In the Treasury of the Yuzu, the split-sky light is like a small sun, bright and immortal, and dazzling.

This made Ling Xian smile, but when he heard the old man's words, his face was gloomy.

The reason is that there is a ban on the split sky light, and it is an ultra-complicated seal composed of two rune arrays.

Even Ling Ling's extraordinary accomplishments are tricky.

"It's important enough. It's not enough to set up an agency. It's also necessary to put a seal."

Ling Xian's face sank like water, her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

For his extraordinary accomplishments on the two lines of Rune, it is not difficult to break this prohibition, but the prohibition is extremely complicated, and it will take half an hour to break it.

During this time, it is difficult to guarantee that the Yu tribe will not notice it.

But that's it, Lingxian has no way but to race against time and break the ban.

"Hahaha, I didn't do it." The old man laughed loudly, without hiding his pleasure.

"shut up."

Ling Xian glanced coldly at the old man and said, "Don't think I dare not kill you, and dare to say more, I slaughter you."


The old man was furious. If he changed someone else, he would have slapped him for a long time, but in the face of Ling Xian, he could only put up with anger.

"Open your eyes wide and see how I broke the ban."

Ling Xian spoke faintly, waves of waves appeared between her hands, and the runes were diffused.

This made the old man's eyes widened, and the two middle-aged monks were also stunned.

Although they did not understand the two aspects of Fu Zhen, they were also monks in the eighth state. At least they had some insight.

Therefore, they can see at a glance that Lingxian's accomplishments on the two lines of Fu Zhen are extremely extraordinary!

"It's no wonder he could break the door to silence ..."

"It ’s such a deep-seated rune sacrifice, and the sky's restraint, shouldn't he really be broken by him?"

The two men glanced at each other, both seeing the shock and worry in each other's eyes.

"To shut up!"

The old man drank coldly and looked at Ling Xian with eyes full of resentment, and said, "He can't break, absolutely can't break!"

Hearing the words, the two laughed bitterly and stopped talking.

For a moment, the treasure house was quiet.

Ling Xian was fully absorbed, and his big sleeves waved, showing his extraordinary accomplishments.

Gradually, the restraint of the split sky lightened, and then it disappeared one after another, in a blink, it was broken by a quarter.

This ban is not difficult, but it is too complicated and time consuming. Otherwise, Ling Xian's shocking accomplishments can break it in an instant.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Ling Xian whispered, swiped with ten fingers, the rune array of the sky became apparent, and the ban was forcibly broken.

After a short while, the ban has dissipated for more than half, leaving only dozens of runes, and still struggling to support it.

But judging by the current situation, it will not be long before the ban will be completely broken down.

"Break me!"

Ling Xian drank, referring to the overflowing light, shattering the remaining dozens of runes.

This makes the old man wait for someone to be shocked and silent.

In their perception, the prohibition is already very strong, and even if they are the best of the great masters, they may not be able to be broken.

However, it took Ling Xian less than half an hour to break down the ban, which naturally caused them to shake.

"It really broke ..."

"It's over, not only the ancestors will be angry, but the rest of the ancestors will also be angry!"

The two men were horrified, and so was the old man.

Horrified, he felt ashamed.

Prohibition is the last protection of Split Sky Light, and its dissipation means that Split Sky Light is insecure and naturally makes him desperate.

"Nothing can stop me from getting you now."

Looking at the bright cracking sky, Lingxian's mouth rose, revealing a smile of joy.

Although this is only an expedient measure and cannot truly resolve the crisis in the universe, at least he has won precious breathing time for the universe!

Based on this alone, Lingxian is a well-deserved hero, whose supreme achievements can even be compared to the immortal king!

"Damn, you can't take the Rift Sky Light!"

The old man was angry, but he couldn't break the imprisonment of Shanheding.

The same goes for the two men.

They didn't want Ling Xian to take the split sky light, let alone have been seriously injured, even in the heyday, they could not stop it.

"You can't stop me, no one can stop it!"

Ling Xian smiled gradually, knowing that the next test is the biggest test.

Skybreaking light is too important. It is foreseeable how angry the main faction will be once the news comes out.

It is no exaggeration to say that what Ling Xian will face next is the wrath of the invincible sage, and more than one!

However, Lingxian is not afraid.

Even if he is dead, he will be buried in the sky!

"Your master, it can only be me."

Looking at the brilliant dazzling split-sky light, Ling Xian swung her sleeves into her pocket, then strode into the sky and left.


Above the sky, the battle between the Yuzu ancestors and the mysterious eyes is not over.

Both are enlightened enemies for nine days. In a short time, it is difficult to separate birth and death.

"Give up, Holy Mountain, it will die today!"

With a loud shout and shaking for nine days and ten places, the ancestor of the Yu tribe was invincible, and even the sky was shaking forever.

He was so powerful that even as far as the Nine Heavens, Qiwei was so pale that he could hardly breathe.

However, the Yuzu ancestors did not prevail.

Mysterious eyes swallowed the mountains and rivers, evolved various ways, and showed the true meaning of Tao.

It stared indifferently at the ancestral ancestors of the Yu tribe, and said indifferently: "The endless years of Shengluo Mountain have existed. Can you say that it can be destroyed?"

"More than 30,000 years ago, the holy fall of the mountain almost collapsed, and even the Lord of the Forbidden Land was wiped out."

The Yuzu ancestor sneered: "Today, I want to remove Shengluoshan from the world!"

"Good breath."

The mysterious eyes have no waves in the ancient well, and all kinds of methods have been introduced, causing the road to roar and the spirits to appear.

"What if there are three thousand gods? As soon as the solitary respect comes out, all sentient beings bow their heads, and all souls are rulers!"

The grand ancestor of the Yu tribe was shocked for nine days, and he had eternal respect.

Those mighty powers shattered the three thousand gods in an instant, and even the mysterious eyes were impacted.

"Exclusive respect is indeed good."

"But after all, it is not the invincible law you created, it is difficult to exert the strongest power!"

Immortal eyes burst into a dazzling light, condensing into a supreme sword, slaughtering the gods, and opening up the world!


As soon as the Daojian came out, the sky was falling apart. Even if there were hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, all beings were trembling and difficult to stand.

It is too powerful. In the past, the world only knew that the sacred ancestors were invincible, but few people saw it and did not understand it.

I saw it today, and the rumor was not exaggerated. The enlightened one is truly invincible!

"This is the most invincible ancestor, fortunately, it is above nine days, otherwise, the entire continent must be destroyed!"

"I don't know who will win in the end?"

"It's all terrible. The ancestors of the Yu tribe are invincible, and the Lord of the Forbidden Land is also unparalleled. It's hard to say."

The spirits of the borderless continent have a lot of talk, feeling the power of the ancestors, and guessing who will win the final victory.

The same goes for the remaining nine continents.

The main faction wants the ancestors to win, and the main faction wants the Lord of the Forbidden Land to win. After all, this is related to sending troops to the universe.

However, when the invincible sacred ancestors and the main leader of the restricted area became fierce, a word from the contemporary leaders of the Yu tribe not only calmed down the flames of war, but also made all beings stunned.

"Split sky light, no ... gone!"

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