Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1236: Identity disclosure

"Why did you come back!"

With a cold drink, Ning Yan Xingmu opened her eyes and looked at Ling Xian full of anger.

This gave him a slight pause and was about to say something, but was interrupted rudely by Ning Yan.

"Look at the Sansheng Pavilion, which has fallen into ruins, and look at those fellows whose bodies are already cold, why don't you come back sooner!"

"As a guest of Sanshengge, you deserve to guard the ancestral gate, but you are late!"

"Disappointing and sad!"

Ning Yan opened her mouth one after another, angry, making Ling Xian dumb and speechless.

Not to mention that he came forward at the time of the crisis and saved the entire Sansheng Pavilion. Even if he didn't come, he couldn't blame him.

However, he was not angry, because he knew Ning Yan was just disappointed, not really blaming.

"Why are not you talking?"

Ning Yanqiao's face was full of anger. From the beginning, she had expectations for Ling Xian, especially when the mermaid prince wanted to **** her, and this expectation reached an extreme.

But until the storm was calm, Ling Xian was late. How could she not be disappointed? How can you not be angry?

At the moment, her jade hands glowed and slaped towards Ling Xian.

This sudden scene stunned everyone.

Ling Xian was also a little dreadful, and she was beaten into the chest by Ning Yan's palm. He was seriously injured and was attacked at this moment.

The whole person was also taken a few steps back, and was a little shaky.

This scene shocked everyone again.

In particular, Ning Yan had a small mouth and a dull face.

She knew that she didn't use a bit of force, and she knew how strong Ling Xian was, not to mention a hard hand, even if it was a hundred hands, it was difficult to hurt him.

But now, Ling Xian was really spitting out blood, how could she not be confused?

But at this moment, she could not care anymore, and the anger on Qiao's face had disappeared. Instead, she felt distressed and blame herself.


Shocked at Jiu Chen, Ling Ling appeared behind him, his right hand was printed on his back, and he was healed with mana.

"Ning Yan!"

The elder was angry, as were the second and third elders.

Ning Yan didn't know Lingxian's true identity, but they couldn't be more clear, and knew how serious his injuries were.

At the moment, the three hurriedly rushed to Ling Xian, all with concerns on their faces.

Ning Yan is the same.

She was panicked, and there was a mist rising in Qiushui's eyes, full of blame.

"Cough, I'm fine." Ling Xian coughed two blood and smiled bitterly in her heart.

He had already put down the injury, and he could recover only by slowly recuperating. However, at this moment, it was an injury and an injury. In a few years, he never wanted to recover.

"Lingxian, you ..."

Ning Yan burst into tears, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, don't be so violent next time. Your palm will almost blow me away."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, then shook off Jiuchen's hand, and said, "I'm going back to the pavilion first."

After speaking, he ignored Ning Yan, who was full of blame, and flew towards the mountain where he lived.

A few moments later, Ling Xian returned to her home, and then healed.

Originally, his injuries were very serious, and Ning Yan was only given another hand, even if he had a strong physique, he could not bear it.

Therefore, he closed his eyes and healed his injuries.

But just as he healed, Ning Yan's voice came from outside the hole, trying to heal him.

In this regard, Ling Xianzhang has not noticed, and ignored.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Ling Xian healed her heart, her ears didn't listen to the events outside the window, but Ning Yan never left, she still kept outside the cave.

After a month, he slowly opened his eyes, his face turned rosy, and he was no longer pale.

"This girl is clingy enough."

Perceived that Ning Yan was still waiting outside the cave, Ling Xian smiled helplessly, and opened the door with a sleeve.

This brightened Ning Yanmei's eyes and instantly appeared in the hole. Besides the concern in her big eyes, she was joy.

And her first sentence made Ling Xian hold back.

"You are the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

No doubt, just a fact.

This gave Ling Xian a moment's surprise, and smiled bitterly: "You guessed it."

"I felt familiar from the beginning. Although you deliberately lowered your voice, I still thought of you."

Ning Yan's mouth turned up, as proud as winning a battle, and said, "After that, lying in my arms makes me even more familiar."

Speaking of which, she blushed slightly and said, "But the reason that really made me sure was that I hit you with one hand."

"I obviously didn't work hard. In terms of your cultivation, it's the same as tickling and it can't be badly hurt."

"But your vomiting is real. It only proves that you have suffered a serious injury before."

"Think of that inexplicable familiarity, so I'm sure you are the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion."

Ning Yan's lips were raised, full of pride.

"You guessed it, I am indeed the Lord of the Hermitage."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly. Since everyone had already guessed, he denied that it was meaningless and simply acknowledged it.

"It really is you." Ning Yanmei's eyes brightened, but the thought of Lingxian's injury suddenly dim her eyes.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean it."

Ning Yan's little hand clasped the corner of her clothes, except for the distressed face, she blame herself.

"I said it, don't blame you."

Ling Xian waved her hand with a smile, then her smile gradually converged, and she cried out, "However, you must not leak it out, otherwise I will not let you go."

"Rest assured, I would swear to God that I would never disclose it."

Ning Yanqiao said with a serious face, "If I said it, you wouldn't let me go, Master would not let me go."

"Just understand."

Ling Xian nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you have guessed my identity."

"I didn't even expect that the Lord of the Hidden Cabinet in the legend would be you." Ning Yan sighed, except for joy in the beautiful eyes, she was emotional.

She always thought that Ling Xian was only a guest secretary of Daoge, and she never dreamed that he would become the master of Yinge.

Although the position of Ke Qing is extraordinary, how can he compare with the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion? This is not inferior to Xiang Jiuchen's seat!

Therefore, at the moment when Ling Xian was determined to be the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, Ning Yan was shocked by this huge contrast, and it is still hard to conceal her.

"I did not expect that everything was due to coincidence." Ling Xian was also impressed. He never thought that he would become the master of the Hidden Pavilion.

When he thought of the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion, he thought of the reason why the mighty ascension failed.

Black gas.

When it comes to black gas, everyone's thoughts are probably curses, and Ling Xian is no exception.

Therefore, he thought of the Lord of Darkness.

"It's time to tell him to talk, not to mention the curse in Gong Suo's body." Ling Xian said secretly, chatting with Ning Yan for a moment, then signaled that she should leave.

Of course, Ning Yan was reluctant, but she still left with interest.

After that, Ling Xian sent a message to the Lord of Darkness, asking him to come and tell.

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