Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1644: Monster Stone Forest

There are many forbidden places in the Xuanwu continent, as well as many precious places.

Yao Shilin is one of them.

As the name suggests, this place is composed of mountains and stones, like a labyrinth, which is intricate and complicated. The reason why a demon character is added is because the place is abnormal.

The rocks here are so sturdy that they cannot be destroyed by the Seventh State Power.

In addition, rocks have magical powers, some can spray water, and some can spit fire.

In short, the mountains and rocks here are like weird, very weird.

It is precisely because of the peculiarity of the demon stone forest that this place has become the best place for trial in the eyes of the world, and many monks have come here to practice hardships.

At this moment, a man in white came to Demon Stone Forest.

He is handsome, elegant, and extraordinary.

On his shoulder, a pure white kitten squinted his eyes, and wrapped his tail around his neck affectionately.

It is Lingxian and the undead cat.

After leaving Taichu Holy Land, he entered Jiuxiantu and chatted with a few immortals. When he left, he brought out the undead cat that was fostered in the Great Heiran Emperor.

After a long absence, the undead cat has grown to the fifth level, and the immortal seal has also gathered five.

This surprised Ling Xian, not because the undead cat grew up fast, but because of the five immortal marks.

Not every undead cat can break through a realm and condense an immortal mark. This can only be done if the blood is pure and flawless.

This means that the blood of the undead cat is very bad, even if it is not pure blood, it is not far off.

Therefore, Lingxian was very happy, refining several furnaces of panacea, and feeding them to undead cats like sweet beans.

Fortunately, he has always been alone, otherwise, it was estimated that he was so angry that he would vomit blood.

That ’s the elixir made by divine medicine. Each one is valuable, so it ’s so extravagant to feed undead cats. It ’s too extravagant and too bad!

However, Ling Xian lost, in his eyes, this thing is no different from sweet beans.

After that, he took the undead cat and went to the mercenary union to sort out the clues provided by someone.

I can't rule it out when I hear it. The clues about the four divine medicines I have obtained are also excluded. Finally, there are ten clues that seem to be reliable.

Yao Shilin is the last clue.

The first nine articles he had confirmed were all fake, so he came to the monster stone forest.

"Strange place ..."

Feeling the strange fluctuations of the demon stone forest, Ling Xian smiled slightly, with a little expectation.

Although he knew the hope was slim, this was the last clue, and it was inevitable that there would be some hope.

"The clue said that Tao Lingguo is in the Demon Stone Forest. From the condition of the birth of this medicine, it is quite reliable." Ling Xian muttered to himself.

Dao Lingguo is one of the seven divine medicines he is looking for. It belongs to the half-medicine and half-spirit family. It can only be bred in a place where mountains and stones are refined.

From this perspective, the strange monster stone forest is undoubtedly the place where this fruit is most likely to be born on the Xuanwu continent.

"I hope there will be gains in this trip. If there is no Taoist fruit here, then most of this magic medicine is hopeless."

Ling Xian sighed softly and landed in the stone forest, intending to sweep away with spirits.

However, before he released the power of the soul, he was attacked by a weird one.

A green tree vine suddenly struck, sinking so hard that even the void was shattered.

Suddenly, the undead cat Han Mao stood up, scared to rush behind Ling Xian, and his paw clenched his horns tightly.

"A tree vine, why not ..." Ling Xian was silent, and his fingers were close together like a sword, and the tree vine was easily cut off.

However, the broken tree vine suddenly turned into four, and Zhang Yawu claws rushed towards Ling Xian.

"Interesting, I'd like to see how you, broken into powder, can be reborn."

Ling Xian raised a brow, and danced in white, the sword screamed out, shattering the vine completely.

This time, the tree vines were not reborn, but there were countless tree vines that poured out of the void.

It was like a giant monster dancing under the sea, each tree vine was fierce as a tiger, not only shattering the void, but also changing the surrounding monks.

"What a powerful wooden mountain stone, this person is going to be unlucky."

"Yeah, look at this might, it is estimated that there is the sixth peak."

"Such a powerful rock will attack the outside world, and this person is unlucky enough."

The crowd spoke with surprise and glee.

The Demon Stone Forest is a very wonderful place, and every mountain peak has strange abilities. The deeper the mountain, the more powerful it is.

Generally speaking, the outer peaks are at most equivalent to the fifth realm, but at this moment, there is an attack of the sixth realm. This can only be said that Lingxian is unlucky.

However, this poses no threat to him.

At the peak of the sixth realm, Lingxian can easily solve it even before it breaks through.

At the moment, he was in a state of mind, and the meaning of fire was permeated. Suddenly, the tree vine quickly regressed, anyone could feel it, it was in fear.

Unfortunately, even if it is too fast, it cannot escape the real encirclement of the fire path, and it is immediately burnt.

This made everyone's pupils shrink, and there was no longer gloating gaze at Ling Xian, and some were just awe.

The tree vine obviously has the power of the sixth peak, but it is easily burned by him, which is enough to prove how powerful he is.

At least in the eyes of these monks, who are generally in the fifth realm, he is as powerful as God.

"A magical place that violates the Five Elements."

Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, even though it was a mountain stone, even if it was refined, it could only use the attack of the soil property. This is the iron law. However, the rocks are like trees, and the attack of tree vines was used, which obviously violated the Five Elements Rule.

"Interesting." Ling Xian was intrigued, and he wanted to know what the reason was, letting the place ignore the rules of the Five Elements.

At the moment, he walked towards the depths of the stone forest, while covering his body with a spirit to guard against a sudden attack.

After a short while, the killing came again, this time with a waterway attack.


Three water dragons emerged, surging and surging, the atmosphere was like a sea of ​​oceans coming in, swallowing mountains and rivers.

However, Lingxian could not be deterred.

Although the water dragon is strong, it is only the peak of the sixth realm, which is nothing to him.

Therefore, when he waved at will, the three dragons dissipated.

However, the attack did not stop, the sea of ​​oceans emerged and swallowed for nine days and ten places.

"Is this forcing me to smash the source?"

Ling Xianmu's eyes fluttered with cold electricity, and the soul swept away, locking the mountain that attacked. Then the mountain cracked.

Suddenly, the ocean disappeared, and the peaks shivered, apparently in fear.

Then an incredible scene emerged.

I saw the mountain peak rising, as if I had long feet, and disappeared.

"I depend, it's perfect!"

Ling Xian was stunned, surprised and more curious.

He determined that these rocks were not transformed into spirits, but that they were clearly equipped with spiritual intelligence.

"What is the reason for being wise and breaking the Five Elements ..."

Ling Xian is full of interest and wants to explore this place.

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