Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 826: Northern Xuan Situation

"Not urgent."

Lu Li turned around and glanced at the big ball on the ground, "There are more runes outlined this time. I'm afraid it will take a month or two to complete. You can go about your own business first."

"So long?"

Weiyue frowned and slowly walked out of the bed, "Then, let me go out first to see what's going on inside the alliance? I haven't been out for so long, so I don't know what's going on outside."


"Well, then I'll leave first and come back after a while. By the way, don't be too impatient. You have to take a rest when you need it."

Weiyue said a word of concern, then left the stone room and flew down towards the Linggu.

She came to Linggu Square and took a look around. She happened to see Granny Gongsun talking to a female disciple, so she walked straight over.

"Hey, the alliance leader is out of seclusion."

That woman was the messenger assigned to Linggu after the establishment of the Blood Moon Alliance. She was mainly responsible for conveying instructions to Weiyue. When she saw Weiyue coming down, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Granny Gongsun naturally discovered Weiyue, and upon seeing this, she hurriedly greeted her: "Greetings, Miss."

"What's up?"

"It's still about the invasion of ten thousand demons."

Grandma Gongsun said solemnly: "Some time ago, the army of demons suddenly changed its normal behavior and sent a large number of third-level masters to launch a surprise attack on Beixuan.

As a result, the low-level monks of Beixuan who were caught off guard suffered heavy losses. The army of demons took the opportunity to advance another three million miles, and now it has built eleven lines of defense. "

"Sudden attack?" Weiyue frowned: "Where are the golden elixir masters here in Beixuan?"

Grandma Gongsun snorted coldly and said: "I don't know who has the brains to direct the Demon Alliance. He actually naively thought that as long as they didn't send the Golden elixir monks to take action, the demons would consume them! Now all their Golden elixir masters are here There are not many people who work as material transporters in the rear and are on the front lines.”

Weiyue was speechless when she heard that the Dangmo Alliance arranged it like this.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "Now, they should have realized it, right?"

Grandma Gongsun nodded: "Now I have realized it. All the golden elixir masters are rushing to the front line. However, this also means that the real battle has begun..."

There is no doubt that once Jin Dan takes action, it means that a battle at the Nascent Soul level is not far away.

At that time, the battlefield will be infinitely enlarged. If the Demon Clan's Nascent Soul Ancestor leaves the Demon Clan army behind and crosses the battle line with a single sword, it will be a huge disaster for the people of Beixuan.

Weiyue sighed and said: "Let's formulate a battle plan. We must have our own plan and cannot just take it one step at a time."

"Yes, miss."

Grandma Gongsun bowed and accepted the order, and then said: "Speaking of which, this war is always a battle between humans and demons. Should we send an elder to negotiate with the top leaders of the Demon Alliance?"


Weiyue immediately shook her head and continued, "We, the elders of the Blood Moon Alliance, are following the path of corpse poison. If we go rashly, I am afraid that instead of joining forces, they will regard us as a spy of the demon clan."


"This matter is not urgent for the time being. As for the person to contact, I already have a suitable person in mind. You just need to formulate a battle plan within the alliance and the rules of rewards and punishments. No matter what, you cannot lose the brothers and sisters in the alliance... "

"Okay, I'll do it now."

After Grandma Gongsun left, Weiyue stood there and pondered for a moment, then walked to the entrance of the square, found the maid from before and said: "Lingshan, if there is an extremely urgent matter again in the future, you can come to the Dongfeng secret room to find me. ”

Qi Lingshan bowed and clasped her fists: "Yes, Alliance Leader!"

Weiyue nodded, said nothing more, and flew directly towards Dongfeng.

When she reached the top of the peak, she did not go to the secret room. Instead, she walked straight into the hut where Lu Li lived before. Looking at the messy quilt, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Beixuan Continent, southwest, Xingluo Kingdom.

Among the numerous peaks, there is a vast bluestone square. At the entrance of the square, a towering stone tablet reads "Huangji Immortal Sect" in four large blue characters.

Densely packed figures, either walking on the square or flying among the peaks with their weapons in the air, looked extremely lively.

At this moment, a stream of light leisurely cut through the sky of the square and headed straight to the north.

After a while, he landed on the top of a mountain covered with clouds.

"Meet the sect master!"

The stream of light flew into the pure gold hall. The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi landed in the center of the hall and saluted respectfully to the old man sitting cross-legged on the futon in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

The headmaster Ling Xuan frowned and looked at the middle-aged man, slightly unhappy.

Also, he was discussing business matters with six elders, and this person rushed in. It was a bit too rude.

At this time, there were three old men sitting cross-legged on the futon on the left and right below. They were the six elders of the Huangji Immortal Sect. After hearing this, they all looked towards the middle-aged man in Qingyi.

The middle-aged man in Qingyi was suddenly under great pressure, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "Qi Sect Master, Dayun, something big has happened."

"Something big happened in Dayun? Is this the reason why you rushed into Huangji Palace!" The sixth elder at the end on the left scolded him coldly.

The middle-aged man in Qingyi was shocked: "Sixth Elder Rong Geng, this matter is really not a trivial matter, otherwise my subordinates would never dare to be so rash."

Lingxuan waved his hand: "Let's first tell you what happened."

The middle-aged man in Qingyi did not dare to talk nonsense and said quickly, "Sect Master, I have received the latest news from the Demon Alliance. The demon army has advanced six million miles across. The clouds are so big that it is difficult to support them alone. I request the full support of Xingluo Kingdom!"

"That's six million miles? Didn't you say it was only one and a half million miles?" Hearing this, everyone in the hall changed their expressions, and the great elder Dong Penghai frowned and said.

"This is what happened..."

The middle-aged man in green quickly repeated the information he received word for word, and all seven people frowned.

After a moment of silence, Ling Xuan said to the middle-aged man in green: "You can leave first. Let's discuss this matter and make a decision."

The middle-aged man in green saw that Ling Xuan did not mean to blame him, so he relaxed and bowed to leave.

Ling Xuan then looked at the six elders and asked, "Everyone, what do you think of this?"

The second elder on the left pondered for a moment and said, "I think this is too incredible. At that time, my ancestors went to support Dongji. It is said that those demons have been completely defeated. Now it has only been a thousand years. Where do they get so many troops to set up such a formation?"

According to the news they received before, this time the demons are not only invading Dayun, but also advancing along the eastern coast of Dachu in the north of Dayun.

The north-south battle line is more than 60 million miles, and a line of defense is built every 500,000 miles to the west. How many troops are needed to set up such a formation? !

Ling Xuan sighed and said, "Now is not the time to think about these things. This matter is very serious. I believe that Taiqing Palace and Langya Mountain will not spread false information. Let's talk about it. How should our Huangji Xianzong deal with this demon crisis?"

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