Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1464: Son of Ancestral Witch

It was evening in the setting sun.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ling Xian, as if he was the only luminous body between heaven and earth and had to look at him.

Everyone's eyes were very complicated. They were surprised, bitter, and shocked.

Lone Sword has made it clear that the reason they will appear in the second ancestral land is to trace the core treasure. In other words, the core treasures of the first and third ancestors are the same as the second ancestors.

The three drops of ancient blood of Tianzun, however, automatically entered the body of Lingxian, especially the ancient blood of the first and third ancestors.

You know, this is the blood of Xeon Tianzun Pangu, even if it is the seventh level power, don't try to refine it. However, it took the initiative to enter Lingxian's body. What an incredible thing? What a favor?

Everyone was horrified. People who didn't know the secret were all confused, but those who knew the secret were caught in an unprecedented shock.

"Who can tell me what's happening with this? Tianzun's ancient blood, why can't you see it?" Gu Jian frowned, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were as sharp as a fairy sword.

"Into his body, as well as the ancient blood of Tianzun, the second ancestor, is the same."

A seventh-world power is bitter, and his tone is unbelievable.


The lone sword was shocked, and everyone who came with him was also stunned.

It is a shocking thing for Tianzun ancient blood to enter the body of a human race. If the word 'active' is added, it is even more incredible.

What kind of existence can Xeon Tianzun Pangu's blood actively enter?

"Impossible! What kind of character is Master Zu Wu? How could his blood actively enter a person?"

"That is, don't say that he is a monk in the sixth realm, even if he is the peak of the seventh realm, he is not qualified!"

"There must be some demon method used by this person, abominable, actually dared to collect my Witch's treasure and find it dead!"

Some people who do not know the secret have spoken one after another, in addition to unbelief in words, they are killing.

Because Ling Xian is a human race, and the ancient blood of Tianzun is the supreme treasure of the Wu race, naturally he is not allowed to touch his fingers.

However, those who knew the secret were silent, just looking at Ling Xian with that complicated look.

This made Ling Xian frown, quite puzzled.

He knew why Tianzun's ancient blood poured into his own body, but he knew nothing about the strange reactions of some people.

"Shut up, keep talking, it just looks like you are very ignorant." Gu Jian slowly spoke, letting everyone be stunned.

After that, his eyes glanced at the Seventh Power of several people present, saying: "For you, or for me?"

"Come on, I'm in a bad mood at the moment and don't want to talk."

A gray-haired old man sighed, and the remaining few seventh-level powers slowly shook his head.

"It's up to me."

"There is a legend in the Witch God Realm, or a secret, which only circulates at the top level, and people with insufficient identity cannot know."

"In the handwriting left by the ancestral witch, there is a record of the law. As long as someone can absorb the ancient blood of Tianzun, it is the son of the ancestor and the king of the witch **** realm!"

"Any tribe, any tribe, must obey the king's orders!"

The lone sword slowly spit out a stale breath, it seemed that he wanted to spit out the shock in his chest, but when he thought of Ling Xian as a human being, he became the son of a witch god, and the shock filled his heart again.

The same goes for everyone present.

Especially those who don't know, have eyes widened and can't help breathing.

Son of Ancestral Witch? King of Witch God Realm?

how can that be? !!

Everyone's eyes were about to stare out, and I just felt that this was a heaven and earth that could not be pulled anymore, it was impossible!

Even Ling Xian thought so.

At the same time, I also feel quite funny. Is it true that he is the king of Witch God Realm? He didn't think that the major tribes in Witch God Realm would take orders from himself.

"I have heard the legend of the son of the ancestor and witch, but don't forget, he is a human race!"

"Yes, how could the human race be the son of the ancestor and witch, let alone become the king of Witch God Realm."

"I won't admit it anyway, I will never allow a human race to step on my head!"

Everyone fiercely refuted, looking at Ling Xian's eyes full of killing intention.

"Even if you don't admit it, you can't change the fact that he is the son of the ancestor."

"Maybe I didn't make it clear enough. Either the person who can absorb the ancient blood of Tianzun, or the son of the ancestor and witch, can only absorb the ancient blood of Tianzun."

"And don't forget that Tianzun ancient blood poured into his body, which means that he is the true son of the ancestor and witch."

"As for the identity of the human race, have you forgotten the characteristics of the ancient blood of Tianzun? The ancient blood of Tianzun may appear in the body whether it is a demon or a spirit."

"In other words, he is the true son of the ancestor and witch, and my Witch God Realm has waited for the king of endless years!"

Gu Jian shouted, shaking Gao Tian, ​​and shaking everyone present.

His words have been made very clear. Whether admitted or not, Ling Xian is the son of the ancestor and witch. This is a fact that no one can change!

Therefore, everyone was silent, feeling incredibly at the same time, they were also in a state of extreme entanglement.

On the one hand, the decree left by the ancestor Pangu, and on the other hand, the true thoughts in the heart.

Ling Xian couldn't help crying or laughing. He never thought that he would become the son of the ancestor and witch and the king of witch **** realm.


Ling Xian laughed secretly and did not take this identity seriously, because he knew that most tribes would not admit it.

The ancestral witch is the supreme being in the minds of all witches. His word is the imperial order, which must be observed. But that was in the age he was alive. Now, as the endless years have passed, how many people will obey?

The king of Witch God Realm, these five words are not just a title, it means to obey Lingxian!

Let's not say anything else. Just talking about the top tribes, they are all overlords of Witch God Realm, enjoying the boundless power, how can they tolerate being mounted on their heads?

Obviously unrealistic, even if there are top tribes willing, they are very few.

Therefore, Ling Xian didn't take this identity seriously. He looked at the people with complex expressions and smiled lightly: "I'm not interested in this identity. As long as you go away, we will never see you again. What?"

"Dream! Want to leave after taking my Witch Arcana? Leave it to me!"

"What **** is the son of the ancestor and witch, the king of the witch **** realm, I don't admit it!"

"Hey, kill you, there will be no son of the ancestor."

Some people opened their eyes, and in addition to the fiery in Ling Xian's eyes, it was killing.

Hearing a few people's words, the others were also slightly moved.

Just because Ling Xian was killed, the son of the ancestral witch no longer exists, and there is no need to struggle between ancestral training and heart.

Therefore, everyone showed their intentions to kill, especially the powers of the Seventh Realm, and it was even more murderous.

This made Ling Xian's heart sink, her complexion also glooming with it.

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