Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 832 Battlefield No. 3

East of Dayun.

Within six million miles of the coast, twelve towering walls stretch to an unknown end.

Amid the dust and smoke, orderly teams of armored monsters are constantly passing through the wall from the back, starting from the seashore, and rushing to the outermost line of defense.

Outside the twelfth wall, there are ten desolate main battlefields, each of which is tens of thousands of miles wide.

For some reason, all ten main battlefields are silent today.

On the charred land, there are corpses lying in all directions, including strange-looking demons and human monks with incomplete limbs. The dried blood and incomplete weapons all tell of the fierceness of the battle...

Battlefield No. 3.

In the vast mountains in the west, some white spots can be seen faintly. A closer look reveals that they are white tents. These are the Beixuan human monks who have taken root here.

The first batch of monks who joined the battle were almost all dead. Those who were lucky enough to sit and chat outside the tent were almost all latecomers who arrived here three months ago.

A few months ago, the demons suddenly sent out third-level masters to attack the human race, causing a large number of low-level human monks to die without even a chance to react.

The demon army also took advantage of this to accelerate its advance.

It was not until then that the top leaders of the Demon-Slaying Alliance woke up and threw everyone into the battlefield.

When they arrived at the No. 3 battlefield, there were more than 100,000 people in this batch, including nearly 200 Jindan masters.

But after a few months, there were not many left, especially in the battle the day before yesterday, when both sides were completely bloodthirsty and suicidal attacks were one after another.

Although tens of thousands of demons were eliminated and the demons temporarily suspended their actions, the human race also lost 20,000 to 30,000 low-level monks, and even more than 20 Jindan masters blew themselves up.

Today, there are less than 20,000 low-level monks in the No. 3 battlefield, and less than 50 Jindan masters.

The atmosphere of despair and sadness enveloped the entire Third Camp, and everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

They didn't know when the demons would attack again.

Perhaps, that was the day they would die.

"Old He, I remember you said that you haven't married yet? You said that you are already old, and you haven't even touched a woman. You really came to this world in vain."

Outside a tent halfway up the mountain, the young man withdrew his gaze from the direction of the battlefield, glanced at the wrinkled old man beside him and said with a slight smile.

"What do you know? Women will only affect the speed of my cultivation. Otherwise, how can I, a three-spiritual root, reach the Golden Core level?" The old man said contemptuously.

"Yes... But you have no descendants? And... You may die here." The young man said with some sadness.

"What's there to fear about the death of a cultivator? At most, I can come back in eighteen years. Hehe, maybe in the next life, my talent will be better."

Old He's words seemed hard to believe even for himself. After he finished speaking, he shook his head and fell silent.

The young man didn't speak either.

The mountain breeze in July was a bit sultry, but the hearts of both of them were cool.

After a while, the young man said again: "Old He, tell me, why are we fighting so hard here? Even if the human race wins in the end, we may not even be able to see it, let alone enjoy it..."


Old He murmured and shook his head, "I don't know, probably, because we are a person."

"A person?"


"Commander He, the commander-in-chief asks you to go over."

Just as the two were chatting casually, a flash of sword light suddenly flew from a distance and landed in front of the two.

He Zhicheng stood up, glanced at the highest mountain on the right, and nodded: "Okay, I'll go over now."

"Old He..."

The young man stood up, looking like he wanted to say something but stopped.

"Hey, when I get old, I should lead the way for you young people. It's okay, I'm ready." He Zhicheng waved his hand, then took a step and flew towards the distant mountain.

He had received the news long ago. In order to slow down the pace of the demons' attack and wait for the rescue of the Xingluo country's reinforcements, a group of Jindan masters would self-destruct in every battle.

This time, it was probably his turn.

A moment later, He Zhicheng landed outside a white tent on the top of the mountain. The tent was very ordinary. Except for a small triangular flag on the edge, it was no different from other tents.

He Zhicheng patted his clothes to make himself look less sloppy, and then opened the curtain and went in.

There were already seven or eight people inside, all of whom were Jindan masters, and they seemed to be of high age. At this time, they stood on both sides without saying a word. It seemed that he was the last one to come.

He Zhicheng stood at the end of the right side with a little apology.

"I summoned you here today. I don't need to tell you the purpose. You know it, right?" He Zhicheng had just stood still when the old man in green robes behind the table stood up.

This person's name is Lu Shaoyuan, the fifth elder of Taiqing Palace, with the cultivation level of the middle stage of Yuanying. After the outbreak of the war with the demon clan, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the third branch and was in charge of all affairs of the third battlefield.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and some of them showed some reluctance on their faces.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lu Shaoyuan said, "In front of the righteousness of the human race, I hope that you can open your mind and not be petty. According to the rules, after you die in battle, my Taiqing Palace will give your family and descendants enough resources to compensate, and they will enjoy the privilege of becoming Taiqing Palace disciples first for generations. In the future, your names will be engraved on the human race's merit monument, so that people in later generations will admire and worship you..."

As Lu Shaoyuan said this, he observed the faces of the people. After he finished speaking, he looked at the second yellow-robed old man on the right and said, "Commander Di, if you have any opinions, just say it."

The yellow-robed old man slowly stood up, bowed and said, "I don't have any other opinions. I just can't understand why all the dead men were selected several times, and there was not a single one from the sect?"

After the voice fell, several people with bad faces looked at Lu Shaoyuan.

This is not a problem, because everyone knows why this is the case. Commander Di just couldn't suppress his inner grief and anger and wanted to vent.

He was not afraid of death, but felt that at this time, Taiqing Palace was still thinking about using these casual cultivators, which was really chilling.

Lu Shaoyuan's face was a little ugly when he heard this, but he quickly hid it and said with a dry laugh:

"Commander Di, you are wrong. The people of the major sects have deep cards, and those demons have not yet used their full strength. Leaving them behind is actually thinking of having a final decisive battle with the demons.

Commander Di, you can rest assured that our Taiqing Palace is absolutely fair and just. After this round, all the dead men will be selected by drawing lots, and will never favor any party. Even if people from my Taiqing Palace also participate, are you satisfied with this?"


After hearing what Lu Shaoyuan said, everyone was silent. These Jindan commanders were different from others. After joining the alliance, they were all banned and had no possibility of escape.

Even if the other party was just fooling them, there was no way.

Perhaps, being able to carve their names on the monument of the human race is the biggest gain this time, right?

Dong! Dong! Dong......


At this moment, a burst of dense and dull drum beats, accompanied by the sad sound of horns, suddenly sounded...

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