Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 867: None of them are outsiders

Seeing Yu Wenwen's expression, Lu Li was secretly amused. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, Brother Yuwen, you just said you were selling some treasure map. Can you show it to me?"

Speaking of treasure maps, he also has half of it. If he can find the other half, maybe there is really hope of obtaining the treasure of the ancestor Chaotian?

"Of course."

Without hesitation, Yu Wenwen took out the leather scroll and handed it to Lu Li, "Boss, this is it. I accidentally saw it in the master's library, but unfortunately, there is only half of it."

"Half a sheet?"

Lu Li looked at the leather scroll in Yu Wenwen's hand in surprise and quickly took it over.

"Hiss! No way?"

When he saw the familiar pattern of mountains and peaks above, Lu Li was immediately surprised and said, "Brother, you are really my lucky star!"

"What's wrong?" Yuwen Wen asked a little confused.

"Hey, look."

Lu Li chuckled, and then took out his half of the leather roll, docked it and pushed it back to Yuwen, "How about it? It's suitable, right?"

"Oh my god, these two pictures...are they really together?"

Looking at the perfectly connected peaks and mountains patterns on the interface, Yu Wenwen suddenly showed a look of disbelief, "Boss, this is such a coincidence. I didn't expect that the other half of the picture is actually on your body."

"Yeah, I never thought that you actually have the other half of the pattern." Lu Li also said with some emotion.

He kept this half of the treasure map with him, and he didn't really have high hopes. But he didn't expect that he would actually encounter the second half of the treasure map. It's really hard to say what chance it is.

"Isn't this...wrong?"

Suddenly, Yu Wenwen frowned and looked over the pieced treasure map over and over again, "This painting looks like an ordinary landscape map. Doesn't it mark the location of the treasure at all?"

"of course not."

Lu Li smiled faintly, and then told Yu Wenwen the key points.

When he heard that the blood of the rain beast was needed to reveal the internal patterns, Yu Wenwen looked disappointed and said, "So that's it. I'm really happy for nothing."

Lu Li disagreed and said, "You can't say that. If there are still rain beasts in some corner of this world, wouldn't it be a huge profit?"

As he spoke, he looked at the treasure map on the table and said, "I will put this map away for now. If I can really unlock the secret of this map in the future, how about I tell you?"

Yu Wenwen smiled and said, "Boss, just put it away. It's useless in my hands anyway. I was planning to sell it before."

After putting away the treasure map, Lu Li invited a few people to go to the gathering for a walk, but they didn't find anything they liked. Then they left Hualong Mountain...

Today's Lost Forest has changed drastically.

In the hundreds of thousands of miles of primitive ancient forest, except for the central area which is still shrouded by the formation, the array devices have been removed from the outer area, and four huge bluestone squares have been built around the center, which are the outer gates of the Blood Moon Alliance.

Although the outer gate is still shrouded in mist, it will not make practitioners get lost. However, the central area is still only accessible to inner gate disciples.

Early June.

After traveling for nearly a month, Lu Li and the others finally returned to the Lost Forest. However, Weiyue and Lu Li were a little dumbfounded when they saw the changes in the Lost Forest.

If it weren't for the words 'Blood Moon Alliance' engraved on the stone tablet standing in the center of the square, they would even wonder if they were in the wrong place.

In fact, all this is the result of Grandma Gongsun.

After receiving the news from Weiyue that the Blood Moon Alliance would take charge of Dayun, he immediately took action and sent people to drastically transform the Blood Moon Alliance.

He also personally led the team to Taiqing Palace and took over all the other party's property.

As for the original disciples of Taiqing Palace, Granny Gongsun did not make things difficult for them. Those who were willing to join the Blood Moon Alliance were all accepted. Those who were unwilling were dismissed directly without forcing them.

Regarding the fragmented second-rate sects in Dayun, Grandma Gongsun also released news that as long as they are willing to join the Blood Moon Alliance, they will also accept the offer.

However, the Blood Moon Alliance's acceptance method is different from that of other sects. When entering, everyone needs to leave a soul slip.

This caused some casual cultivators who did not want to be bound to retreat.

Grandma Gongsun didn't feel sorry for this, because the Blood Moon Alliance was not a place of charity. Since she had chosen to join, she should do her best for the Blood Moon Alliance while receiving protection.

Otherwise, you can come when you want and leave when you want. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Lu Li and Wei Yue stood in the sky, stamped their feet slightly, and then called Tang Fei and the two to fly towards the square, but before they flew far, an 'ouch' sound came from behind Lu Li.

Lu Li turned around and saw that a barrier appeared behind him at some point, sending Tang Fei and Yu Wenwen flying back.

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile dumbly, and quickly took out two unidentified Blood Moon Tokens and threw them to the two of them. After Tang Fei and the two recognized their owners with blood, they continued to follow. As expected, the barrier never appeared again.

"This has changed so much that I don't even know the way?"

Weiyue stayed in mid-air and looked around, feeling very speechless.

Lu Li also had a headache. He suddenly glanced around and found that there seemed to be a tiny purple vortex at the end of the path just north of the square. His eyes lit up and he said, "Over there!"

As several people quickly approached, the vortex became more and more obvious. When they landed on the ground, they discovered that it was indeed a transmission channel.

At this time, a Jindan-stage guard was stationed here. Seeing Wei Yue, he couldn't help but look surprised. He quickly walked down from the stone platform and saluted respectfully: "Greetings to the leader and deputy leader!"

When these words came out, Yu Wenshu couldn't help but be secretly surprised. He never expected that Lu Li was actually the deputy leader of the Blood Moon Alliance, and this seemingly "harmless" little beauty was actually the leader?

Tang Fei's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but straighten his chest.

After a simple inquiry, Wei Yue walked in first. Lu Li smiled and greeted, and followed closely.

Behind this was the space where the Blood Moon Alliance was originally located. The environment inside did not change much because of this great victory, but there were a little more people walking in the square.

In the process of registering Yu Wenshu and Tang Fei, the deacon took out two soul tablets as usual. Just when the two were about to drip blood, Lu Li suddenly stopped them.

He looked at Wei Yue and asked tentatively, "Wei Yue, they are not outsiders, so why not just forget about the soul tablets...?"

Wei Yue rolled her eyes at Lu Li, "You are the deputy leader, you have the right to make the decision, no need to ask me, an outsider..."


Lu Li scratched his head, then threw the two soul tablets back to the deacon, "Then don't keep them, you arrange a place for each of them to practice with sufficient spiritual energy..."

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