Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1298: remains

The integration of the Tao is a watershed, especially for the Tiandi Avenue, it is a clear watershed.

If the previous souls only touched the Heaven and Earth Avenue, then after merging the Tao, they are truly qualified to understand it.

Because the soul itself has been integrated into the heaven and earth avenue, it is naturally qualified to feel.

The same is true of Lingxian.

Although he opened up the inner world and did not rely on this heaven, he was also qualified for real understanding.

Therefore, he took out the pages of the Genesis book for comprehension.

This is a homework that every soul above the sixth level must do. It is like cultivation. It cannot be done overnight, but it must be practiced from time to time.

Therefore, Lingxian was immersed in mind and grasped the avenue recorded on the pages of the creation book.

In this way, time passes little by little, or in other words, the days are passed day by day.

In addition to practicing each day, Ling Xian realized the pages of the Genesis book, and the days suddenly calmed down, without a trace of storm.

He was happy about it.

For many years, he was either in the sword and sword of life, or he was running around and must not be idle. Now that he has managed to relax, he naturally wants to enjoy this rare and comfortable life.

Therefore, Lingxian does not think about those annoying things. In addition to cultivating daily, she is chatting with Su Zi to see the scenery.

Since finding his biological mother, Su Zi has obviously become much more cheerful, often with a smile on his pretty face, from his inner joy.

This made Ling Xian happy too.

As a result, his life became more comfortable and he was happier every day.

This laid-back life lasted for half a year, and then was broken by the robbers who came to you.

When this woman came, she talked about the place where Lingxian lived, and there was disdain and pride in her words.

"Look where you live? Except the mountains are the trees, it's boring."

"The opportunity to let you see my home is called a magnificent and magnificent."

"The palace, you know, my house is more expensive than the palace. There are all kinds of treasures, even the paving stones are thousands of spirit stones."

Stealing the world's reputation, especially after seeing the thatched house where Lingxian lives, I am even more proud.

"Oh, actually living in thatched house, I said Lingxian, you are too miserable."

"My little white lives better than yours. You can stay in such a place even if you don't."

Pirate the sky, proud of himself, flaunting himself while fighting Ling Xian.

"Personal tastes are different."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "You like gold and glory, and I like mountains and rivers. Is there anything wrong?"

"Cut, the poor can just say, do they have to pretend to be superhuman?"

Stealing the world and laughing, "Would you like me to sponsor you?"


Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. Since he practiced, for the first time, he heard that someone said he was poor.

In response, he was too lazy to explain, and said, "Say, what do you want from me?"

"Can't I come to you if I'm fine?"

Pirates of the world gave Ling Xian a glance, pushed the door and entered the thatched house, and then she stopped.

I saw four golden book pages suspended in midair, all of which circulated Baoguang and exudes rhyme, which are the creation pages of invaluable value.

Below the pages of the book is a huge black casserole, surrounded by dozens of magic drugs, flashing Ambilight.

On the table next to the tripod furnace, more than a dozen large black pieces of palms lay quietly there, just the fragments of the reincarnation disk.

Under the table, countless gods piled there, like a hill, so that people couldn't open their eyes.

These were all taken out when Lingxian refining and refining the medicine, which was troublesome, and there was no storage bag. Anyway, no one will come to grab it.

Therefore, when stealing the world and pushing in the door, I saw these valuable treasures.

This made her pause for a moment, the light in her beautiful eyes flickered, and she drooled.

She claims to steal the world, her eyesight is of equal importance, so she recognized the pages of the Genesis book and the fragments of samsara at a glance.

These two are rare treasures, even if it is only a book page, that is an invaluable treasure, enough to make any soul tempted!

What's more, there are four pages in front of me!

In addition to the pages of the Genesis Book, there are reincarnation disk fragments and those magic drugs, which add up to the value.

Therefore, stealing the world's beautiful eyes suddenly turned on, but when she thought that she was Lingxian poor, her pretty face showed a bit of shame.

Not to mention, the value of the four pages of the Genesis book alone is more than her entire net worth. If Ling Xian poor, wouldn't she be poorer?

"Now don't you think I'm poor?"

Ling Xian smirked. He didn't deliberately fight against stealing the world, but he just forgot to return the treasure to the storage bag, and he happened to be seen by this woman.


The pirates hummed twice and said, "I haven't rushed to put away the treasure yet, waiting for me to steal it."

"You don't have this ability."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, took the treasure back to the storage bag, and said, "Say, what's the matter with me? I don't believe it, you came to tell me the old thing."

"It's true."

Pirates of the world sat across from Ling Xian and said, "I found an ancient tomb the other day, and I want you to come in and take a look."

"Ancient tomb?"

Ling Xian froze slightly and smiled, "Aren't you a thief? How did you get the idea of ​​the tomb?"

"I will take the treasure, whether he is a thief or a grave robber."

The look of anticipation flickered in the eyes of Pirates of the World, saying: "I can all inquire clearly, this ancient tomb is suspected to be a cave of powerful people. From a certain perspective, it is also a ruin."

"Don't you say that you will be unlucky when you meet me? Why are you thinking about pulling me? Isn't it more unlucky?" Ling Xian smiled slightly, and didn't immediately agree.

"There is no way, Monk No. 6, I only know you, who do not you?" The thief smiled helplessly.

"It turns out that you are looking for me to protect you." Ling Xian shook her head with a smile.

"Hey, so smart."

Stealing the world, he smiled and said, "I do n’t dare to go without you, a monk in the sixth realm. Besides, it is also good for you."

"If it's a powerful Dongfu, it's okay to visit it."

Ling Xian smiled lightly. Anyway, she was idle, and she followed her luck, maybe she would gain something.

"So, did you agree?" Stealing the world's beautiful eyes brightened.


Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "My brothers will settle their accounts. Before going, we must first tell how to divide the treasures in the ruins."

"Thirty-seven, I'm seven, you're three." Pirates of the world said.

"I'm about seven, you and three."

Ling Xian shook her head and smiled, and said, "Although the news is yours, and you need to lead the way, but the person who contributes must be me, so I don't have to do it if there is less."

"Hum, then four or six, let's do it." The thief groaned dissatisfied.

"Five or five. It's fairer, and no one suffers."

Ling Xian smiled and looked at what else he wanted to say. He said, "You think about it, if you don't agree, I won't go."

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