The morning sun is rising, and the square is lively.

Most people are talking about Sujia Su Embroidery, which obviously reveals that they are not optimistic.

No way, in recent years, the Su family is indeed going downhill. Not only was it suppressed by the other two families, but there were no descendants in the family who could carry the Su family banner.

The only one that is considered to be a good Su embroidery has only the accomplishments of an intermediate refiner, and looking at the entire city, three forces have emerged from the descendants of the senior refiner.

"In recent years, the Su family has been suppressed by the Qin Zhao and the two, and it has been a long time since then. There are no figures in the tribe that can compete with the two major families."

"The most important thing is that the Sima family has risen strongly. Not only does it not lose the Su family in terms of strength, it also has a genius who has reached a senior refiner."

"Yeah, so this time, most of the Su family is going to be removed."

"Not most of them, yes! Sima Yun has already reached the senior refining division, no worse than the two descendants of Qin Zhao, can definitely be among the top three!"

Everyone talked, and the more they talked about it, the more the Su family felt hopeless.

The successors of Sima Yun and Qin Zhao have reached the level of senior refining division, that is, the first three have been booked. This means that the Su family will be removed and the Sima family will be on top.

"I don't like my Su family, so wait and see."

After hearing the ridicule and sarcasm of the audience, Su Qin smiled slightly, and his old eyes flashed with a little confidence.

The same is true of Su Xiu.

If it had been before, she would have been bitter and unconfident.

But now that she has reached the intermediate level of a senior refiner, she is naturally more confident.

"Grandpa Su rest assured that it is more than enough to rank among the top three with the accomplishments of the Su family sisters."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, even if Su Xiu's strength was not enough, he had a way to make her among the top three and even win the championship.

"But you can't be careless. Both Sima Yun and the descendants of Qin Zhao are the enemies you need to go all out." Su Qin cautioned.

"Grandpa rest assured, I will be careful and go all out." Su Xiu Zhengzheng said.

"Fine, follow me."

Su Qin smiled, and turned his eyes to Ling Xian: "Jun Yu, you can see the excitement here."

After speaking, he led Su Xiu to the center of the square and chatted with the two masters of Qin Zhao.

In this regard, Ling Xian was not interested in paying attention.

He disappeared into the crowd, then closed his eyes, waiting for the start of the competition.

But at this moment, he suddenly frowned and turned his eyes to the southeast.

There stood a man wearing a large black robe and covering his face with a black veil.

Although there are people around him, there seems to be an invisible barrier between him and him, which completely separates him.

And his looming momentum made Ling Xian a little surprised.

Although he was seriously injured, the perception of the spirit was still there, so he could see at a glance that his cultivation was equivalent to the immortal period of Yongxianxing.

If it was changed to a normal, infancy monk in Yuanyuan period, Lingxian's attention could not be attracted at all, but it could be placed in the strongest only in the city of the Dandan period.

However, Ling Xian didn't feel anything, even if the person was weird, it had nothing to do with him.

Right now, he looks away and no longer pays attention.

After a while, the competition officially started.

The rules are very simple. All contestants make a magic weapon for themselves. The best is the winner.

"Su Qin, this time, your Su family is afraid to get rid of the name."

The same is true of the Lord of the Zhao family.

Their resentment with Su Qin is not a day or two, and naturally, the Su family was expelled.

"That may not be so."

Su Qin's expression was indifferent, and he glanced over the leaders of the forces one by one, and finally fixed on the owner of the Sima family: "It is not a simple thing to step on my Su family."

"In my eyes, this is not difficult."

The chief Sima smiled and said, "My grandson is better than your granddaughter.

"Then let's see."

Su Qin was too lazy to talk nonsense, turned his eyes to Su Xiu, and laughed: "Start refining, don't be under pressure, just take your usual level."

"Grandpa rest assured."

Su Xiu took a deep breath, then took out the tripod furnace and many materials, and began to refine.

Seeing this, other participants also began to refine.

Among them, three people are most noticeable.

The first is Zhao Mu, the 20th Qin Lian, and the third is Sima Yun.

These three are all senior craftsmen, and once they shot, they showed extraordinary accomplishments, which made the lively people applaud and let the contestants sigh.

"It is indeed the best three of the younger generation of Qicheng, and it is really strong."

"Falling clouds and flowing water, pleasing to the eye, is simply art!"

"There is no doubt that these three are the top three in this competition. I just don't know who can win the championship."

The crowd spoke with admiration.

This made Ling Xian quite speechless.

In his eyes, the refining process of these three people is simply full of loopholes, let alone to describe it in terms of flowing clouds, even if the word "easy", it is a hundred thousand miles away.

If you let him evaluate, it will only give two words.


Don't forget, Lingxian is not only a master of Taoism, but also a master of Taoism. In his eyes, the treasure made by the three is naturally full of loopholes, no different from garbage.

"It's not bad to be able to reach a senior refiner at this age, but unfortunately, there are too many mistakes. I really don't know how their teacher taught them."

Ling Xian shook her head and laughed. She was too lazy to watch.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly exclaimed, and their eyes converged on Su Xiu.

Because of this, she showed more powerful refining skills than those three people. Although the refining things were just prototypes, they released a great momentum.

This made everyone quite surprised. I did not expect that Su Xiu, who was not optimistic before, would become a dark horse.

As time passed, the treasures made by Su Xiu gradually formed, and the momentum obviously surpassed all the participants. Even the magic weapons made by the three senior refiners are not comparable.

This shocked everyone, and made the heads of the three families panic.

In particular, the patriarch of Sima was panicked, but he did not expect that Su Xiu had such profound skill.

"Also, although there are still many errors, the basic skills are solid and better than those three."

Looking at Su embroidered calmly, Ling Xian smiled slightly and gave a fair evaluation.

This is a rare evaluation. Even if the master of the refiner comes, it is difficult to get this evaluation from his mouth.

"According to this situation, I don't need to cheat her." Ling Xian smiled secretly and relieved her.

Originally, he intended that if Su Xiu was unable to reach the top three, he would secretly help her. With his master-level tactics, it is naturally easy to do this kind of thing, without much effort.

At the moment it seems that this is not necessary, and if nothing unexpected happens, Su Xiu will surely win the first place.

But the next moment, Ling Xian frowned and murmured, "It seems that I still have to help her cheat."

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