Looking at the disappearing Lingxian, everyone was so angry that the Lord of the Demons was almost crazy.

What kind of irony is that his own family has become the patron saint of Ling Xian, helping him escape the birth. How can we not make them angry?

But it is no use to be angry, no matter how they attack, they can't shake the array.

"It's too perverted. I never dreamed that this array could be so powerful!"

"This man's tactics are too strong. After his change, the power of this array has soared at least tenfold!"

"Unfortunately, this is no longer owned by me. What can I do if I am strong?"

The crowd sighed and sighed, feeling the strength of Ling Xian, and hated what he did.

This array is one of the most powerful details of the magic gate, but from this moment, it is owned by Lingxian, which is undoubtedly a huge loss for the magic gate.

Therefore, every elder hated his teeth, especially the Lord of the Demons.

The thought of Ling Xian not only seized control of this array, but also took away the two treasures of Da Ri You Grass and Ancient Fossil, he was almost spitting blood.

"Damn bastard, I'm endless with you!"

The Lord of the Demon Gates is screaming in the sky, and the storm is overwhelming, but to no avail, it cannot shake it at all.

"The master deflated, what he has to do now is to think about how to deal with the Lord's anger."

The elder reluctantly, the body trembled at the thought of the horror of the shadow.

The same goes for everyone present.

For them, the shadow is the supreme true God, and his anger cannot be withstood.

"Well, there is no way but to look at our fortunes."

The Lord of the Demon sighed, thinking that not only could he not break through to the eighth state, but to bear the anger of the Demon, his hatred of Lingxian reached the extreme.

This monstrous hatred forced him to make a decision to inform the people that Lingxian is an extraterrestrial demon!

Although it has been proven that he is not only an extraterrestrial demon, but has repeatedly destroyed the master's plan. But this is not important. What is important is to create public opinion and cause the world's anger!

"Don't think that you escape and you will be safe. I want to see how you can resolve the anger of the people in the world!" The Lord of Demons sneered.

Although his face had been swollen by Ling Xian, he was still hard to conceal.

Because when he wants to come, this time, Ling Xian will die!

The extraterrestrial demon is the public enemy of the Xuanwu continent. As long as he releases the wind, he can bring Ling Xian to death even if he has no evidence.

"Boy, even if you go against the sky again, you can't break this deadly situation!"

The Lord of the Demons secretly smugly imagined Lingxian's various methods of death.

And just as he was fantasizing, more than a thousand imprisonment formations suddenly changed into a terrorist attack formation.

The next moment, a platoon of offensive struck and hit the unsuspecting crowd.

Blood splattered and screams screamed, and everyone was severely damaged. Even the Lord of the Demons broke several bones.

One is that the attack is too strong, and the other is that it is unguarded.

Because Ling Xian said before leaving, after half an hour, this array will automatically disintegrate, but at this moment it is not half an hour at all!

Obviously, Ling Xian pitted them again. Although none of them died, they were badly hit. After a few years, don't even want to recover.

"Damn bastard, I'm going to crush you!"

The Lord of the Demon's head was full of black hair, like a furious lion, and the mountains shattered and the void shattered.

"Isn't it half an hour to say that the most basic trust between people ..."

Everyone wanted to cry without tears, looking at their scaly bodies, their hearts were overshadowed.


Thirty thousand miles away from the magic gate cave, Ling Xian smiled slightly and dispersed the law decision.

He originally intended to detonate the big team after half an hour, because he was afraid that he would not have enough time to escape. Right now, he has arrived in a safe place, naturally detonating the array ahead of time.

Anyway, detonation will happen sooner or later, and detonation in advance can have an unexpected effect.

"Want to come, they should be gray-faced and scarred at the moment."

Thinking of the miserable appearance of the Lord of the Demons and others, Ling Xian smiled and was quite interesting.

But soon he smiled.

Although this crisis has passed, it is foreseeable that more crises will surely follow.

"The Lord of the Demon Gates will surely preach, I am a demon from outside."

"I don't care if it's true or false, as long as the news comes out, I'm in endless trouble."

"But don't worry too much."

Ling Xian guessed the next move of the Demon Lord and was not worried.

Once it was infamous to the magic gate, like a mouse crossing the street, there was no credibility at all. Secondly, he didn't know his real name.

"There is no need to worry about this. What I should worry about is that the magic gate wants to rule the basalt continent."

"If the Momen dominates the Xuanwu continent, it is tantamount to an extraterrestrial demon who controls the world."

"Although I am not a person in this world, will there be eggs under the nest? If the world is ruled by a demon from outside, I will be miserable."

Ling Xian's brows frowned, quite anxious.

Worry not only for yourself, but for the entire universe.

The extraterrestrial demons are the common enemy of the entire universe. If they ruled the basalt continent, it would be tantamount to having a base point, and it will definitely be more convenient to do things in the future.

Therefore, Ling Xian could not tolerate it.

Unfortunately, with his current strength, he can't control the situation yet, and can only do a little bit.

"Do your best, in any case, don't stand idly by."

Ling Xian sighed softly, intending to inform the major forces, and asked them to prepare early.

The magic gates are menacing, even if you don't consider the extraterrestrial demons, it's scary enough. Coupled with an extraterrestrial demon who does not know the depth, if not prepared early, the Xuanwu continent is likely to sink.

"Strange, why did the extraterrestrial demons choose the basaltic continent? Is it just because there is a foundation?"

"It is absolutely impossible for an extraterrestrial demon to put eggs in a basket. It must be a universal net. I want to come and have a foundation in many worlds."

"So why start with the basaltic continent? Or is it that the other worlds have also started? Or is it only the foundation of the basaltic continent?"

Ling Xian's brow froze tightly, guessing that Xuanwu continent hides the secret of the sky, which is the place that Momen is bound to seize.

But whether or not it is true, he cannot be sure.

"It's foggy."

Ling Xian sighed and felt a headache.

Simply, he didn't want to, any time passed, let it be.

"It is imperative to find three other magic drugs to lift the curse."

"Fortunately, I broke into the seventh realm. In a short time, I don't need to worry about Shou Yuan."

Ling Xian's eyes were deep, her body flickered and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the early holy land.

This case is the well-deserved first force in the Xuanwu continent.

However, this case has no intention of competing for the leading position, and has always been aloof.

It is for this reason that the sacred place in the early days is highly respected and has the prestige to command the mighty.

Therefore, Lingxian came here and planned to inform Taichu Holy Land about the fact that the magic gate wanted to dominate the mainland.

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