Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1696: Desperate

In the **** battle, the man stood still, making Zhong Lingyue and Wu Wu weakly frown.

They themselves are infinitely close to the eighth realm, plus the combo of the gold and silver swords, the power has reached the eighth realm. However, they can't shake the men, how can they not frown?

However, Ling Xian smiled because he observed more carefully.

I saw a scar on the back of the man's left hand. Although it was very faint, it was already red.

This not only means that Zhong Lingyue and Wu Weak teamed up to defeat his defense, but also means that Ling Xian can arrange the means in advance.

In order to face the eighth power of terror, Lingxian arranged a lot of means, one of which is toxin.

The drug was named Huagong San, which was a coincidence of his chance. Although the name is a very aggressive drug, it is actually not very powerful. At most, it can also make the mana of the man become jerky and unable to run smoothly.

It would be useless to change to Lingxian, not to mention that he could not break through the man's defense, even if it could, it would not help.

However, with the change of Zhong Lingyue and Wu Wu who can fight with men, this poison can undoubtedly play a huge role.

Don't forget, masters and tricks, a moment of hesitation, is enough to decide life and death.

However, the poison has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot enter the body through breathing, or it can be swallowed or entered through a wound.

The former is unrealistic. Even if a man is mentally disabled, he cannot take poison. The latter is the opportunity that Ling Xian has been waiting for.

Right now, the man was injured, naturally he pleased him.

"Zhong Lingyue didn't lie to me. She and Shimei attacked together, and she really could fight the eighth realm."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, and then induced the poison into the man's body along the wound.

In this regard, the man never realized that he looked at Zhong Lingyue jokingly and said, "The two of you are good in strength, only half a step away from the eighth state. Unfortunately, it is not the real eighth state."

"So what? It's enough to kill you." Zhong Lingyue frowned, Jin Jian buzzed, ringing through the clouds.

The same is true of the silver sword.

It hovered and danced around the weak and weak, reflecting her like a fairy of nine days. When she was quiet, she swept the country and pushed her in all directions.

"Stupid woman, obey me obediently, this is your only choice." The man smiled proudly.

"Then I will kill the second way." Zhong Lingyue stepped out, Jin Jianhua day, bright and immortal, shining nine days.

"Ignorance, my strength is like a real dragon, can these three ants be able to shake you?"

The man showed contempt, glanced at Ling Xian, and said, "No, you are not even a cricket."

"Try it and you will know. In the end, it is the self-proclaimed dragon that wins you, or the one you win as the ant." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

"As a result, it was set from the beginning. No matter how many measures you have prepared, you will be vulnerable to absolute strength."

The man gave Ling Xian a pitying look.

"Too much nonsense, only showing your incompetence."

Ling Xian smiled and said, "Two fairies, let's do it. He must be a stepping stone on our path."

Hearing that Zhong Lingyue had a look of wrinkle and weakness, and once again used the combined attack technique.

I saw that Da Ri and Ming Moon slowly merged, half of which was gold and half of which was silver.

This made Lingxian look dignified, only to feel shocked and shuddering.

Even the men are a bit moved.

Just because this momentum is far beyond the previous day and January, and their stance is clearly a message.

This is the real combo!

"No wonder he dared to stop me. It really has a little skill." The man's expression became somber and he felt the threat from the sun and moon roulette.

"Trust me, today, you will set foot on Huang Quan."

Zhong Lingyue's face frosted and said, "Sister, open Huangquan Road and send him a ride!"

"The extreme of the Tao, the top of the demon, the infinite change of the Tao Demon!"

The Wu weakly drank coldly, the jade hand pinched the treasure seal, and the Jiao body let the light shine.


The sun and moon roulette spins wildly, spilling endless swordsmanship, opening up the world and shining.

This changed the color of the man, and he was willing to perform the unparalleled Dafa, but he had been imprisoned by the 72 Seal Formations and could only sit still.

The next moment, the infinite sword fell, the peerless murder came, and the man was annihilated.

The mountains and rivers collapsed, the void was destroyed, and the square of a hundred miles turned into a sea of ​​swords.

"What a terrible blow, this person ... shouldn't stop it."

Ling Xian changed his color, staring closely at the **** shroud shrouded by the sword, with hope and some uncertainty.

There is no way, the man is really too powerful, so many attacks have only left a shallow scar on him, and anyone who has changed will lose confidence.

"Rest assured, the gold and silver swords are my master's from an ancient ruin. Even if it is not the most powerful magic weapon in the Xuanwu continent, it is not far behind."

"And the two of us stepped into the eighth state with half a foot, and exerting this combined attack with all our strength, even if I am Master, I can't resist it."

"Although this person is strong and comparable to my master, but he has been imprisoned by your formation, how can it be blocked?"

Zhong Lingyue smiled and was very confident.

The same is true for Wu Weak.

But the next moment, their confidence was shattered and shattered.

"Batch fights, I still say that, ants, can not defeat the dragon!"

The heavens and swords dissipated, and a proud figure slowly walked out, as the heavenly gods awakened, the Supreme Coming, swallowed for nine days and ten places.

Although he was covered in blood and was bruised all over, his power was undiminished and terrifying.

This left Zhong Lingyue stunned with Wu Weak, and Qiao's face was filled with incredible.

They did not lie, nor exaggerate. With this combination attack, they really killed an eighth state power!

However, at the moment, they have not been able to kill the man, or even seriously injured the person. How can they not be shocked?

Ling Xian also felt a little shock.

First, this person blocked the infinite change of Tao Demon, and second, he walked out of the **** array.

This means that men can shoot recklessly and they are in crisis.

"Suddenly blocked the infinite change of Tao Demon ..." Zhong Lingyue stared at the man so hardly to hide his shock.

The same is true for Wu Weak.

However, after all, they were not ordinary people, and soon recovered calm.

"Are you surprised? Don't forget the comments I gave you."

The man sneered and said, "It's not my arrogance to call you ants, but the facts."

"You!" Zhong Lingyue was extremely angry, but it was difficult to refute.

"When the target has been so long, it's my turn."

The man's eyes turned cold and he said, "Next, enjoy yourself."

As the voice fell, he stepped out, and the earth cracked and the void collapsed.

The next moment, Zhong Lingyue, Wu Weak and Lingxian all vomited blood without any resistance.

The man is too powerful, it's a complete mess, it's desperate!

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