Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 959: I am Fang Feifeng

Qin Feng did not break his promise after receiving the spirit stone. He told Lu Li the truth about what happened at that time before leaving.

Lu Li held a piece of letter paper and sat alone in the jungle to digest the news he had just received.

According to Qin Feng, they were also attacked by gray fog after being teleported here. Several elderly people in Mu Qingzhou were the first to panic and ran out with their body skills.

The result was similar to Lu Li's. He fell down and was stunned.

Fortunately, Zhuge Wusuan called them back in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

After some research and discussion, Zhuge Wusuan took out a huge mechanical beast. It was unknown what material the mechanical beast was made of, but it could temporarily resist the gray fog, which made everyone very happy.

So everyone hid in the belly of the mechanical beast and prepared to rely on the mechanical beast to walk out of the mysterious island.

However, although the material of this mechanical beast was special, it could not last too long. When it walked more than halfway, it finally couldn't hold on, and a trace of gray fog overflowed from the outside.

Seeing this, someone immediately suggested abandoning the mechanical beasts and forcing their way out with their body skills.

Zhuge Wusuan did not object to this, and even told everyone to be careful, and told everyone his calculation results.

But when almost everyone left, with only eight people left, Zhuge Wusuan suddenly called Gongsun Xian who was about to leave, and took out eight smaller mechanical beasts, and said to the rest: "It's almost done, I still have eight small mechanical beasts here, which should be enough for us to get out of here."

It turned out that the space of these eight small mechanical beasts was too small, and each could barely accommodate one person, so Zhuge Wusuan had to leave it to fate and see who would leave first.

The rest of the people heard this, and they were all secretly glad that they did not leave first, otherwise, even if they rushed out of this strange island, they would probably not get any benefits.

As for the five people who left first, they were Mu Qingzhou, Lin Haoran, Dongfang Wudi, Dongfang Yun and Luo Ao. Qin Feng said he did not know about their whereabouts.

Their small mechanical beasts were too slow to keep up with the pace of the few people. When they came out, they had disappeared.

After leaving the mysterious island, there was no place to stay. In order to avoid other changes, the few people decided to find a place to settle down first.

They went all the way south and finally found a deserted island.

It was on this deserted island that they met an old woman in flowery clothes. She was ridiculously strong. She just glanced at Qin Feng lightly, and his thoughts solidified.

Qin Feng had no doubt that as long as the other party was willing, she could make him die without a burial place with a breath.

However, the old woman did not kill them. After some inquiries and tests, she learned that they were casual cultivators and had no master. Regardless of whether Wei Yue was willing or not, she unilaterally accepted Wei Yue as her apprentice and prepared to leave with Wei Yue.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Wei Yue could only beg the old woman to let her leave a letter.

The old woman did not refuse. While Wei Yue was leaving the letter, she tested Ye You again. It seemed that Ye You was also okay, so she took Ye You away when she left.

Everyone was speechless, but there was nothing they could do.

Qin Feng was able to remain calm mainly because the old woman was arbitrary and arrogant, but it was not difficult to hear from her words that she still valued Wei Yue's talent.

Moreover, this person's cultivation had reached a very terrifying level. Even if he chased after her, it would be useless. He could only practice well first and then plan for the future.

The content of the letter was almost all about asking Lu Li not to worry. Apart from that, there was no useful clue. Lu Li took a look and put it away.

"I hope it's really as simple as accepting a disciple, otherwise, it will be troublesome." Lu Li muttered in the direction of Xuanguang City, and then took off and flew towards Xuanguang City.

The next few days were still peaceful.

Lu Li had few spirit stones left, and he didn't dare to use them for cultivation. Taking this opportunity, Lu Li refined another round of fourth-level soul-nourishing pills. The number was not large, only twenty.

After refining it, Lu Li ate it all without hesitation. His soul strength has almost reached the peak level. The originally gray soul has already bloomed with a little white light.

He estimated that as long as he ate a hundred or so fourth-level soul-nourishing pills, his soul should reach the peak.

However, before that, he still had to refine the Nascent Soul to prevent it from being unable to withstand the pressure of the soul. In the final analysis, he still needed a lot of spirit stones.

At least a million high-quality spirit stones would be enough.

On this day, Lu Li was practicing Xuanming Heavy Water in the Time Hall. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door outside. When he opened the door, it turned out to be Ji Xian.

"Senior, everyone is here. If you have nothing to do, meet everyone and we will set off." Ji Xian said respectfully to Lu Li.

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Li nodded and followed Ji Xian to the A-shaped room.

When he arrived at the door, Lu Li saw at a glance that there were already four people waiting inside. Without exception, they were all old men. One of the old men had his left sleeve empty.

Seeing Lu Li coming in, the two old men standing by the side immediately saluted Lu Li with their chests protected to show respect.

The other two people who were sitting at the table and drinking tea leisurely also looked at Lu Li when they saw this. Then the slightly fat old man in the golden robe said with a smile, "This fellow Taoist looks a little unfamiliar."

Lu Li smiled slightly and sat down at the table naturally. "I'm new here, so it's normal that you haven't seen me. My last name is Lu. What are your names?"

"No problem. I'm Fang Feifeng."

The slightly fat old man with a round face smiled and bowed casually.

"I'm Yuantong."

The Taoist with white beard beside him also smiled faintly and introduced himself.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Fang and Fellow Daoist Yuan. Nice to meet you."

Lu Li bowed and looked at the two Jindan elders next to Ji Xian. "I guess these two are Fellow Daoist Xu Lang and Fellow Daoist Ruan Tang, right?"

Seeing Lu Li mentioning himself, both of them showed an expression of flattery and introduced themselves one after another. Sure enough, the one-armed Jindan elder was the Ruan Tang who was injured by the formation as Ji Xian said.

Fang Feifeng laughed when he saw this. "Since everyone knows each other, let's not waste time. Why don't we set off now?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

A moment later, a green spirit boat more than ten feet long rose from the ground outside the south gate of Xuanguang City and flew out to the southwest.

This spirit boat belongs to the Taoist Yuan Tong. It is a fourth-level spirit boat, which is much more advanced than Ji Xian's original one. There are also several small rooms on it for everyone to rest.

"So many masters, could it be that they have discovered some treasure?"

Seeing the spirit boat soaring into the sky, a middle-aged fat man in a corner muttered to himself, then took out a piece of sound transmission jade and whispered secretly...

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