Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 94 I have to go find him

After confirming that the acupuncture pills he had refined were indeed effective, Lu Li was even happier.

After rushing back to the Taoist temple, he started refining without stopping.

In a blink of an eye, the sky darkened.

Lu Li successfully refined two more acupuncture pills. At his current speed, he could refine one in about half an hour.

Moreover, as he became more and more familiar with the temperature required for the materials of the acupuncture pills, his refining speed was much faster than before. He even felt that some materials could be slightly increased in temperature to increase the refining speed.

Although it was dark outside, Lu Li had no intention of stopping. The lights in the main hall were swaying, and the faint light seemed a little lonely in the darkness.


A strong wind blew outside, and the sound of the wind was desolate, like the roar of a ghost.

Lu Li frowned slightly, swung his hand back and shot out two wind-attributed true qi, and closed the door of the hall with two clicks.

There was no talk all night.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn again.

The morning sun shone in through the crack in the door. Lu Li also turned off the earth fire. He had been refining pills all night. Even though he only used his spiritual sense intermittently, he still felt a little exhausted.

It is worth being happy that he had refined ten acupuncture pills overnight.

He went to the kitchen, cleaned the gray rabbit he had hunted, fried it and ate it simply, then went into the east bedroom and sat cross-legged.

"After so many years of hard work, I can finally enjoy the fruits of victory."

Lu Li held the medicine bottle, his eyes full of light.

Immediately, he pulled out the cork and poured out a pill with red dots in the emerald green and swallowed it in one gulp.

Because he swallowed it too quickly, Lu Li had not had time to taste what it tasted before it entered his stomach. The tyrannical medicinal power spread instantly and rushed into his dantian.

It was like a long dragon formed by countless sharp arrows running around in his dantian, twisting the true energy in his dantian and causing it to riot. The medicinal power was actually several times stronger than the one Zhang Song gave him before.

Lu Li was both happy and frightened.

The joy was that this medicinal power might not only break through one acupoint, but the fear was that this medicinal power was too strong. If it was not controlled well, it might break his meridian.

Without time to think about it, he quickly controlled his true qi to wrap up the sharp arrow dragon and pulled it towards the fifth meridian.

So far, his fifth meridian has only opened five acupoints.

Under Lu Li's control, the 'sharp arrow dragon' rushed towards the sixth acupoint with a roar.


In one go.

The acupoint with nine layers of barriers was like paper, and it was broken in an instant. Even the skin and flesh on the meridian were torn into a bloody mess, and bloodstains.

"Ah, ah! Your uncle!"

Lu Li was caught off guard and screamed in pain. He didn't expect that this acupuncture was so violent that it not only broke through the barrier, but also tore off a piece of the skin of the meridian where the barrier was connected, and the sharp arrow dragon also disappeared half because of breaking through the barrier.

Before Lu Li could react.


The remaining half of the sharp arrow dragon had already broken through the seventh acupoint, and the medicinal power disappeared.

Lu Li did not scream this time, but the veins on his forehead bulged and his teeth were almost broken.

He didn't know how the white-clothed boy from Qingyang Sect could hold it in. Could it be because he was beaten by him first, and the two pains canceled each other out?

"It hurts so much."

Lu Li lay on the bed, gasping for breath.

It took a long time for him to recover.

Looking inside, he found that the connection between the two acupoint barriers and the meridians that had just been broken through was already bloody and fleshy, and it would be painful as long as the true qi was used.

"There are side effects."

Lu Li's face was bitter. This acupoint was broken quite quickly, catching up with his months of hard training in the Time Hall, but the damage it brought was too great. Lu Li held the jade bottle and fell into a dilemma.

There is no doubt that the acupuncture pill he refined was quite successful, but the drug power was too strong, and his meridians could not bear it at all. He felt that if he took it again now, the drug power rushing in would definitely break the meridians that had just been torn.

More importantly, he could not use his true qi recklessly after taking it. Using true qi would only make the injury worse, and the torn meridians would be more difficult to recover.


With a sigh, Lu Li put away the remaining nine acupuncture pills.

The acupuncture pills could not be taken for the time being. Even if they were to be taken, they had to wait until the two damaged acupoints were restored.

He lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, feeling very unwilling.

He had gone through hardships and spent five or six years to find the materials for the acupuncture pills, how could this be the result.

He thought he could take it without restraint.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

Lu Li pondered.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. Doesn't the Time Hall have time acceleration? If he sleeps in it... will he recover faster?

Lu Li's eyes lit up, and without thinking, he went directly into the Time Hall.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Li slept in the Time Hall for more than ten days.

It was only noon the next day outside.

He couldn't wait to come out and take a look, and his face suddenly became ugly. Although the bloody wound had improved a little, it was not very obvious. I don't know if the flow rate of the Time Hall has any effect on the injury of the main body.

Lu Li decided to test it again to see if there is a difference in the recovery speed between not entering the Time Hall and entering the Time Hall.

In this way, he stayed in the outside world for another ten days.

During this period, Lu Li continued to refine pills, but he no longer worked as hard as before. In order to avoid causing injuries, he could only refine four or five pills a day at most, and then stopped to rest.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that the flow rate of the Time Palace was effective in naturally recovering injuries. Because in these ten days, the recovery speed of his acupoint injuries was not as fast as the previous day and night when he entered the Time Palace.

So he didn't dare to waste any more time. He only spent one or two hours during the day refining elixirs, and spent the rest of the time sleeping and reading in the Temple of Time.

There was no other way. He didn't dare to use his true energy now, so he couldn't do anything except sleep and read.

More than a month has passed in the outside world, and nearly a year has passed in the Time Palace.

On this day, after he came out, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the injuries to the two acupoints had completely recovered, and the Qi was flowing smoothly without any discomfort.

He sat on the stone steps in front of the palace and silently calculated: "According to this calculation, it will take about a month for the outside world to recover from an injury. During this period, I cannot use my true energy... Could it be that I am required to secretly hide in the deep mountains and old forests? Take medicine?

This is not cost-effective either.

In this way, you can only take twelve acupuncture pills at most and break through twenty-four acupuncture points in a year. It is better to practice normally.

Why bother even if you have to endure the heartbreaking pain? "

However, is there any way to solve this problem?

Lu Li fell into deep thought again.

"It would be great if there was a pill that could quickly restore acupuncture injuries." Lu Li thought expectantly, dragging his chin and looking at the blue sky.

A... elixir to restore acupoint injuries?

Lu Li's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yeah, how could I forget this? Didn't that charlatan Wu De say that Nourishing Pulse Pill is specially used to treat injuries caused by violent acupoint punching?"

"No, I have to find him. I must get the recipe for Nourishing Pulse Pill!"

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