Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1658: Reliquary

The Red River Valley is vast, especially the blood-stained river, which is eight hundred miles long.

It was a real river of blood, once water, now blood.

The thick **** smell mixed with the corpse smell made Ling Xian frown and felt a little uncomfortable.

And when he moved his gaze to the battlefield, his brow was locked a bit more.

The reason is that the people of the magic gate are too powerful. Whether it is the elder above or the elite below, it is outrageous.

Fortunately, the upper battlefield is barely maintained in a balanced state, but the lower battlefield is basically down.

Those elites are not afraid of death, and their methods are weird. In the end, even the formation was difficult to maintain.

"Sure enough, as rumored, the magic gate people have been applied with special methods, and they all know no pain and are brave.

"Damn, go on like this, even if the battlefield above is undefeated, the coalition forces will be slaughtered."

"Hopefully, the teachings of the teachings are useful."

The three men looked dull, with resentment and helplessness.

At the moment, the man's thoughts move, and the decree emerges, and he wants to join the battlefield.

However, she was stopped by Ling Xian: "You are honest, I will come."

After that, he stepped out and joined the battlefield below.

Then, Ling Xian pointed out, and the invisible light hit the chest of a man of the magic gate.

Suddenly, a blood hole emerged from the man's chest, but he did not fall down or cry out. As if he was dead, he felt no pain at all.

This made Ling Xian frown, instead of continuing to attack, but thinking about ways.

With his strength, it is not difficult to completely kill these magic gates, but what about the elders? They have also been applied with special methods. Although they have not lost their intelligence, their combat power has actually increased several times.

In other words, if you want to solve the problem from the root, you must break the magic gate. Only then can the crisis be truly lifted.

"The so-called right medicine, I don't even know what kind of method is, how can I find a way?" Ling Xian racked his brains, but he was helpless.

While he was thinking hard, he suddenly thought of the ancient Buddha relics, and could not help but refresh his spirits.

Ancient Buddha relics are well-deserved treasures, and only after the monks of the eighth level and above pass away can they be born.

This object has multiple divine powers, one of which is to restrain demons.

In other words, the ancient Buddha relics may break that unknown means.

At this moment, Ling Xian thought, and the golden relic rose to the sky. When the sun shone, the glow of the sky filled the sky, and the sound of the Buddha shone through the sky.

Mysterious, magnificent, peaceful and warm, this is the feeling that Buddha sound brings to everyone.

Suddenly, both sides of the fierce battle stopped their movements.

It's so mysterious, it's like the ancient Buddha came to explain the Buddha's Avenue.

But for the people in the magic gate, this is not paramount, but a deadly poison!

As soon as the buddha sound appeared, they stayed, or were suppressed by the buddha sound.

Even the elders in the seventh realm were unable to escape, and were fixed in place by the sound of the Buddha.

Then, due to the increased power of the special method, it disappeared little by little. Between a few breaths, it disappeared completely.

The same is true of the Mormon Elite. Not only did it lose its power, but its consciousness gradually recovered.

In other words, they are no different from normal people, and they will be weak and painful.

This made Ling Xian smile and relieved.

Everyone in the coalition also smiled and fell into ecstasy.

After two years of fighting, they have become numb and desperate. Therefore, it is difficult to see anything other than calmness on their faces, and even if they are about to die, they will not be moved.

But at this moment, they showed joy and shock.

This is really unbelievable. In the past two years, major forces have tried countless methods, and all have failed without exception.

However, at present, this method has been broken. Who can not feel shocked?

"Break it down, let me wait for the troubled method to be finally broken down!"

"It's amazing. Is this the legendary ancient Buddha relic?"

"It's great, it's great. Without this method, the magic gate is not afraid!"

Everyone was in tears with excitement, even with the powers of the Seventh Realm, the eyes were wet.

In the past two years, the coalition has killed more than 70,000 people. The reason is that this **** weird method!

Right now, this method has been cracked, which means that in the future wars, so many people will never die, and it will mean that they can survive.

Therefore, everyone was crying with joy, and after that, Ling Xian became the only luminous body in the world.

All eyes gathered on him, full of respect and gratitude.

Even the power of the seventh realm brought some respect to his eyes.

If Ling Xian hadn't eliminated that weird method, even if the coalition could win, it would have to pay a painful price!

Now that the coalition forces can kill the enemy without any effort!

"It's your kid again, **** it, I must kill you!"

Everyone at the demons was mad. One was that he had lost his strength, and the other was that he saw Lingxian.

If you make a list of the most hated by the magic gate, then he is undoubtedly at the top of the list. Even if the major forces join hands to teach, they may not be able to shake.

At this moment, the hatred is undoubtedly deeper. Everyone in the Demon Gate can't wait for him to be insane!

"A moment ago, you had this qualification. Now, you don't."

Ling Xian glanced at the speaker, and turned her eyes to the seventh power of the coalition, and smiled: "You think, what I said is right?"

"Haha, yes, that's right!"

The man in white laughed loudly and looked at the elders of the Momen, saying, "Now you are no different from ants."

It was said that the lungs of several people were exploding, and they could not be refuted.

The reason why they can use five enemies and twelve is because of that strange method. Right now, this method has been broken by Lingxian. Not to mention that they are against the twelve wise men, even if they escape, they are not eligible.

"Daoyou, wait for me to kill them, and then thank you." The white man smiled and arched his hand towards Lingxian, then converged to smile, and slowly spit out a cold word.

"Now it's our turn to kill."

The words fell, the man in white turned into a silver dragon, and he was domineering.

The rest is the same. Everyone is invigorated, their confidence is greatly increased, and they are powerfully killed against the demons.

"You guys, I've waited for my retreat, and I will fight to death!"

An old man screamed and broke his hands to meet the white man who turned into a silver dragon.

Seeing this, the rest of the demons also shot, with bitterness and determination.


The killing sound was loud and the fighting was renewed, but it had nothing to do with Ling Xian.

He has done what he has to do, and the next thing has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, he leaned on the mountain peak, bathed in the sun, and began to scatter seeds.

That relaxed look made it clear that he was watching a show.

This makes the man holding the decree crying and laughing, saying that this is the battlefield for killing. Is it really good for you to be so leisurely?

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