Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1567: Grimace elixir

In the endless abyss, Lingxian spurted blood, black as ink, and black gas rising, evil and weird.

Apparently, he was cursed.

No way, in order to let the Nether Beast leave safely, Ling Xian can only move most of his power to it. In this way, his side is naturally unstoppable.

"Cough ... it really works." Ling Xian coughed two blood, a bit bitter, and a bit desperate.

Tianyuan was the only way he could leave the Xuanwu continent, but he had already tried it, not to mention leaving, even struggling to take a step.

Incidentally, Tianyuan is very special. The stronger it is, the more difficult it is to pass. In other words, his future hopes are extremely slim.

"Does it mean that I can only do it at my own expense?" Ling Xian muttered to herself, dispelling the thought.

Let ’s not talk about whether we can withstand the weird curse after we have n’t cultivated ourselves. What ’s the point of saying that without it, even if he leaves?

Abolishing repairs is equivalent to destroying the foundation, and even Lingxian is not sure that he can return to the peak.

Therefore, Lingxian is bitter and desperate, especially after feeling the horror of the curse.

In his perception, this curse would not take his life immediately, but every time he ate his own energy, or Shou Yuan. In other words, if the curse is not eliminated, he won't die before long.

"It is said that once a **** emperor entered this place, he was about to die when he returned, and soon passed away."

"I want to come, that's the curse."

"The curse that even the invincible **** emperor can't crack, how can I fight?"

Ling Xian was full of bitterness, knowing that this time, she was mostly trying to escape.

The power of the curse is too powerful. Although he didn't die immediately, he kept eating away at his birthday. With his current strength, it will last for ten years at most.

In this way, can Lingxian not feel despair?

However, after all, he is a tough-minded man, and even if he is desperate, he does not want to give up. What's more, he has already done this, simply using the last strength to protect the Void Beast and leave.

At the moment, Lingxian urged the flower of the avenue and the flame of the evil spirit, and they all acted on the void beast.

As a result, the Nether Beast naturally has no worries, and soon disappears.

"Hopefully, you can safely pass through Tianyuan."

Ling Xian murmured to herself, in addition to the bitterness of her pale face, it was nothing.

For him, being unable to leave the Xuanwu continent has been a huge blow, and coupled with the curse of cannibalism, who can die?

Even with Lingxian's strong will, he was hit terribly. It is no exaggeration to say that it is even more depressed than when confronting God Emperor.

"This time, I'm afraid there is really no hope ..."

Ling Xian's eyes were dizzy, and he was completely lost in despair.

He stared so stunned as if he could cross the darkness and see the light.

It's just a pity.

He couldn't see the light, all he saw was darkness.

As Lingxian's will waned, the void suddenly twisted, and then a strange flower emerged.

It looks like a grimace, dark as ink, and emits strange and evil spirits. At the same time, it also released a milky holy light that illuminated the entire sky.

Suddenly, Ling Xian looked up suddenly.

Not only because this flower gathers evil and holiness in one, the contradiction is extremely extreme, but also the information given by knowing the heart of the herb.

No origin, no name, but a little clearer.

Immortal elixir!

This grimace flower is actually an undead elixir rare in ancient times!

"Another plant ..."

Ling Xian's drama was shocking. Since his debut, he has encountered two immortal immortals, all of which have become human. Although this strain is not human, its level is unquestionable. It must be the legendary undead elixir.

Therefore, he was shocked, and at the same time, he gave a little hope.

The immortal medicine is the exclusive thing of Tianxian. It has immortality. Even if Tianxian falls, it will not go extinct. In other words, no matter what the magical effect of Grimace is, it has a basic ability, which is to extend life.

What Lingxian needs most at this moment is Shouyuan!

At the moment, he urged Shanhe Ding without saying a word, and planned to catch the ghost-faced elixir.

However, it did not work.

The grimace was swaying, and the endless black gas wrapped the mountain and river tripod. Then, the seventh change of the sky in the famous earthquake world disappeared in the darkness.

At the same time, Ling Xianxing's eyes exuded blood, and her complexion became paler.

This shocked him, but he didn't expect that this grimace flower was so powerful. However, he was in a desperate situation at the moment, and he could only survive if he swallowed the immortal strain!

At the moment, Ling Xian couldn't bear the strange power of the grimace, and launched an attack again.


The heavens shook and the light of the sky shook.

Lingxian's invincible fist prints, like a fierce beast, can kill the immortal medicine.

But in the end, he was trapped in the air.

Grimace strange flowers swaying, black air entangled with each other, like the legendary Teng snake, Ling Xian was locked dead.

This black gas is very weird and has a strong ability to prison. Even if it is forced into Lingxian, it is difficult to break through for a while.

"Don't struggle, I'm here, not for you to eat."

The grimace elixir spit out people's words, its voice was low and hoarse, like the sound of night magic, giving a chilling feeling.


Ling Xian's brows frowned slightly, but it wasn't that the accidental grimace flower could talk, but that the flower was not malicious.

"Don't be surprised, I'm here to help you."

The grimace elixir said, "But it was only because you shot at me, so I changed my mind."

Hearing that Ling Xian was a little stunned, he didn't doubt the words of Grimace, but just wondered why it wanted to help himself.

"You can guess why I chose to help you. If you guessed right, I will help you."

The grimace elixir swayed and said, "If it's wrong, you'll wait for death."

Hearing that Ling Xian was lost in thought.

Obviously, the grimace elixir appeared because of some kind of origin. The only possibility is the immortal medicine in the Alchemy Palace.

In previous years, he helped women in white to regain control of the pharmacy and obtained an undead leaf. Later, when I met the woman in green, it was because of this undead relationship that she was helped.

In other words, grimace elixir is probably because of this.

At the moment, Ling Xian smiled lightly: "If I don't expect it to be bad, it should be because of the undead leaves in my body."


The grimace elixir swayed and said, "I wouldn't show up unless you had swallowed that leaf."

"I guessed right, you can help me." Ling Xian's mouth raised with a smile of joy.

He didn't care what the grimace elixir was, and since it appeared, it proved that it was sure to help itself. As a result, he was naturally quite pleased.

"In that face, I will naturally help you, but I can only get rid of half the curse."

Grimace elixir sighed and said, "The rest is up to you."

Hearing that Ling Xian frowned.

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