Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1203: Wen Wu Shuangquan

In the sky, Ling Xian, like the lower bound of the God of War, stood proudly and was awe-inspiring.

As for Pian Ruyu, it has long disappeared.

This shocked everyone. I didn't expect Ling Xian to go to war with Pian Ruyu, let alone he could force this person back.

Although there is no difference between the two, we can't say that Pianruyu is afraid of Lingxian, but it is an indisputable fact to be forced back!

You should know that Pianruyu is the Wizard of Tsing Yi Lou who has not been born for thousands of years, and is also the most prestigious young Supreme of Beiming Realm, just like the eternal sun in the sky, covering the light of the same generation.

Looking at the entire North Underworld, how many people can drive it back?

However, Ling Xian did it. He first fought against Sanli, regardless of victory or defeat, and then forced him back!

There is no doubt that this is an incredible result and an extremely brilliant record! Therefore, everyone was shocked, and the eyes of Ling Xian were full of awe. It was as if he was looking at an invincible God of War, and he did not dare to be disrespectful.

"Unfortunately, I should have shot with you and beheaded him here." Yan Liusu flew to Ling Xian, showing some regret in his eyes.

"If he wants to leave, even if we two go together, he may not be able to stay with him."

Ling Xian sighed softly. He and Pian Ruyu played against each other a hundred times, knowing that this person's strength is definitely the strongest opponent he has encountered since his debut.

Even if he is as strong as him, he is not sure of victory.

"That may not be the case. If the two of us attack together, we can definitely kill this person. Now it is better to let the tiger return to the mountain." Yan Liusu sighed with regret.

"Even if we can kill, we cannot kill, at least you cannot kill." Ling Xian shook her head gently.

"Why is this?" Yan Liu Su was confused again.

"You can tell from your dialogue with Pina Ruyu that your elder brother is dealing with you, and Pina Ruyu is a Wizard of Tsing Yi Lou who can't be seen for thousands of years. It is the treasure of old monsters."

Ling Xianxing's eyes flashed with wisdom, saying: "If you kill this person, those old monsters will go crazy. Even if your father and the emperor support them, they will do everything possible to deal with you, and may even look like your brother Aside. "

"Tsing Yi Tower is already like the Prince's side." Yan Liusu's eyes flashed a bit of resentment, and there was a bit of sorrow.


Ling Xian shook her head and said, "This time Tsing Yi Lou did not send a sixth-state power, this proves that they and the prince are only employers, and the prince can't afford the price of the sixth power."

"But if you kill Piao Ruyu, then Tsing Yi Tower will be crazy. Don't forget that they are killers and can easily kill you."

"So, I can kill because I am alone, without fear of Tsing Yi House. But you cannot kill, otherwise, the prince should laugh."

Ling Xian opened her mouth one after another, completely speaking out the consequences of killing Pian Ruyu.

This made Yan Liusu suddenly realize, and made him feel warm.

As Ling Xian said, he must not kill Piao Ruyu, otherwise he would have to endure the anger of Tsing Yi House. And he already has the enemy of the prince at this moment, if coupled with Tsing Yi Tower, he will undoubtedly die.

"Now you understand why I won't let you go."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I'm not stupid. If I could kill Pinaruyu, I would have asked you to go together."

Hearing that, Yan Liusu bowed a gift and thanked him, "Thank you for today's business. Without you, I can only bury my heart here."

"You and my friend, do you need these polite words?" Ling Xian waved her hands with a smile.

"Haha, it's me."

Yan Liusu laughed brightly, and after a moment, he said with emotion: "I found out that you are not only extremely capable, but also intelligent."

"Rewarded." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"It's no exaggeration. You have superb force and extraordinary wisdom. You can both serve as my guard and be a good guard."

Yan Liusu laughed bitterly and sighed: "Compared to you, my guards and staff are no different from waste."

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled, didn't say anything, but was thinking about the young supreme like Ruyu.

Despite being an opponent, he has to admit that this man is indeed powerful and outrageous, and is the strongest enemy he has encountered in his life.

And his intuition told him that this battle would not end there. One day, sooner or later, he and Pina Ruyu would meet again.

By then, the battle will be decided!

"It is indeed the young supreme recognized by Beimingyu. I don't know what the other two young supreme would look like?"

Ling Xian sighed, telling herself that she must not be lax, otherwise, she would not be able to come to an end on this invincible road.

After all, the world is too big, there are countless people, and there will always be some worldly evils!

"Fighting with heaven, fighting with people, this is spiritual practice."

Ling Xian sighed. In addition to the firmness in the star eyes, she was looking forward.

Next time he meets, he will never let Pian Ruyu leave!

"This is a talented person who is both civil and military. Compared with you, I think my IQ is not enough." Yan Liusu was full of resentment.

Before meeting Ling Xian, he didn't think he was a clever person, but he was not a fool. But after meeting Ling Xian, he felt like a fool, and he was almost stupid.


Ling Xian shook her head and laughed, shifting the topic and said, "Tell me, how are you going to deal with the prince?"

Hearing that Yan Liu Su was silent.

After a moment, he sighed, "I don't know. I didn't expect him to be so cruel, but it was going to kill me."

"Let's talk about the situation, although I don't want to be involved in the royal family storm, but since you are my friend, I can't just ignore it." Ling Xianzhengzhen said.

Hearing that, Yan Liusu's heart warmed up and sighed: "Looking at the prince of this generation, I am the most powerful competitor of the prince, especially one year ago, the competition reached the most intense level."

"At that time, my father-in-law was in the presence of civil and military officials, and said that as long as anyone can reach the extremes of choice, he will be the next Emperor of the Great Swallows. To some extent, this is equivalent to abandoning the prince and giving Gave all princes a chance. "

"And I was the most outstanding Tianjiao recognized by the royal family, so at that time, the prince secretly attacked me."

"I didn't have the heart to win, but because of his repeated provocations, I couldn't help it, and came to the Valley of Anxiety in one breath."

Yan Tassel opened his mouth one after another, and simply said it all over.

"So it seems that the scales of victory have tilted towards you."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Since your father and emperor disregarded the etiquette and law, and put forward such a condition, it is obvious that he is inclined to you."

"And you are indeed struggling. When you return to the palace, you must be identified as the next emperor."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Congratulations first."

"If I ascended the throne, I would owe most of the credit to you."

Yan Liusu looked solemnly and said, "Without you, I can't even leave the illusion."

"It is not necessary to mention the past. What we have to do now is to arrive at the palace as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to change."

Ling Xian warned, and then rolled up a large sleeve, and threw it into the night and ice and landed on the deck, and set himself aboard.

The same is true of Yan Tassel.

Then, Shenzhou crossed the void and galloped towards the Great Emperor Yanyan.

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