Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 841 Make Your Own Choice

After this scene, the six people on the left seemed a little uninterested, and the atmosphere was no longer as lively as before.

Also, the fact that they can come here to help shows that they are all concerned about the survival of the human race.

Now that you, Taiqing Palace, are acting like this, after using the Blood Moon Alliance, you still take the credit for yourself with dignity. Will you treat them like this in the future?

As for the theory of good and evil in the other party's mouth, it is almost enough to talk to those young monks. At their level of cultivation, there is no one who has not had dozens or hundreds of human lives on his body...

The southern area of ​​Qianyi Mountain.

On a slightly lower mountain peak, there are nearly a hundred Jindan masters. There are no tents. Some have dug a cave to barely shelter, while others simply sit in the open air.

"Jiaojiao girl, I have some gadgets here, do you want to try them?"

Behind a stone platform halfway up the mountain, a handsome-looking man in green carefully walked onto the stone platform and sat next to a woman in red. There were several beautifully packaged candies in his palm, which looked like the kind eaten by mortals.

Jiaojiao shook her head, "Thank you, I don't like these mundane things."

Xu Feng nodded, threw the candy in his hand, and said after a moment of silence, "What do you like, can I help you find it?"

The delicate and beautiful girl frowned at Xu Feng and said in a low voice, "You have a good talent and a good person. Unfortunately, I don't have feelings for you. Some things cannot be done without force. Do you understand?"

Xu Feng shook his head and said seriously, "I believe that sincerity can make a difference, and I will not give up."

"Hey, it's up to you."

Jiaojiao sighed, stood up slowly, and walked towards the cave in the distance without looking back.

"I will not give up."

Xu Feng murmured and stood up.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew down from the peak, shouting urgently along the way: "The Great Elder has an order, everyone, unite at the peak!"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound everywhere in the jungle, and each golden elixir master rose into the air and flew towards the peak.

Not long after, a large group of people had gathered in a canyon on the top of the mountain. A tall man with a beard stood out among the group, standing out.

At the front of the team, seven old men and an old woman in gray had arrived. They were the elders of Gongsun Granny.

The blood moon alliance's elders did not suffer any losses in this operation, but they lost more than twenty golden elixir masters and thousands of low-level disciples from the corpse sect and poison sect.

The main reason is that there are too many demons dispatched and the battlefield is spread too wide. Even if they are at the Nascent Soul level, they cannot take care of them at all times. Moreover, the demons are also restrained by the power of Nascent Soul, making them unable to do anything.

Of course, the final result was that the Blood Moon Alliance was superior. After a few rounds of fighting, the demon army was forced back to the defense line, and they did not dare to take another step forward until half a year ago.

Soon, the remaining hundred or so Golden Elixir masters from the Blood Moon Alliance came together, talking quietly to each other, and the scene was a little noisy.

"Ahem, be quiet."

Seeing this, Granny Gongsun coughed twice, causing the scene to become quiet instantly, and then said, "Everyone, what I am going to say next may be related to your life and death. Please listen carefully."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and quickly pricked up their ears.

Grandma Gongsun saw this and continued, "We have received news that the demon clan's army has already assembled more than three million, and the army of Da Chu has not yet been completely gathered. If they are all assembled, it is estimated that it will not be less than five million. .

As for our human race, even if Da Chu’s reinforcements come, they will only be at most three million, so for low-level monks like you, this is almost a life-or-death battle..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious, but no one asked any questions.

Seeing this, Granny Gongsun couldn't help but show a gentle smile, "Very good, it seems that everyone is not an ordinary person! Then let's get down to business.

After discussion in our Elders’ Hall, we have decided that this time we will no longer force everyone to participate in the war. If you are willing to stay and fight the demons, you can stay. If you are not willing, you can return to the Wandering Forest immediately!

Don’t feel ashamed, everyone. It’s not a shame for you to return to the Wandering Forest. On the contrary, the Blood Moon Alliance will have to rely on talents like you in the future. "

After Grandma Gongsun finished speaking, she looked at everyone calmly: "Let's make a decision now. Those who stay and continue fighting will stand on the right. Those who return to the Wandering Forest and leave fire for the Blood Moon Alliance will stand on the left."

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but fell into a brief silence, and then started to commotion.

"Xiao Ji, which side do you choose?" In the center of the crowd, a sturdy middle-aged man asked, poking the young man in purple next to him.

"Old Niu, can you please stop calling me Xiao Ji? If it doesn't work, you can just call me Ju Chang!" Ji Ju Chang rolled his eyes at Niu Dazhuang and said.

"Hehe, the long one doesn't sound good, but it's better for Xiaoji to speak more smoothly."


"Hey! Don't run away. Did you choose to stay?" Seeing Ji Juchang walking to the right, Niu Dazhuang quickly followed him and asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, you must stay. I want to be the ancestor of Yuanying. I haven't made any money in the past few days. I just want to take this opportunity to make a big contribution!" Ji Juchang said with bright eyes.

"Okay! If you have a temper, Lao Niu will like you if you have a good temper!"

Lao Niu's muffled shouting made many people's faces twitch wildly, but Ji Juchang's unconcealed voice also awakened many hesitant people, and they all walked to the right.

Yes, this is the closest they have ever been to the Infant Pill. If they miss this opportunity, they may never get the Infant Pill in this life.

Thoughts seemed to be contagious. In just a moment, most of the more than 100 Blood Moon Alliance Jindan masters made their own decisions. Ninety-nine percent of them stood on the right, and only six people stood still.

"Fight! Don't be a coward. Do I have to be a coward at my age?" An old man who looked to be in his sixties saw this and gritted his teeth and flew to the right.

The remaining people saw this, and the tangled look on their faces became more serious. Suddenly, a sigh sounded, and one of the young men shook his head and walked to the right.

"Damn! I just took a nap, why did they all run away!"

One of the remaining five people shook his head violently, as if he had just woken up, and flew to the right team awkwardly, causing everyone to laugh.

So far, no one has chosen the left side.

Among the remaining four people, three looked at each other, and it seemed that they didn't want to be the mavericks, and walked to the side of the big team at the same time.

After the three left, there was only one person left in the field.

He was tall and strong, wearing shorts and a short jacket, with a piece of pink silk on his chest, which made many people look surprised: This person seems to be a little unfamiliar...?

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