Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 978 Obtaining the Ghost Vine

"Ethereal flowers, jasper fruits, ghost vines... one plant with eighty high-grade spiritual stones! Oh my God, isn't this equivalent to 800,000 low-grade spiritual stones? If I can find one, I won't have to worry about it in this life. Eat and drink!”

"Tsk, look at your potential, can you manage 800,000 spirit stones for a lifetime?"

"Hey! Don't argue with him, Fellow Daoist Yang. He's only at the second level of Qi training, and his experience is limited. But as far as I know, the normal purchase price of fourth-level elixirs is only forty or fifty high-grade spiritual stones. Now it's mentioned to eighty. Xuandan Tower really spent a lot of money this time.”

"Yes, but unfortunately I have never heard of these three elixirs. I'm afraid I will miss this opportunity."

"Haha, haven't you heard about it now? Look, there is also an introduction to the elixir below."


At dawn, Xuandan Tower posted the reward notice on the notice monument on the right side of the gate, attracting many practitioners to come and watch. The noises kept coming and going, which shows that the influence of Xuandan Tower is really not small on Qionghua Island. .

However, although there were many people watching, most of them sighed when they saw that the reward above was actually a fourth-level elixir, and it was a relatively unsophisticated one.

"Hiss, it turns out that broken vine is actually a ghost vine?!"

Suddenly, an incredible exclamation came from the crowd, and then everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

The speaker was a young boy who looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. Seeing everyone watching, his expression changed and he turned around to run away.

But before he could move, several figures moved together and surrounded him in the center. Several people looked at each other, and the middle-aged man in purple robe among them made a lightning-fast move, grabbed the young man's arm, and disappeared in a flash.

"Don't leave!"


Suddenly, the remaining people shouted angrily and chased the purple-robed middle-aged man.

The sudden change made the remaining people's expressions suddenly become more exciting. Some were scared, some were surprised, some had sarcasm on their faces, some had regrets on their faces...all kinds of expressions, all different.

These words, misfortune comes from the mouth, can be well explained in the spiritual world.

The episode passed quickly, and the people who witnessed it all left one after another, and the late comers gathered together again, pointing at the announcement.

This kind of enthusiasm lasted for a full month, and the news spread almost throughout the entire Qionghua City. Only then did the enthusiasm of the reward announcement completely disappear. After that, people who entered the Xuandan Building to buy and sell only glanced at it and saw that there was no replacement. After the new announcement, I stopped paying attention.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is more than three years.

On this day, Lu Li, who was still in seclusion, suddenly heard a 'buzzing' sound coming from outside, and quickly stepped out of the Time Palace. After taking a closer look, he discovered that it was the cave key coming from his arms.

After Lu Li injected a burst of true energy, the key flashed and Meng Shan's voice came out.

After hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but look happy. He replied to the key, got up and packed it up, then went to wait quietly outside the valley gate.

Not long after, Meng Shan flew up to the top of the mountain with a purple-robed woman.

"I've met senior."

Ke Ping and Meng Shan both bowed respectfully.

Lu Li nodded, glanced at Meng Shan, and then said to Ke Ping, "I heard that Boss Ke has news about the elixir?"

When Ke Ping heard this, she waved her hand, and a bundle of gray wooden branches appeared in front of her. The surface of the branches was covered with lines like the face of an old man, and then she said:

"Senior, please see, this is a ghost vine. However, the seller divided this vine into thirty parts on his own initiative. I don't know if it will have any impact on seniors."

Lu Li didn't answer. He stretched out his hand and the large bundle of ghost vines flew in front of him.

He frowned, looked over and over again, and finally found a ghost vine with a root as thick as an arm in the center. He couldn't help but relax slightly, and said with a slight thought:

"His split length is only two feet long. I'm afraid it's not worth the price. However, it's my fault that I didn't explain this before. Let's just give it to him based on the previous price."

With that said, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Ke Ping, "These are 2,710 high-grade spiritual stones, of which 300 are your reward. Take it."

Ke Ping looked happy and quickly put the storage bag away, "Thank you, senior."

Although she is in charge of the Xuandan Tower in Qionghua City, the Xuandan Tower is not her private product, and she only receives a salary based on her performance. How can she not be happy if she can get extra wealth, and it is a very rare high-grade spiritual stone? Woolen cloth.

"Well, if there's nothing else, Boss Ke can go ahead and get busy. Come back to me after you find the other two items. It's still the same old rule, and the benefits will be yours." After the transaction was completed, Lu Li saw off the guests directly.

"Okay senior, I'll take my leave now, junior."

Ke Ping was a business person, so she naturally understood what Lu Li meant. After bending her body and bowing, she flew down Yuqiong Peak.

Lu Li then took out a small pile of middle-grade spiritual stones and sent them to Meng Shan, "There are 30,000 medium-grade spiritual stones here. It's not a lot. It's just a token of appreciation. If Deacon Meng doesn't dislike it, just accept it."

Although Lu Li still had more than three million high-grade spiritual stones, he would never be willing to give them away.

"Thank you, senior, for the reward!"

He received 30,000 middle-grade spiritual stones for free. He couldn't ask for such a good thing, so how could he dislike it? He put away the spiritual stones with a grin on his face and said, "Senior, if you have anything to do in the future, just give me whatever you want. The juniors will always be there for you.”

"Haha, okay, let's go."

Lu Li smiled and waved his hand, preparing to return to the cave. Seeing this, he was also ready to leave. But Lu Li just took a step and suddenly turned around, "Wait."

"What's wrong, senior?" Meng Shan turned around quickly and looked at Lu Li with some trepidation, thinking that this old guy would not regret it and want to take the spirit stone back.

"I want to ask you, have you ever heard of any way to restore vitality?"

At this time, the gray fog in Lu Li's body had been completely absorbed by his body. Although his life span did not decrease, his muscles and skin showed an extremely atrophied state, which more or less affected his strength.

This matter still needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

"Restore vitality? Senior, do you mean to restore your appearance or extend your life?" Meng Shan asked suspiciously.

"Extend life? Is there anything that can extend life?" Lu Li asked in surprise.

"Well, I have seen a passage in the ancient books of the sect, saying that some heaven-defying things may help cultivators prolong their lifespans, but it is unknown whether it is true or not. Perhaps it is just a guess of the ancients..."

"What about restoring one's appearance?"

"Please forgive me, senior. I have never heard of a pill that can restore one's appearance since I started practicing. Even if it is a rejuvenating pill, it can only keep the current appearance from aging for a certain number of years."

Meng Shan said apologetically, and suddenly his eyes lit up slightly, "Xuan Dan Tower is well versed in the way of pills, and Boss Ke is quite accomplished in the field of pills. Otherwise...senior, you can ask her?"

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