Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1269: First person

Lingxian's black hair danced wildly, and if the emperor came, overwhelming the Three Thousand Realms, and shaking the Nine Heavens.

This scared the man to the extreme, his legs bent unconsciously, and he knelt on the ground. Despite humiliation, he was unable to counter this coercion and had to kneel to the ground.

At this moment, he finally determined Ling Xian's cultivation behavior, while feeling incredible, he was also shocked.

Especially when he thought that even the mysterious existence was defeated by Ling Xian, he was extremely frightened. Not to mention confrontation, he didn't even dare to escape.

"Tell everything you know, you know, what I mean." Ling Xian's eyes burst into cold electricity, shivering in the void and shaking the earth.

On hearing that, the man was silent.

He certainly knew that Ling Xian was referring to a mysterious existence, and this was his only chance to save his life. So he said carefully: "I said, you have to promise not to kill me."

"You are not qualified to bargain with me."

Ling Xian's eyes were cold, and she said, "I tell you clearly, whether you say it or not, you can't keep your life. If you say it quickly, I can guarantee that it will not affect your gate.

He heard that the man trembled and closed his eyes in pain.

At this moment, he was full of remorse, but unfortunately it was too late, in order not to implicate the gate, he had no choice.

"One day three years ago, I accidentally encountered a projection of this person. He asked me to surrender to him. I did not agree."

The man sighed and said, "But he left me a way of saying that as long as I figured it out, or encountered a crisis, he could summon him to help me."

"Today, this is the first time I have called him. This is my connection with him. I don't know the rest."

Hearing that Ling Xian frowned.

It is not difficult to analyze from the man's words that the Lord of the Abyss and the Lord of the Demon Temple should also be connected with the mysterious existence in this form.

Except for them, there must be many people who are connected with the mysterious existence.

"Do you know who this person is?" Ling Xian asked.

"do not know."

The man shook his head, and when Ling Xian looked cold, he hurriedly added, "I really don't know. He only knows that he is very mysterious and powerful, and I don't know anything else."

"It's really mysterious." Ling Xian narrowed her eyes and analyzed the matter.

There is no doubt that the mysterious existence has a very large picture. What is his purpose to seduce the monks who cultivate the immortal and eternal life with their strength?

What is **** going to mean?

Ling Xian didn't know, but intuitively told him that this matter must be no small matter, and he could not stay out of it.

The hatred has ended, not to mention, if **** is really on, it will surely sweep the two realms, and no one can be alone.

"It seems that I have to prepare early."

Ling Xian sighed softly, his eyes gradually turned firm, there were too many strong men in the eternal life world, and he had no right to speak. But in the Xiuxian Realm, with his current strength, he has the qualification to speak, and even the command.

Therefore, he intends to publicize this matter to the Xiuxian Realm, so that the masters of the major forces can make preparations early.

"Collusion with the demon, you can't leave it to yourself, let's break it by yourself." Ling Xian glanced at the man slightly and turned to Su Zi.

Seeing this, the man gave a long sigh, shattered his heart and completely lost his breath.

This made Su Zi sigh with emotion, saying that today's Lingxian is really like the God of Nine Heavens and cannot be contended.

"Trouble I have solved for you, you can rest assured." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much." Su Zi smiled, and Qiushui's eyes flashed.

"You and I don't need to say thank you." Ling Xian waved her hand and said, "Let's rest, I have something to do."

Having said that, he returned to the shop and asked about Gong Suoxin's message in the future, and saw a slender jade hand.

"It's been ten years and you have to pay me!"

Xiaoye Qiao's face was a little dissatisfied, and Jade's hand reached out to Ling Xian, looking like asking for compensation. This made Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. Then she waved her sleeves, and hundreds of top-quality spirits appeared, saying, "Take it."

"Hey, the sixth realm is powerful, and it is generous."

Xiaoye Mei's eyes suddenly turned on, and she drank on the glittering spirit stone.

"Little fortune fan."

Ling Xian laughed a little, and didn't bother to pay attention to Xiaoye, and went straight to her room. After that, Yuan Yuan glowed, and he sent a message to Gong Suoxin, asking her to confess the lords of the major forces to worship here.

Yes, it is worship.

It is directly stated that the mystery exists and no one will pay attention to it. Only by face to face can the masters of the major forces feel the severity.

With his strength today, he is the only true **** in Xiuxian Realm, and is qualified to accept the worship of the entire Xiuxian Realm!

"The messenger has been sent out. Next, let's wait for the world's strong to worship." Ling Xian stood at the window, looking at the bright moon, staring with emotion.

In previous years, he was just a waste that he could not even set up on the road. But now, he is like the only Supreme who is qualified to accept the worship of the entire Xiuxian Realm. How incredible is this?

Whoever listens, two words will appear subconsciously in my mind.



Since the gradual collapse of the heavenly path, the fusion of the Taoism has become a real legend. No matter how shocking and beautiful Tianjiao is, as long as you are in the Xiuxian Realm, the fusion of the Taoism is out of reach.

For thousands of years, Xiuxian Realm has never been able to integrate the power of the Tao. Even those world-renowned evildoers cannot break the shackles in Xiuxian Realm.

Therefore, when Gong Suoxin made Lingxian's cultivation known to the world, the whole world of celestial cultivation became a sensation.

Everyone was shocked to the extreme, especially those monks who were at the top of the path of choice. They were so shocked that they couldn't be added. I couldn't believe it was true.

After that, everyone was excited.

Although not their own breakthrough, being able to live with Lingxian, or legend, is still an honor for everyone.

Especially Wan Jianzong and the Ling family, whoever has had contact with Ling Xian, feels extremely glorious at this moment.

Therefore, when the news spread throughout Kyushu, I don't know how many male practitioners listed Ling Xian as an idol, and how many young girls trained him as their lover in dreams.

There are even a lot of bold women who have let out their words, even if they are to be a coward.

This makes all males jealous and can't wait to replace them, enjoying this glorious glory.

For a time, the word Lingxian resounded through the immortal world, and it was truly spread throughout the nine major states, and was revered by people all over the world!

The titles of the first person in the Xiuxian Realm, the living legend, and the exquisite evildoers are all crowned on Lingxian's head, and they do not appear to be exaggerated.

Because he is the first person in the realm of Xiuxian Reality and can fully bear these titles!

After that, all the strong men in Xiuxian World prepared a great gift and rushed to Taohua Town. Not only are the masters of the major forces, but even the old monsters, who cannot be hidden from view, can't sit still, and are on the road with pilgrimage.

No way, Ling Xian's current achievements today are equivalent to saints in the Xiuxian world. Even if he doesn't ask all the strong to come and meet, these people will go to worship spontaneously.

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