Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1573: Break through

In mid-air, the Tuoba Liufeng suddenly burst into dazzling light, like a round of eternal sun, shining and immortal, shining for nine days.

At the same time, his momentum is soaring, and it has suddenly increased tenfold!

This left everyone in a dull state, even the candidate of the Emperor of the Emperor and the old monster in the seventh realm.

"Polarity! Tuoba Liufeng made a breakthrough and reached the sixth extreme!"

"Unbelievable, the polar world is already difficult, and breaking through is even more incredible!"

"It is indeed a candidate for the Emperor of the Emperor.

Everyone's eyes were about to stare out, shocking in their hearts.

Even those candidates for the Emperor Emperor were shocked. However, it was unexpected that Tuoba Liufeng had reached the extreme first step.

Afterwards, everyone turned their eyes to Lingxian, showing a little sympathy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the extreme state is like the gate of immortality. Once it passes, it is the difference between immortals, and they have no qualifications for comparison.

Right now, Tuoba Liufeng has reached the extreme, and his combat power has soared tenfold. This means that Ling Xian will not be his opponent, and he can support up to ten moves.

No way, the gap is too big, it has reached the point of a trick!

"Haha, the cosmic dream, I finally reached it."

Tuoba Liufeng laughed wildly, his eyes swept across the candidates of the Emperor in the clouds, showing a little provocation. In the end, he turned his eyes to Lingxian, without gratefulness, only jokes.

"Unfortunately, if Tuoba Liufeng did not break through, it would be hard to say who wins."

"Yes, we all underestimated Ling Xian. He is definitely a worthy candidate for the Emperor."

"Unfortunately, Tuoba Liufeng has broken through to the extreme. Even if Lingxian is strong, it will be difficult to reverse the sky."

The crowd spoke with pity and sympathy. .

Through the previous fierce confrontation, they all saw Lingxian's fighting power. It is no exaggeration to say that they can definitely fight with any candidate of the Emperor!

If there were no accidents, the outcome would be hard to say.

Unfortunately, Tuoba Liufeng broke through to the extreme, which means that there will be no suspense in the war situation.

In this way, everyone naturally sympathized with Lingxian.

However, when they turned their eyes to Ling Xian, they found that instead of changing color, he closed his eyes.

With such a light and light gesture, it seemed that he had not noticed that Tuoba Liufeng had broken through to the extreme.

"It's already burning his eyebrows. He is so calm, he doesn't know if he really doesn't care, or he's heartless."

"That's useless? Definitely pretentious. How many people can remain calm in the face of a young Supreme who has come from the six extremes?"

"Yes, even if it is the seventh power, you have to be moved."

"Haha, maybe he's trying to break through."

Everyone spoke, sympathy turned to sarcasm. Especially the person who spoke last, the ridicule is even more unabashed.

No one can break through the polar realm, and if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

Tuoba Feng also showed a bit of irony.

He looked at Ling Xian with a joke and said, "Thank you very much. If you didn't let me use all my strength, I'm afraid I can't break through to the extreme."

Hearing that Ling Xian did not bother, or did not hear it at all.

He was immersed in a mysterious state at the moment, indescribable, and mysterious.


Tuoba Feng frowned, grinning: "Is it frightening?"

Hearing the words, everyone laughed, and the words of irony echoed. Most people think he was deterred by Tuoba.

But the next moment, their smirk froze to their faces.

Because of this, Lingxian suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and it was as bright as Tuoba Liufeng.

At the same time, he also began to increase his momentum, no different from Tuoba Liufeng, both increased tenfold!

This means that he has also reached the extreme state of the meditation period!

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, even the candidate of the Emperor of God and the old monster in the seventh realm, no exception.

They widened their eyes and stared at Ling Xian, except for the incredible, it was incredible.

The polar world is a very difficult thing to achieve. One such situation is amazing enough, but at the moment there is one more, which is even more shocking!

So much that people seemed to be choking their throats and couldn't say a word.

In this situation, there is no need to repeat, Ling Xian has used action to prove how evil he is!

"Monster! It's just a monster!"

I don't know who shouted, and it immediately resonated with everyone. Even the old monster in the seventh realm, looking at Ling Xian looked like a monster.

"The power of the polar world is really intoxicating ..."

Feeling the power of tenfold surge, Lingxian's mouth rose, the arc became larger and larger, and finally evolved into a wild laugh.

This is the invincible polar realm of the same level, and it is the most important factor in whether he can be invincible. If you change anyone, you must fall into ecstasy!

Originally, Ling Xian thought that he could not reach the extreme state, after all, he was infinitely close to the seventh state, and cursed in his body, he had to break through to save his life. Unexpectedly, in the duel with Tuoba Liufeng, it has inspired the potential and achieved extreme state in one fell swoop!

This not only means that he will continue to be glorious, but also means that this battle will once again become confusing.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I might not have reached the extreme." Ling Xian turned her eyes to Tuoba Liufeng, joking and warlike.

This gives Tuoba Liufeng the feeling of being beaten by the clock, as well as everyone else except Cold Ink.

Before, they laughed at Ling Xian as being frightened, but now they understand that he was breaking through the extreme.

At this moment, he broke through. This was undoubtedly a loud slap and made everyone face burned. Especially the man who laughed at Ling Xian trying to break through, was very embarrassed to find a place to drill in.

"My gossip is true, it is both a crisis and an opportunity."

Leng Mo's expression was indifferent, but there was a smile in his eyes. At the same time, there were some surprises.

Although he calculated in advance, he never thought that Ling Xian would break through with Tuoba Liufeng!

"The real battle is only beginning now."

Ling Xian smiled lightly, like the immortal immortal king, the grace and posture over the ages, the gods for nine days.

"It's getting more and more interesting, okay, if you don't reach the extremes, I will be criticized if I win."

Tuoba Liufeng laughed and said, "Only you can defeat you who is also in the extreme state is fair, and the record will be more brilliant.

"Then you have to beat me. If you lose, you won't be involved with glory."

Ling Xian converged to smile, and then a cold word came slowly from his mouth, igniting everyone's passion!

"Tuoba Liufeng, come to war!"

The words fell, everyone shivered, but felt that the blood was boiling and it was difficult to restrain!

Before the extreme, the confrontation between the two candidates of the Emperor Gods was extremely exciting.

At the moment, they have both broken into the extreme, to what extent are they wonderful?

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