Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1624: Vulnerable

"You are the winner, but not in the end, I am the one who laughs to the last."

The joke word dropped, Ling Xian stood by his hands, and he was ten.

This made the old man's laughter come to an abrupt halt, and he went back two steps subconsciously, as if he had seen a ghost.

In his impression, Ling Xian was already dead, but now, standing in front of him alive, naturally caused his heart to panic.

"Damn, are you a ghost?"

The old man stared at Ling Xian, trying to keep himself calm, but his voice was somewhat trembling.

"What do you think?"

Ling Xian smiled slightly, in addition to the joke in the star eyes, it was hot.

The chaos has ended. Although there is still an old man in black, this person has been seriously injured and can play at most 50% of his combat power.

This means that the yin and yang flowers are his.

"You're not dead, it's impossible!"

Through the shadow under the moonlight, the old man determined that Ling Xian was not dead, but after he was confirmed, he was still shocked.

A month ago, Lingxian Shouyuan was about to run out, and his breath was slumped. But now, he is full of vitality and blood, how incredible is this?

The old man trembled and trembled, "You ... you broke into the seventh realm?"

"You guessed it, unfortunately, no prize."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, and walked in front of the yin and yang abbey flowers, her eyes filled with fiery.

Not only because it is one of the seven essential medicines, but also because it can help the spiritual enlightenment, which can be determined from Lingxian's breakthrough.

Had it not been for this flower, he would have fallen.

It is no exaggeration to say that the yin and yang amalgamation flower is the sacred product of the divine medicine, and its value is inestimable.

Therefore, Ling Xian stretched out her right hand without saying a word, and planned to collect this flower in her pocket.

This move angered the old man in black robe. He managed to defeat the heroes, but how can he allow others to take the fruits of victory?

"Damn ants, let me go!"

The old man was angry, and the magic gas turned into sword-mang. Suddenly, the endless sword-man was pouring like rain.

This made the two old monsters discolored. I did not expect that the old man was seriously injured.

However, Lingxian didn't move at all, still so light and light.

If before the change, facing the old man's hateful blow, he can only choose to avoid the edge. However, for now, he has broken through to the Ming Dao realm, and is a six-pole extreme.

This kind of combat power, even the old man in the heyday, he has no fear, let alone a half disabled man?

"Now you are not qualified to suppress me."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and his big sleeves waved, and the sky was suddenly magnificent, and the endless swordmang was destroyed.

This made the pupils of the two seventh-world monks shrink, and Lingxian was so powerful.

Although the old man in black at this moment is half-disabled and has only 50% of his combat power, he can easily resolve his full blow, which is quite an amazing feat.


The old man in black robes roared and his whole face was distorted, but imagine how far he was angry at this moment.

At the moment, he was lucky enough to demonize the prison cage, accompanied by ghost crying deities, and wanted to suppress Lingxian.

"You can't help it."

Lingxian opened her mouth indifferently, the thunder rune manifested, and the wind and the clouds changed, and the world changed color.

The next moment, the endless thunder fell from above nine days, and in the blink of an eye, he smashed the magical prison cage.

Not only that, but also the old man coughs up blood and fleshes.

"You are too weak to be vulnerable." Ling Xian glanced at the old man lightly, unable to get the slightest interest.

If the old man is in the heyday, he can enjoy a war, but the old man at this moment does not even have the qualifications to make him wary.

"Damn, it was cheap for you!"

The old man's lungs exploded, and he used taboo to suppress the heroes. However, in the end, Lingxian was cheap. How could he not be angry?

However, he did not dare to take another shot.

The facts are before him, and he is indeed vulnerable at this moment.

"I said, I will see a comedy, and although the process is tragic, the ending is good."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Although you, the process is pleasant, but the ending is in a place where everything is impossible."

"It's just blame me for not searching your grave, making you a fisherman."

The old man gritted his teeth and stared bitterly at Ling Xian: "If you change to my heyday, there is no need to kill you!"

"So what?"

Ling Xian glanced at the old man lightly and said, "You won't even understand this truth."

"You have the courage to let me return to the peak state, a fair battle!" The old man drank, in addition to resentment in his eyes, it was hope.

This made Ling Xian laugh and shudder, unable to sneer.

With his fighting power today, even if the old man returns to the peak, he is confident to kill him. However, he would not be stupid enough to agree.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? How stupid is it to agree with your offer."

Ling Xian smiled and turned cold: "It's almost time, I should take you on my way."

Hearing that the old man's body shivered, and despite his desperate restraint, he couldn't hold back his fear.

This feeling made him feel humiliated and anxious to smash Ling Xian to death.

Unfortunately, he has lost the courage to shoot, only one thought in his mind.


The farther you can escape, the better!

The old man gritted his teeth and burned blood madly, breaking through the sky like an arrow.

This made the two old monsters sigh endlessly. I didn't expect that the old man who had shown great power the moment before became a bereavement dog at this moment.

"In front of me, are you eligible to escape?"

Ling Xianxing's eyes flickered, chaos permeated, and a pair of snow-covering wings condensed.

Immediately, the afterimage swept across the sky, and in just three breaths, he was already in front of the old man.

This frightened the old man, and his face was filled with horror.

The two people on the ground were also sluggish and could not believe that Ling Xian caught up with the old man so quickly.

The Xuanwu continent does not have a sky eye. Naturally, they do not know the famous Jiutianyi. If they knew it, they would not be shocked.

Jiutianyi can reach the highest speed comparable to Kun Peng, not to mention the elderly are half disabled, even in the heyday.

"This storm is over, you and I have grudges, and it is over."

Looking at the old man full of fear, Ling Xian shot relentlessly, the immortal **** light bloomed, and he swallowed Liuhe Bahuang.

The next moment, the old man died, and it turned into a blood rain, scattered all over the sky.

Lingxian's fist used all his strength, and he was half disabled, naturally there was no resistance, and the whole person was broken.

However, his storage bag has never been broken.

This surprised Ling Xian a bit. His fist was so powerful that even the old man couldn't resist it. However, the storage bag is intact, which proves that the material must be extraordinary.

"It looks like something unexpected."

Ling Xian was intrigued, and he waved and grabbed the old man's storage bag, but instead of opening it immediately, he fell in front of the two seventh-level monks.

Suddenly, the two of them were breathing stagnation, obviously a little bit afraid.

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