Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 816 Picking up Spiritual Stones

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Lu Li asked hurriedly.

Wu De put away the compass, stared at the Moyun Gorge on the other side, and said: "It's true that there are opportunities here, but there are also dangers. I just don't know what this danger is."


Lu Li pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed slightly and said: "Since we are here, we can't just leave in disgrace, right?"

"Hehe, that's what I mean too. No matter what the danger is, let's see it first." Wu De agreed and looked at Zhao Changfu again: "What do you think?"

Zhao Changfu thought for a while and said, "I have no opinion, you decide, but I really can't see what opportunities there are here."

"You don't need to worry about this."

As Wu De said this, he took out a strange object in the shape of a 'T'. The lower part of this object is a handle, and the upper part is a round rod, one end is sharpened, and the other end has feathers. It looks like an arrow, and there are crooked patterns engraved on the surface.

It was exactly what Wu De used in the underground passage of the Nandou Blood Spirit Sect.

Seeing this again, Lu Li couldn't help but ask curiously: "Old man, what is this?"

Wu De looked at Lu Li with some pride and explained: "This is called the Shenyin Arrow. It is made of a kind of wood called Jiujue Yinhun. It has a natural affinity for ancient tomb burial objects that nourish the soul of Jueyin. As long as we follow its arrow, we can find the location of the tomb..."

"I see."

After hearing this, Lu Li and Zhao Changfu suddenly showed a look of realization.

"Well, just follow me in a while."

Wu De said, and then shot a green light on the Shenyin Arrow. In an instant, the Shenyin Arrow flashed with green light and began to slowly rotate. After a while, the arrow was fixed and pointed directly to the direction of Moyun Gorge.

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, Wu De took a step and flew towards Moyun Gorge.

Lu Li and the others looked at each other and hurried to follow.

"Wait, wait..."

Just when the three were about to reach the other side of the river, Wu De suddenly stopped in the air and called Lu Li and the others.

It turned out that the arrow of the Shenyin Arrow had turned around and pointed behind the people.

Seeing this, Wu De returned along the same route, but this time his speed was much slower. He stepped slowly into the air while staring at the Shenyin Arrow in his hand.

After returning about ten feet, the arrow of the Shenyin Arrow began to shake again, and it seemed that if he took another half step forward, the arrow would turn around.

Wu De stopped here, first looked up at the sky, then looked at the Xuan River below, and said after a moment of hesitation: "The entrance should be under this river, let's go down and take a look."


At this moment, Lu Li suddenly frowned, "It's too unsafe for the three of us to go down at the same time. If we are trapped together, there will be no rescuers. I suggest that the three of us take turns to explore the way ahead. In case of danger, the people behind can also support..."

"Take turns to explore the way?"

Wu De and Zhao Changfu looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Then the three of them discussed it, and Lu Li became the first person to explore the way, and Wu De also handed the Shenyin Arrow to Lu Li.

This Shenyin Arrow did not recognize its master. As long as it was injected with true energy, anyone could use it.

Lu Li took the Shenyin Arrow and turned around without saying anything. He plunged headfirst into the Xuan River.

The Xuan River seemed to be quite deep. He dived more than 30 feet, but still could not see the bottom. Lu Li was worried about danger, so he controlled his speed all the way and moved forward at a constant speed.

In this way, about a quarter of an hour later.

Lu Li finally arrived at the bottom of the river without any danger. He looked carefully and found that there was an extremely tall portal on the stone wall in front of him, which was probably no less than 10 feet wide.

After a closer look, he found a little golden light in the sand and gravel at the root of the portal.

"Could it be a spirit stone?"

Lu Li showed doubt on his face, and then swam towards the golden light. He dug up the sand and gravel and saw that it was indeed three high-grade spirit stones whose spiritual energy had been almost consumed. He couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

"It seems that what Wu De said is right. There are really top-grade spirit stones here." Lu Li stared at the spirit stone in his hand, then looked at the deep doorway in front of him, then went out to use the sound transmission jade and began to call Wu De and the others.

A moment later, Wu De and the others followed him, and when they saw the huge doorway, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Lu Li threw three top-grade spirit stones to the two and said, "I picked them up over there. It seems that what the old man said is right. There are really top-grade spirit stones here."

Seeing that there are really top-grade spirit stones, Zhao Changfu immediately became a little excited and praised Wu De: "Old Wu, you are really amazing?!"

Wu De smiled proudly: "Needless to say, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, go in and take a look!"

As he said that, he couldn't wait to swim into the cave.

Seeing this, Lu Li and the others didn't say anything more and hurriedly followed.

Although the cave was big enough, the light was very dim. Fortunately, the three people had extraordinary cultivation, so it was not affected much. Before long, the three of them swam forward for more than ten miles.

During the process, Lu Li and the other two picked up some high-quality spiritual stones, but because these spiritual stones had been washed by the river for many years, there was not much spiritual energy left.

At this time, a slowly upward slope appeared in front of the three people.

The three of them swam up the slope for a while, and finally rushed out of the water and came to a relatively dry stone cave passage.

"Hiss, so many high-quality spiritual stones!"

As soon as he stood firm, Zhao Changfu saw the scattered high-quality spiritual stones in front of him and exclaimed excitedly.

It's not that the spiritual stones are piled up like a mountain, but there are much more than in the river before, and these spiritual stones don't seem to have been consumed, full of spiritual energy.

"You can only pick them up with your hands. If anyone uses his true energy, I will rush after you!" Seeing this, Wu De immediately shouted.

But he was obviously a step slower. Lu Li rolled up his true energy, and all the high-quality spiritual stones within a few dozen feet in front of him were already collected by him, more than 300 in total.

This caused Wu De and Zhao Changfu to look resentful.

Lu Li smiled embarrassedly, "You are too slow to remind me, so let's start from now."

"I admire you!"

Wu De rolled his eyes at Lu Li, and then he showed his skills and rushed into the passage. Zhao Changfu was not to be outdone and followed closely.

Lu Li used the Shadowless Art to rush in front of the two of them in an instant. As soon as he landed, he grabbed the spiritual stones on the ground like a whirlwind.

"Boy, leave some for me?!"

Wu De screamed repeatedly, and ran to the left side of the passage in a flash, sweeping quickly.

Zhao Changfu landed on the right side of the passage, and did not seem to want to compete with the two.

The three of them went forward together, and soon they went more than ten miles deep into the passage. However, although the three of them seemed to be busy, they actually did not pick up as many spiritual stones as imagined.

Lu Li picked up more than 2,000 high-grade spiritual stones in total, which was equivalent to more than 200,000 medium-grade spiritual stones.

But at this moment, Zhao Changfu suddenly stood up, pointed to the far front and screamed: "Old Wu, Old Lu, look, what is that...!"

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