powerful!" Lu Li glanced at Liu Yi, then stretched out his body and flew towards the misty white mist in the distance.

"Master, wait for me!"

When Liu Yi saw this, he quickly took a poison-proof pill and followed quickly, as if he was a little follower.

As Lu Li expected, the two of them had just flown into the swamp, and they immediately attracted a lot of attention. A moment later, someone couldn't help but followed them in...

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